Don't Talk in Battlegrounds

Of course they aren’t openly saying it, but that’s what’s happening, and they are supporting it.

I agree. Blizzard does not.

What counts as “talking down to someone”?

That’s the whole point of freedom of speech. You should be allowed to openly speak your mind but that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t be allowed to disagree or not like what you are saying.

Being respectful is fine. I try to be respectful to people unless I feel they don’t deserve respect, but I also believe respect is something you earn.

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As a Prot Paladin PvP’er, I’m seeing a bit of Tank hate lately, so I’ll address it from my own experience.

I queued into Blitz yesterday and from before the game started until age it ended, a specific player was trash talking me for playing Prot, flat out telling me I don’t know how to play, constantly harassing me in Instance chat AND by whispers, cursing me, calling me noob, etc., and using blatantly denigrating language to do so.

Meanwhile, I kept my mouth shut, played the Objective, held more Orbs than any other player on the scoreboard, and actively went after enemy Orb carriers, and we won.

AFTER the match was over, I reported them. They probably could have found better ways to say everything they said, but chose spiteful words instead. Who knows, maybe they were hoping to throw the game? If I had let their words get to me (instead of playing the Objectives), we might very well have lost :man_shrugging:t2:

There’s always ways to say something that doesn’t put the other person down.

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Ok but that’s not the majority of players. That’s just some toxic loser who has a sad life. But that’s just one thing. Rating shaming could be considered talking down to someone.

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Agreed. And perhaps “talking down to” wasn’t the right wording, but I think you get my meaning.

Lol talking down I feel is just part of a pvp game. But there no reason to say some things.

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You can cap it at either base, and sometimes it’s easier to run it to the enemy base.

Also, again, assuming that’s all you had said, yelling at someone in all caps is certainly toxic behavior. But you probably did more than that some other day to warrant it.
And you don’t even know who all reported you.

Like seriously, why is this even a thing where people blame the ones who report them? What ever happened to taking personal responsibility for your behavior?
“I KNOW I committed the crime, but it’s the fault of the people who called the cops on me, your honor!”

While I was doing a 70-79 battleground on an alt to get some honor before 80, I had the unfortunate experience to be on a team with someone who just started spamming and flaming their entire team over and over and the rest of the team started trying to argue back.
I just said something to the effect of “right click, report, and move on with playing the match” and didn’t say anything else.
Then 3 others (I assume they were all friends) started spamming talking about how only (insert completely inappropriate slurs) report. That was another 3 right click > report on my part.
Were they banned? I don’t know, and I don’t care. I hadn’t seen that much bad behavior in a single group in WoW in a decade at least, if not ever. Blizzard would look over the logs and take the appropriate action. If they got banned, they might come to these forums and say they got banned for “telling the healer to heal”. :person_shrugging:


It is honestly so satisfying to catch the FC just before they get there, kill them and immediately cap at their base…


No one is saying that outloud at least, but its what your reported for.

Look at USA Campuses when they shut down the “other sides” meetings (I understand this is not wow)

Requires brain cells and the ability to critically think which is not a common trait

Debatable and subjective depending on the persons involved. What is “talking down” is “giving advice” to another

I can tell people their driving is terrible and that why they getting tickets but its the law thats wrong…

Because your scared of the repercussions of what your actually want to say and think.

LOL didnt see your breakdown of it until I replied!

I’ve played exceptionally well BGs to the point where the enemy team emotes me group vs me, or 2v1 and I die and then T-bag my corpse ?

In your “toxic is toxic and player should be banned” mind do those two things mean those players should be banned ? Cause if it does and Blizz agrees, OH BOY here I go being a victim again :smiling_imp:

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Not at all. I’m an adult and know how to conduct myself in a somewhat mature/civil manner.

So are you saying that the TOS / COC is what’s wrong? Not the fact that some of the player base can’t speak to another human being without constant insults and belittling behavior?

I hear you. That’s the perception, for sure. The reality, however, is that it doesn’t take a lot of higher order thinking skills to use good words instead of bad words when communicating.

My wife and I cuss like sailors, but not when we’re with our grandchildren, or to the servers at our favorite restaurants, or to a random stranger at the gas station.

My bandmates and I cuss like there’s no tomorrow when we’re at rehearsal, but not to the crowd at the venues we play.

