Don't Talk in Battlegrounds

Well, that’s just a straight up lie lol take for instance I don’t believe in the “gender” stuff. I can get in trouble for calling a duck a duck if that duck wants to believe it’s a dog. But that’s just an example.

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As I said:

Getting banned for being disrespectful is a you problem. Learn to interact respectfully with strangers and you will be fine. If you have problems speaking about “gender stuff” and know people get offended by what you say, then why are you going on about it?


Respect is earned not deserved. Also, not everyone is getting banned for being disrespectful. Only those that go against what the “majority” believes, and that’s the problem you so willfully ignore.

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You are very picky about the words I use. How about these as possibly options instead of disrespectful or respectful:

Be nice, not mean
Be kind, not offensive
Be helpful, not toxic

Are those better word choices?

You are trying hard here to be a victim, when all you need to do is use your common sense and “read the room”. If what you say tends to upset people and/or get you banned, then maybe stop communicating like that.

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Offensive is a loaded term. I should not be required to worry about if I offended anyone.

This one sure I can agree with but it’s also a competitive game to expect people to never be toxic is unrealistic.

What? haha not at all.

Nope I don’t need to do that at all. I am not responsible for other people feelings, those people are.

Why? Maybe people shouldn’t get “offended” by words online. I mean honestly, how privileged of a life you must have that someone thinking differently then you means they should get banned. It’s unrealistic and honestly ridicules.

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You are responsible for your words.

Let me guess, you have been banned before?

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I never disagreed with this. What I am saying is that you shouldn’t be responsible for peoples feelings.

Nope. But I don’t really bother talking in game unless it’s among friends, the game is full of crybaby snowflakes, that includes the staff.

Sounds like the game is better for it. So it is working.

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Lol well at least you show what kind of person you are. People like you are the ones driving the game into the ground. But see how that’s offensive but I don’t care because it’s simply your opinion and has no effect on me in the real world?

As have you.

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Sure bud, if that’s what you need to believe.

Oh, now it’s YOUR bg…

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Right? I didn’t realize that some players own the battlegrounds and can decide who can and cannot play them. There’s no one forcing them to queue for blitz.

If they really want to control who is on their team they need to make their own rated battleground group where they can decide who to invite and can kick people as they please.

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There was a thread where someone complained they were banned for asking in chat about a guild that leaned a certain political way.
Back and forth, over 900 comments where this person was insisting that’s all they did, that they did nothing else, accusing the devs and other players of being biased against their political identity, etc etc etc. On and on it went.

Then it got moved to the CS forum, where someone from blizzard responded and clarified that no, they actually did not get banned for asking in chat about a guild that leaned a certain way politically. They were banned for racism in trade chat. :man_facepalming:

And this happens over and over and over again. Time and again it’s proven that people did far worse than they admitted to (not that what they admit to is necessarily okay behavior either).

Unfortunately some people never learn, hence why moderators (of ANY community, not just WoW’s) start handing out suspension and bans because otherwise the people who do this, will keep doing it and annoy the other 95% of us who actually are respectful of other people in an online space like this.


If you say so buddy. Your right though, afraid was probably not the right choice of word. Reluctant to talk, even to give advice to people seeking it.

I would rather barrens chat type than the snowflake chat that it is now.

That happens in my games ALL the time. My entire team will be fighting while its actually me and MAYBE one other guy trying to play the game correctly. It seems like most people that join bgb think that kills/damage=win. In the right places it can be…but nope. Mostly fighting in the middle while a couple of us are out doing caps and objectives. As it stands now on my Fury Warrior, I am at 32/79. It seems statistically impossible to constantly be put on teams that cant play. I can’t get out of this losing streak. Either poor team comp or bad players. It needs to be fixed.

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Well for the first couple weeks of blitz the forums were full of “2400+ glad” players who were saying that damage and healing done are all that matters and everyone who doesn’t do top damage sucks.
They wouldn’t listen to anyone who said that damage doesn’t win blitz, and here we are.

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No one is saying that if someone thinks differently than you, they should be banned.

Thinking differently is not the problem. In fact, it’s a good thing, and should be encouraged!

Respectful discourse should also be encouraged.

When you talk down to someone, that speaks of your own character, not theirs.

The problem comes in thinking that you have the right to speak to others in whatever manner you choose, with no consequences.

Right now, I can think of other ways to word this, but I won’t, because I’m seeking to be respectful.

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It’s all that happened. He didn’t like being called out for running crystal to the enemy base, throwing the game.

You can cap the crystal in Deephaul Ravine at either base, they are only faction bases to the extent that the cart that spawns there defaults to either team.
It is often a good idea to cap it at the “enemy” base, depending on team distribution/positioning on the map.