Real quick thank you to Madseasonshow for posting my content twice on his August 20, 2020 video. My post in his video is titled “Blackballed on Deviate Delight”. I found his commentary entertaining and I think that everyone should watch his video.
As always…I promise to not mention any guild names or player names in this post for obvious reasons. My goal is to share my in game experiences and see if others have a different perspective.
The comedy show on Deviate Delight never ends. The dad bods who run the authoritarian Government on Deviate Delight take politics to a whole new level.
I never talk in guild chats nor discords…but I’m what you would call e-famous on Deviate Delight and Kromcrush. My characters name on Kromcrush Horde/Alliance (I went back and forth) is Kaine and my warriors name on Deviate Delight is Kade.
Due to the fame level of these characters I wanted to lower my 5 Star Grand Theft Auto rating by transferring over my Shaman.
I just wanted him to have a normal life on Deviate Delight. I wanted to fly under the radar…never talk in discord nor chat (which is what I normally do anyway)…and enjoy the WoW Classic experience without all the whispers and drama. I even went out of my way to get him a new discord tag and picture. I just wanted an “average player’s” WoW Classic experience.
My friends got me into a guild that seemed nice…until I won a roll on an item and the Guild Master gave that item to someone else because he said I was an “alt” and was only allowed in the guild to soak up trash MC gear. You see one of my friends let it slip that I was the famous warrior (who wasn’t even in his guild)…because they trusted the GM and didn’t think it was that big of a deal. So from that point forward he labeled me as an “alt”. So because I didn’t want to lose gear to people who I out rolled because my guild title is “alt”…and because they didn’t have a spot open for me in BWL nor AQ (even though we aren’t in AQ yet)…I decided to leave the guild. I mean I’m a full Resto Shaman and it shouldn’t be hard to find a new guild. When I left I didn’t say anything in g chat nor discord…I finished what we were doing then bounced. I don’t play WoW Classic just to raid Molten Core every week as a healer, sorry.
So a few days pass and I start posting “Resto Shaman looking for guild” in the chat channels.
Then all of the sudden…WOOP WOOP THAT’S THE SOUND OF THE POLICE…My Warrior’s Guild Master whispers me.
Guild Master: “The previous guild you were in posted a blacklist with both of your character’s names on it. Why didn’t you tell me you transferred your Shaman here?”
Shaman: “Uuuummmm…because it’s none of your business what characters I have outside of your guild???”
Guild Master: “You should have told me you transferred your Shaman here. Now I’m getting whispers from other Guild Masters telling me to kick you from my guild! There is a blacklist with both of your characters names on it and 3 guilds tagged me in it!”
Shaman: “If I say that I’m not Kade…do you still have to do an internal investigation.”
Guild Master: “Well that depends…are you Kade?”
Shaman: “No”
Guild Master: “Are you lying to me?”
Shaman: “Yes”
Guild Master: “Well in that case I have no other option than to kick you from my guild. I’m very disappointed in you Kade…because I thought you were progressing well.”
Shaman: “Well that’s your loss. But again why is it any of your business what characters I have outside of your guild.”
Guild Master: “Everything you do is my business because I’m a leader responsible for the guild.”
Shaman: “But my character wasn’t even in your guild.”
Guild Master: “It doesn’t matter now Kade! You lied to me! YOU LIED TO ME!”
Shaman: “Bro…calm down. You don’t need other guilds pulling your puppet strings and telling you what to do. If you are indeed a leader…then why do you bow down to the Government of Deviate Delight. Can you not think for yourself?”
Guild Master: “This is a social game with social consequences and now no one will ever invite you to a guild because the entire server has blacklisted you…and even if I took your side they would blacklist my guild too!”
Shaman: “It’s a 15 year old game. This isn’t the New World Order. I think you are taking this game way too seriously.”
Guild Master: “No Kade…YOU are taking this game too seriously.”
Shaman: “Well…I don’t know man…I just play the game for fun and you launched an internal investigation into me for having other characters on this server and you conspired with guild masters from other guilds to make sure that both of my characters are blacklisted for eternity. If I was a betting man…I’d say that you are the one going over board.”
Guild Master: “Don’t message me anymore! And remember Kade to stop posting that you are looking for a guild on your characters in the chat windows because you’re wasting your time. If anyone on this server invites you to their guild we will make sure to blacklist that entire guild too. The only thing left for you to do Kade is to cancel your subscription and uninstall the game!!!”