DOUBLE Blacklisted on Deviate Delight! Should I stay subscribed?

Actually, blacklisting me was mentioned multiple times. The problem is I was traveling between zones and didn’t get screenshots of the entire hour plus long conversation. However, my screenshots do prove beyond a shadow of doubt that there is guild collusion. Why would there be guild collusion without a blacklist? Think about that. The guild master even admitted other GM’s were sending him messages about me.

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Because that is how sick you people are, you can’t envision someone actually thinking for themselves and not agreeing with your stupid mob mentality and socially kill a dude for having an alt shaman an not communicating to this controlling mafia. That doesn’t warrant the amount of harassement this dude is receiving.

I play in smolderweb and I can provide proof.


… hes made not one, but two posts drawing attention to this spectacle. After he was supposedly ‘blacklisted’ and ‘harassed’, rather than simply transferring his shaman elsewhere to start anew he transfered to the exact same server and continued the same behavior that got him in this mess in the first place.

He is not a victim here.


It’s one thing to be a source of drama…it is another thing entirely to NEVER talk in discord nor guild chat and then have Guild Masters from other guilds telling your Guild Master to kick you for something that had nothing to do with your own guild. Even the screenshots she linked proved Guild Masters were colluding on the server and sending him messages about me.

Nox above even said he saw me getting harassed for days in chat windows when I was just looking for a group. How is that me being the source for drama? I don’t even type anything in guild chat nor talk in discord.

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He is a victim and he is communicating what is happening to him, he has the right to expose and do that.

If he was a she and were communicating some form of harassement on the forums would you have wrote the same?, no you wouldn’t.


As a GM of my own raiding guild, after seeing the screenshots above and how you spoke to the GM, how you behaved over an Onyxia Bag of all things after picking up multiple pieces of gear in your very first raid, your past Ashkandi tantrum…

yea, i’d have gkicked you too. you seem very entitled and loot obsessed, in addition to having a strange penchant for drama stirring and attention seeking behavior, and a general refusal to take responsibility for your own behavior. Attitudes like this bring nothing but toxicity to a raid team. Better to set these types of players loose than allow them to infect the entire group.


I am a she. Don’t play that card with me. Its not going to work.

This? An example of the old adage – “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”


i dont know who you are and upon skimming the thread im probably better off for it why is this even here


That guild “leader” behaving the way he did and bending over pressure of other guilds to kick a person just because he had an alt deserves every bit of bad mouthing he can get, what a coward, “leader”, what a joke.

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of his own misery.

What is context? That guild doesn’t wish their players to split between other guilds. They require 100% commitment to theirs.

I know you are a she and you didn’t answered my question, I knew you wouldn’t have said the same to a woman reporting a harassement situation on the forums.

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If a guild master says “EVERYONE ROLL” and you out roll the entire guild on the item…you deserve that item. I don’t care if it’s a bag or something else. If you win the roll and he hands the item to his friend…don’t think for a second he won’t do that again on a better item. People get stuck on the item being the bag. Would you be ok if it was an epic I won and he gave it to someone else…or would you say something like “Oh well that axe isn’t that good anyway…who cares.” I think you’re missing the point. It’s not about the bag…it’s about giving people the loot they out rolled everyone for. The fact that you don’t get this speaks volumes about how you likely handle loot in your own guild.

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Don’t be daft and misrepresent what occured here.

A player who throws a tantrum over an onyxia bag at their very first raid, when they arent even a member of said raid team and are just brought along as a friend… who then turns out to have secretly been a player notorious for loot drama is a player any sane guild master would cut loose.

People like this bring absolutely nothing of value to the table. Whats in it for the guild by keeping him?


Sick? Lmao, dude you’re the only one defending this fool and his narrative. Its not about mob mentality. I’ve been on these forums since classic dropped and I’ve seen this dude create not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 separate posts about different interactions with full guilds, all of which by his description he is the victim and the guilds and servers have rallied against him.

I dont buy that.

Also, reading the OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY, from the guilds/server members involved shows that he wasnt kicked for having an alt shaman, he was kicked because he lied to his GM about having an alt for seemingly no real reason, creating a breach of trust.

He also has tailored his story so that he conveniently leaves out pieces of the narrative, like where his shaman went to MC before Ony and got a ton of tier, and therefore his guild asked that he hold off on the bag to help spread some loot around and refused to do so, leading to the interaction he described.

Theres entirely too many supporting arguments against him, and the ‘evidence’ provided for his side is easily taken out of context.

Go ahead and be mad though. Enjoy never being a part of a WoW community.


I’m more sad the guild in question lost out on nexus crystals by giving him anything. He should buy them some to apologize for wasting their time.


He could have communicated that but instead he said: “other guilds have accused you and they don’t want me to have you on my guild ill kick you!” and also the amount of harassement this person receives from his server just because he is not part of their mob mentality is just dumb and childish, what is the problem with this people?

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Spoilers: the common denominator in all your troubles with these various raiding guilds? You.


They asked him if it was true he played another and OP lied about it. How’s that for communication?

It’s not for mob mentality, OP’s behaviour follows him around like a bad smell. As entertaining as it is for this forum. What a blessing he is.


you’re entirely too emotionally invested in someone else’s problem to not actually be someone else, why are you postin on 2 accounts tho


OP isnt being harassed. OP behaved like a child over loot at his very first raids with multiple guilds, and has now found nobody wants to play with him.

Again, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.