Don't forget Allied Races in 9.1

Like your claim that VE hair styles to continue to bring them more in line with BEs is imminent.

If your basis is “what’s been done” to back you up, my basis is the same thing because what has been done has intentionally left the hair options Void.

You can’t take the same event and say it doesn’t count for me to use and then use it to theorize / justify your own claim.


Then you would be grasping at straws.

The exact same logic dictates that Blood Elves aren’t meant to have scars are big beards like other races.

You’re just using the situation to take a jab.


Thats just future customization for the race in general.

Why would not supporting HE options be “a jab”?

Are you taking jabs at BE players by supporting HE options?

Supporting VE customization options should be applauded? That is what I support, or do those not matter to you?


I am pretty sure any “claims” I made were “this is possible”, “this is likely”, etc.

My time frame was also certainly not “imminent”.

My basis for those claims was my previous experience in game development. It’s not a crystal ball though. Seeing how far behind they are with 9.1 now, I can understand why there’s no customization being added at all for the rest of Shadowlands. That’s based on the same prior game development experience I had.

The basis for your claim of “implication” is that they didn’t add something.

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My basis for my claims is the same thing, if you can use VEs getting the HE options as evidence hair will come, I can say the fact they left out hair options seems intentional.

Thats not arguing against future customizations for VEs or other races so to say its the same as doing that is non sensical, I am arguing against the validity of future HE options.


The jab is you taking blizzard not adding things as 100% design attempt for now and forever to prove your point.

No, I’m holding a mirror up.

And on another completely unrelated tangent and baseless accusation/strawman…

You need to stop doing that.

Void based options are very important to me and have been a major point of discussion since the HE through VE thing was confirmand.

So trying to make some kind of angle to make me look bad isn’t going to work.


That the devs are not opposed to Void Elves having High Elf Customization, is an established truth. How far they are willing to take that, however, is unknown. That’s all that can be said.

What you’re seeing as an intentional omission, could just as easily be a matter of time constraints… which seems to be supported by how sparse the 9.1 reveal was, and how the devs haven’t even figured out the systems for it yet.

But if you want to convince yourself of “intent”, I can’t stop you. You might even be right! And if you do end up being right… that’s ok too!


Ion likely doesn’t want to completely go back on his word from that earlier interview where he listed hair color as one of the important distinctions between Blood elves and Void elves. With skin color checked off that list, I imagine he’s gonna be pretty reluctant to give out the hair color as well. Considering that they’re looking for new requests, it’s likely they’ve already dismissed the idea of blonde void elves, as it would be a pretty easy thing to implement.

Because in the end his statement is still pretty much true, if you want to be a “Fair skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed elf” the horde will be waiting for you.


Now this is a great argument!

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That is what you do as well by taking HE options as 100% Blizzard is more likely to add them.

I see Blizzard intentionally leaving distinction.

You just made a non sensical argument as well because you’re not understanding my position mirrors your own you just don’t like that I can see something different from the same situation.

What you’re seeing as time constraints could also be intentional in terms of VE hair styles.

They are also hesitant on having them look completely the same that is also established truth as you’re still asking for hair colors.

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I’m not asking for identical colors to Blood Elves though…


It doesn’t matter if you take Kul Tiran options or not it brings you closer to the BE visual theme.

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Now we’re just going in circles. You can have the last word. This merry go round is boring now.


Nope. Nothing is 100% which is why I believe in consistent feedback.

The entire point is that your argument is nonsensical.



You can sit there and see HE options on VEs and feel its more likely for hair to come.

I can sit and see the same situation as intentional distinction being left.

That isn’t non sensical or we both are.

What is non sensical is to then take my stance as if I’m saying other races can’t get options, hence why I asked if Void options matter to you or you wouldn’t engage in my argument from the stand point of trying to discredit me by portraying me as being nonsensical arguing against other customization.

I’m arguing against HE options that seems to be the core of what is triggering you.

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It is. Especially black and white colors.

I’m not.

It’s not.

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You just did.

So I guess you’re saying you’re done doing that, thats good.

You completely misread that then.

That (sarcastically) means they are meant to be uninteresting by the same logic you applied.

Nothing about not adding new customizations was stated there.

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This is very sad news, I’d hope they would at least addressed the first 4 allied races that was added during Legion era, but they would rather put all their sources on mounts and pets than actual customization whether it’s actual character options or even glyphs. I wouldn’t quit over it but I think it’s funny how at the beginning, how they said they were busy focusing on core races, and that later they would reply to other races that didn’t get any attention including allied races, then later say they’re all open ears to hear what the community want in their customization, only to hear today that there’s no plan for any customization in Shadowland.


You were playing off what Nico just echoed like 3 times, it was perfectly clear.

But anything is possible Drede so don’t worry I guess.