Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

And now we’re resorting to trolling. Nice.


Seeing well wishes on a topic as an insult is incredibly sad to me.

Either one of us could end up being correct.

Then you misread their post as well.

That was a snide remark on HE fans earlier optimism when this HE thing started and the current request for more hair colors. They where trolling.


Or maybe you did, because the only people I see who make things personal are people who take offense at opposing HE options.

Maybe you’re reading too much into someones otherwise non problematic comment.


I’m starting to realize you read things very literally and that is in part a factor in all our miscommunications.

So I would like to take a break from our current discussion and apologies for me failing to word things out properly leading to arguments.

On subject. The way it was worded and spelled out makes it snide remark on earlier discussions.

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honestly blizzard really dissapointed with their statement of customization not even addressing the problem that some races like nightborne lack options and it need to change

blizzard claims to listen to the community yet really? is the state of nightborne having no options whatsoever is a good enough for them? is its out of season april joke? and to think i was one of those who gave blizzard benefit of a doubt, i don’t know if they ever will listen but our voices need to be heard after this statement, some races have x2000 more options in customization than other races is not “good enough”


And before I reply to anyone else or read any other replies, I love you for that because I know you support Nightborne getting redone so thank you for that. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


I would love for the nightborne to be fixed!


So much for that I guess.

Now I’m sad because I didn’t get a ride. :wink: :wink: :wink:

Also before anyone asks yes it’s meant how it reads. Haha. :blush: :blush: :blush:

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He he. It just feels like a waste of energy. We all know where we all stand. Chasing each other’s tails is just too silly at this point. Now if Chris Hemsworth wants to join in the conversation, I’ll chase his tail any day!


This is a very good way of looking at this I am going to add these points to my own points about VE hair being an important distinction. Thank you.

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Really? I’m more a Liam Hemsworth type, I still love Miley but I think she’s insane for letting that one get away. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Liam’s another one I wouldn’t say no to! :blush: I really enjoyed the film Isn’t It Romantic!

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Sad news for us Nightborne stans especially. Oh well.


Hear hear. >.>

Hear hear… still.


Some darn good genes in that family. /sigh

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This conversation is wonderful, we should surely have more like this. :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

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Agreed! If you want some more eye candy google Will Grant. He’s a fitness model and has a youtube channel where he shares fitness tips and what not.

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