I drive 3-4 hours a day in my line of work (I’m a therapist who visits my clients in their homes) and I see all kinds of dumbassery from other drivers. I sit there in my truck and cuss them left and right because that’s my method of blowing off steam when I’m alone and surrounded by idiots :joy:

But when I get to a client’s house, it’s time to put that away and speak respectfully. It’s the mature and professional way to handle oneself. There are different ways to communicate, depending on circumstances and surroundings.


If you say so.

Its incredibly subjective and definitely malleable. I’ve been reported for saying that people should research their chosen class/rotation by suggesting watching youtube videos without vulgar/swear/racism/sexism or whatever else you want to paint it with

So why limit who you really are in a video game ?

Respect. I do the same.

No one likes a karen/kevin

Now imagine you can tell them that.

They are cutting people off, 80 in a 100, unnecessary braking… that is pretty much what happens in BG chat at times apart from there are literal meters showing it

Your right there is, and sometimes it is right to call a spade a spade. As a therapist you can read between those lines :wink:

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OP is right, in most games no one speaks.

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Okay but, yet again because I have to keep saying it because you’re not understanding: People can report you for anything. It doesn’t mean Blizzard will take the report seriously and in fact if people abuse the report system they can find themselves being actioned.

Don’t worry about what people might report you over. Worry about whether your behavior breaks the ToS or not. People can report you all day every day but if you’re not doing anything outside of the ToS nothing will happen except for temporary squelches.

Now if people report your behavior and blizzard looks it over and says yep they broke the rules, that’s a you problem.

Stop trying to blame others for reporting your own bad behavior. Take personal responsibility for what you choose to say and do in an online space with others.

It’s a video game. An online game where we’re all anonymous. If “who you really are” is the kind of person who goes around insulting others and you can’t control yourself, then yes maybe you shouldn’t be playing online games. Keep up that behavior and you might find that a game’s GMs make the decision for you.

This isn’t unique to blizzard or even games. Most communities, whether in-person or online, professional or personal, has a social contract of some kind, whether written or just informal. If you aren’t willing or able to follow it, you’ll find yourself excluded from said group. That’s a you problem.
If you want to play a game where you’re free to say and do whatever you want, go play a game where you can say and do what you want without consequences. They do exist. It’s your responsibility to take ownership of your behavior and choose where to spend your time.


It’s interesting to see “freedom of speech” and “differing of opinions” used as a justification for poor behaviour.


The thing is, talking trash to your own teammates is NOT generally accepted, no matter what game we’re talking about. Exceptions are when friends are on the same team and giving each other crap.

Back in the day, talking trash was reserved for your opponents. (Nowadays it is not acceptable no matter what.) But we can’t talk trash to the opponent because of the nature of WoW chat restrictions, AND because of the TOS and CoC.

So why aim it at one’s own teammates, often before the match has even started!

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I mean sure… but it’s a team-based game so people get upset. Honestly just ignore it and move on.


Sometimes I think they do it so they have an excuse when they lose.
It’s easier to blame everyone else rather than take any personal responsibility.


and they do so and the Blizz AI takes over and your dog meat.

Yeah I have blizz tickets that state otherwise

People do and the Blizz AI takes over.

If it’s reviewed subjectively by a human looking over the interaction but its not

Suggesting people should watch youtube vids on their chosen class ? okay got it. But T-bagging is okay rofl

I’ve called bad drivers bad… cause their bad does that mean someone should be banned from driving ? LOL.

It’s a changing online landscape primarily because of the latest carebear culture. Some people just want to be victims these days, being offended by online words if you called bad at a video game is one of them

Exactly so if your going AFK, fighting on roads etc etc dont hate on the guy suggesting you need to research and work on your ability to play

When I play like trash I just accept it, acknowledge it and move on, like last night I was in a Blitz. I misclicked lust, after someone asked why I apologised in BG chat for it and stated I was playing like trash that night. Did I report them ? NO. because there is nothing to report

Some people on this game like Forumtoon and seemingly yourself would get offended at it and report being questioned.

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I am just going to leave this here since you don’t believe me:


Awesome now explain why such a thing as “Eat pig, this gives you more HP” contributes to account action.

Does this also mean I can take VODs of people t-bagging corpses or my corpse and that player will be suspended or should be suspended ?

I still think blizz leaves it to AI and reviews on appeals. That’s what I believe.

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