Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

We have very similar tastes in a lot of different ways Nico. I approve highly. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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What you don’t like civilized conversations? Lol.

Carry on, carry on.

I’m just waiting around for someone to mention the maltreatment of nightborne so I can expend the rest of my likes.

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I said Nightborne stuff in the Void Elf, Blood Elf and High Elf thread. Lol.

Like dutifully dispensed.

Now, I’m hoping the OP can edit this thread, substituting “9.1” for “9.2.”


I already ran out of mine earlier so I’m using my mirrors ATM. :yum: :yum: :yum:

More like next xpac if then even.

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**Will there be more new character customization options added in Shadowlands?**

Ely Cannon: We're not going to add more character customizations to Shadowlands. Let me explain that: So, the breadth of customizations that we did add, we thought that it was pretty good and, you know, we tried to add things for mostly every race.

There are a few we didn't get as many customizations options in for, and those are the kind of things that we'll be looking forward in the future, we know, to what can we do for the races we didn't do as much for, what would be the right choice there? We tried to be really thoughtful about this, this type of thing, and these types of futures tend to be fairly big projects. We want to make sure that we put the time in, that we're very thoughtful about it, and that we release new customizations when its gonna be really good for the game, really good for the players, and that's still gonna happen in paralel with getting new content out too.

That's always our primary goal, making sure that you have new content to play, and we'll do those other things to enhance the game along the way, but it wouldn't make sense to make it when we don't have a good plan for it.

no more customization throughout the expa

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That’s so sad, I was hoping they’d do more appearances for someone, anyone.

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Well that’s…

A mixed outcome…

Thanks for the detaied thread. It’s very sad really. If the Allied races with the least customizations like Nightborne, LFD and HMT are not getting anything, what hope is there for the rest? I really do hope they rethink this because if they postpone until next expansion I’m sure we will again get a really rushed result and others will be left behind again.


I’m grumpy that I made time to slog through this entire thread and the answer was no.


…I still want dwarves to share hair, more of the two toned hair that looks great with trolls, some better faces for female Zandalari (maybe one without the eye glow just sayin’), forest troll skins, Dragonmaw skins, Burning Blade skins… and basically all the customizations. None of the suggestions in this monster thread are things I’d say no to. …okay, maybe the nail polish. That’s a bit too far.

I’m a lore junkie and if it makes sense in the story, I want to play it. And I like my alts, so variable appearances are content for me.


but seriously, straight backed worgen of lore friendly size and more face options for both tauren and also Lightforged and Nightborn need more skins, faces, and bling


I feel trully sad for nightborne and lightforged draenei players especially, and i’m sad because they said they were listening to our feedback, and then after all the constant feedback they act like they don’t know what we want. They don’t read the forums? reddit? twitter?


Here’s my wish list for Nightborne:

  • Model rework so they look less like drug addicts and more like their NPC’s
  • A multitude of new faces. Particularly faces that don’t look aged and/or angry for both male and female. Males in particular need this.
  • A multitude of new hairstyles. I don’t care if they are brand new, variants of existing hairstyles, or straight up copy/pastas from other races, especially from Night Elves.
  • A multitude of skin tone options. I’d be content if most of the Night Elf skintones were copy/pasta’d from Night Elves, though brand new ones would be ideal.
  • A multitude of hair color options. Again, unique colors would be ideal, but I’d be content if most of the Night Elf hair colors were copy/pastad.
  • Ear size options.
  • Eye color options.
  • Jewelry options. I’d be fine with the moon themed Night Elf jewelry being copy/pastad.
  • Arcane glow options for hands and hair like the NPC’s have.
  • Scars & make-up options
  • Facial hair & eyebrow size options.
  • Being able to toggle off the tiara/headband of any hairstyle that has such.
  • Having additional color options for the above mentioned hair accessories.
  • New casting animations (Night Elves need this as well).
  • Slight heritage armor rework so that the chin guard is part of the helm and not the robe, that the boots have actual geometry instead of being flat painted on socks, for the pants to have more ornamentation and detailing, and finally for their to be a non-robe version of the chest piece.

And while not specifically Nightborne related, though it would affect them:

  • Matching heritage weapons made available to acquire through some means for each race.

These are all great.

In addition to these I’d love the mana vines from the concept. I’d also like Felborne colorations as well as a model toggle for Nightfallen, giving them three distinct themes.


If Blizzard ever deigns to allow Nightborne access to the Demon Hunter class, I’d be all for Felborne options. I’d be a bit reluctant to ask for those before that, but I wouldn’t oppose them either.


Give totems
Tauren without totems is like Wildhammer without hammers


Indeed, Nightborne Demon Hunters would be great. Personally I see Felborne as a good customization for Nightborne Warlocks as well.



Those would make for a great heritage transmog.


This is the best gif!