DOUBLE Blacklisted on Deviate Delight! Should I stay subscribed?

Goodnight HULKAMANIACS and jabronie marks without a life that don’t know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot, marks


Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.


Actually, I posted screenshots of the conversation in the main Deviate Delight discord for all to see.

Is this like double secret probation?

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I agree with you, if it truly is as bad as he describes.

But this guy has made numerous threads badmouthing numerous guilds. No, he doesn’t give the guild’s name, but he makes sure to make the server known and his characters names known on both factions. Any guild should be cautious inviting this person in my opinion. If you really read the threads he makes, it seems more and more that this is someone looking for drama so he can come to the forums to get even more attention.

Just really look at the first half of his original post in this thread even. Look back through his post history. He seems to feed off this.


I’m confused. Who are you and why should anyone care?? Oh right… Noone and they shouldn’t. :man_shrugging:


Oh I get it. You’re a troll. At least I hope youre a troll, because the other option is you’re just really unbalanced… I’d prefer to think you’re a troll.


The fact that members of “Purge” said he was going to be blacklisted because of him leaving and then they started to post in LFG first, I’d say Kade didn’t make it better but he surely didn’t start the blacklisting. Leaving a guild over loot distribution is perfectly fine reason to leave and search for another and doesn’t warrant a blacklisting. IMO Kade over reacted but members of “Purge” were being childish saying Kade is blacklisted from the word go all because he disagreed with their loot council.

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If you decide to unsub, can you transfer to Grobb and give me all your stuff first?


A small fish in a tiny pond, nothing to see here.

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Here’s what was posted in the discord


The plot thickens with evidence! #popcorn

LOL! Self-incrimination.



Thank you for posting the evidence.

No problem. My assumption was you didn’t because you couldn’t post links. I don’t know how that works, I used to not be able to post links but now I can for some reason…

Now his story (which is an exaggeration no doubt) and what really happened can be compared.

So to get away from the drama on that server you transfered your shaman over to continue playing on that server?

Please stop feeding the trolls.

OP, have you ever considered that there is a common denominator at play for all the drama that seems to consume every guild you join?

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If this was such a big deal, you would’ve collected screenshots. At the very least.