Don't bully the Council - allow them to do their things

He has had a direct line to Blizzard for years. The point of the Council as far as I can tell is to bring in people who are NOT famous streamers or theorycrafters who have had secret (and not so secret) lines to Blizz in the past.

I can’t say some known streamers or youtube folks won’t make it in. We have 60 more people to add. I just don’t see the point in adding someone who has had exclusive access for years. They know what he has to say and still do.


That’s the thing, Asmon has been on the money with his BfA/SL feedback. Everything he said pretty much came true. He called out Azerite gear, he called out Corruption, he called out Essences, he called out the whole of SL systems. And at every turn, Blizzard had to backtrack and do what Asmon was pushing.

Is it because Asmon is a sage ? No, he listens to others and considers it and forms an opinion and sees the hyperbole vs the grounded arguments.

I often question how much Blizzard pays CMs and what do they do exactly. Like put Asmon on the payroll. Don’t like his more edgy attitude ? Fine, pick someone who’s more Disney friendly. But how is it that Blizzard doesn’t have daily stream or podcast at this point ? Literal nobodies in their basement can do a daily podcast. Devolore is really too busy writing the once per month “New patch content!” blog ?

Though I bet some of it has to do with what he put in his application. As funny as it was, it wasn’t quite the “take me!” application.

A direct line to their /dev/null you mean.


You’re kidding right?

Anyone with a twitter account can verify this as false. I saw every single one of the streamers that got their letter announce it on their Twitter.
Literally one of the questions in the application was to show what kind of impact you’ve had in the wow community. To show how “known” you are.

Please tell me how that matches this idea that they didn’t want to bring people that already have in one way or another some relationship with Blizzard?


Do they have 50k+ viewers daily when they stream like asmongold or any other big streamer?

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Really ? Can you show actual proof of this or is this just a subjective opinion that you believe to be an objective fact ?

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I seriously doubt Asmon would work for Blizzard. Wouldn’t that be a pay cut?

Plus, doesn’t he play FF now?


Those are your assumptions, but agreeing with blizzard and proposing changes in ways that blizzard has worked in the past isn’t being a “yes man”. It’s good to challenge the ideas and directions blizzard is going but sometimes it just means simple tweaks to their time-gating approach.

I personally feel represented by the council on the alt and pvp aspect so far. We have yet to see the full scope of this initiative, good things could come out of it.

But lets not pretend they’ll change who Blizzard is and how they make games (timegating systems), I think the idea is to make those more accessible and appealing to everyone.


Probably. The point is : Blizzard could have one of its many on payroll Community Manager replicate this. Lore used to do the like thrice yearly podcasts. But seriously, so many CMs so little Community Management is puzzling.

What is that money buying Blizzard exactly ?

Actually, yes that’s exactly what “yes men” are.


Which famous big name streamers are on the Council? I know there are a few small streamers which caused GD to be upset they might use the CC to promote and grow their streams.

I don’t think anyone on the council is well known which is causing people to complain about that too. As in why didn’t they pick people who are famous?

GD will be upset no matter what.

And yet you did not have to be known to get in. I have zero social media, website, stream, etc. Who do you think is a well known name on the council?


I think asmon rather stay jobless and play games all day :slight_smile: (i would too)

Sorry to butt in but I would like to point out that since we did not vote for any of them I don’t see how they would represent the player base.

That would be like the president appointing our representatives then saying “they speak for you!”


Dude, you were an MVP on the Support forums.


Agreed. But it’s also proof as to why Blizz doesn’t want to deal with GD.


No, you’re implying that no one in the council is going to challenge anything blizzard says and just say “your game is great don’t change anything”.

I thiink most of these people screaming about the cc members being all streamers in such are just going off what someone else said and haven’t honestly check for themselves to see if it is true or not . Either that or they are you typical lets make a rage thread forum user .

Either way they never produce any proof to back up what they say about the CC members.


Which means almost nobody knows who I am and I have zero famous points. I don’t bring them some sort of audience, views, or promotion. I am very much NOT famous. The only people who care are ones who got help with something or a question answered. At least I do stuff for players I guess?


It is my opinion. I didn’t present it as fact. It is only based on what I can read on that forum. The background of most of the members that were accepted and have made it public, and what blizzard has responded to.

Of course I could, and I hope to, be wrong. I am okay with that.

Only proof there can be is to read the forums and reach your own conclusion.

Yes, they are. you are right.

I seen that.


The community council is pointless.

It will have no impact on the game

The Devs will always revert to their inept ways.

We don’t need it.


That is fair.

The beta forums though…