DOUBLE Blacklisted on Deviate Delight! Should I stay subscribed?

This all sounds extremely made up

lol Vorena literally just posted screen shots from part of the conversation.

can we get an update. did he unsub yet or what

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I was leveling a new toon on DD when this went down and can confirm the level of weirdness the server was putting off.

Kade would post a lfg for a dungeon and at least half a dozen people would respond with passive aggressive comments or directly rude comments to him.

This went on for a few days before I decided to stop leveling there. The small community seemed really appealling but the amount of harrasment Kade got was extremely off-putting.


because we all should believe you. yes

Thank you Nox for your comment.

Idc if you do or don’t but judging by how much your posting and the amount of vitrial in your posts it sure sounds like you got some skin in the game.

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??? go play your vulpera rogue and leave the classic section. thank you

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Kade is a very outspoken and conniving character. The events I will detail follow the aftermath of Kade /gquit-ting <Purge> after being denied Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood in his first raid as a trial member. Everything happened on the Horde side of [US RP-PVP] Deviate Delight.

After Kade spent about a week spamming LFG for a BWL raiding guild with no success. <Witness Protection>, holding true to our purpose, did our own digging on the situation, and decided that we would extend an olive branch (/ginvite) to Kade.

Kade was a satisfactory raider. He showed up on time, followed instructions and was patient with loot and the raid as a whole. During an MC we gifted him an Onslaught Girdle which would have been otherwise disenchanted.

Meanwhile, Kade has transferred his alt Shaman “Sid” to Deviate Delight and joined <ribbit>. On their raid night he was given 5 pieces of T1 from MC, and they proceeded to Onyxia. Kade was asked to abstain from rolling on the Ony Bag but he:

  1. rolled anyway
  2. won the roll (lol rng)
  3. was denied the bag
  4. /gquit <ribbit>

At this point <ribbit> was able to confirm and tip us off that Sid is actually Kade.

<WP> is a progression guild. As our War Effort nears completion we want to make sure all our raiders have their priorities aligned with us, or otherwise reach come sort of compromise. My GM approaches Kade about his alt Sid, hoping to have this conversation with him. But to our surprise Sid vehemently denies and doubles down on not being an alt of Kade. <WP> decided this is in bad faith and a gross breach of trust. We decide to part ways with Kade.

THERE WAS 0 MENTION OF BLACKLISTING! Blacklisting is if we were to throw our political weight around to prevent Kade from being able to raid. But in this case all the horde guilds voluntarily don’t want to raid with him!

Throughout our interactions with Kade, we realized that when in conflict, everything Kade quotes/presents as truth/evidence, is only 90% the real thing. He twists that last 10%, embellishes it, and takes it out of context to manufacture outrage against whomever. He doesn’t debate in good faith, and his arguments are fraught with logical fallacies. It is extremely difficult to reason with him.

<WP> harbors no ill will towards Kade. We wish him the best and hope that he enjoys his souvenirs from us.

These guys had the right idea. This report of Kade’s blacklisting has been greatly exaggerated. But you don’t have to believe me!

Join us on Deviate Delight, and when people ask “Where were you when Kade was Blacklisted?”

“I was boosting rank brackets when I saw in LFG”

“[60:Kade]: Legendary Fury Warrior and Earth Shattering Resto Shaman LF BWL & AQ Raiding guilds”



Who is kade and what does he does.

There the biggest guild on my server bunch of them have me on ignore because i like to rant AND YOU KNOW WHAT I DONT CARE AT ALL!


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You have the evidence, there is no exageration.

There is evidence in a screenshot…

So how many alts is Kaine defending himself on in this thread? I think I’ve counted at least 2, perhaps 3.

Download Tinder or something dude, there are better and more satisfying ways to find the attention you clearly crave.


Where’s the part where they’ll blacklist any guild that takes him in?

Last night I asked Notzombina why it was any of the guilds business if I have a level 60 Shaman alt not in their guild. Notzombina replied “It is our guild’s business what alt characters you have…because our core raid group doesn’t allow people to have 60’s in other guilds…because they won’t be as focused on our own guild’s progression.” Then Notzombina said “You lied to our Guild Master about having a 60 Shaman alt.”

So basically folks…if you tell their guild that you have a 60 Shaman alt they will kick you…and if you tell them that you don’t have a 60 Shaman alt they will kick you. It’s a lose lose scenario. In my personal opinion it is none of the guilds business what characters I have outside of the guild.

Some of your story is not supported by what you posted. In particular, no one ever said they would blacklist any guild that you joined because they won’t. No one even explicitly mentioned a blacklist, they just mentioned they were being bugged about you by some other guild. You inferred from that there was some blacklist going on, but based on the post from a member of witness protection above, you may be correct.

Also, I will add that the name “hentaiexpert” is one of the worst violations of RP naming rules I’ve seen in a year on Deviate Delight lol


There is a screenshot that proves there is guild colussion to make the guy life miserable and not allow him to join any guild on the server, that is targeted harassement and what you describe about what he did doesn’t warrant that type of behavior from you or the entire server which at this point look like a big mafia.


Please, this is intense reaching. It’s not guilds warning each other of his behaviour that’s making his life miserable.

A player who transfers away and still finds drama follow them is guilty of being miserable on their own accord.

For some strange reason I’m leaning towards you being a Kaine alt


You cannot force people to play with you. If you are continually a source of drama and generally unpleasant behavior and find yourself completely unable to find a single guild willing to accept you, its time for some soul searching about your own attitude and behavior rather than finger pointing at others.