Do you think we will get our Guild Bank items returned with this maintenance?

No insults have been stated…
Only stating obvious actions, you need to take.


Any info on this yet? Has bliz said anything about getting items back? Can we use the Gbanks? I’m afraid to put anything in there, as it may write over other stuff that could… be there… we’re just not seeing it? :frowning: bleh


There you go again, trying to win the Internet argument.

Telling a grown adult, with some age, and with their own opinions that you disagree with, to “grow up”, multiple times, is insultive, regardless if you want to believe that or not.


Dude, please tone down your judgement. while the likelihood is that this (at least initially) was not intentional on the part of Blizz, let’s not pretend that companies never, ever, do shady stuff like this for whatever monetary/user manipulation purposes on their end. That’s not tin foil hat. That’s something that actually happens. And hey, Microsoft is well known for that sort of shady dealings. It can’t be proven, but considering it as a possibility is more adult than pretending it can’t, won’t, hasn’t, and isn’t happening.

(INB4 my account gets locked for saying this lol)

EDIT: instead of petty arguing and risking this thread getting locked, why don’t we focus on the problem at hand, eh?


If this gets you through the night to think this, knock yourself out.

For someone who claims to be an adult, you sure don’t act like it, but you know this already.


Not going to tone down anything – but nice rotating ALT.

And another insult. Very mature of you.

All I can tell you is this…

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Enough. An adult would know when to stop insulting someone.

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I’m going to point you in this direction :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

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And continuing to call someone a child when they’re not acting like one is insultive, an act of an child in and of itself. And repeating it is very insultive. We can do this circular argument all day.

You really should stop doing it, you’ve had your say.


You’re both now acting like children continuing to argue, and are risking this thread getting shut down. Kindly stop, so we can continue to shine light on a very serious situation that is still ongoing.


Let me refer you to my previous reply…

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Oh geez!
Please don’t get my thread locked.

I’m already angry enough at Blizzard/Microsoft.
Is it now MicroBliz or BlizSoft?

It is very easy to just get up from the PC and stop replying to someone. No harm done.

See Blizzard! You are turning people into angry birds attacking each other with all this mess!

Just give us our stuff back already!
./screams into the air


Don’t believe defending myself, when someone is insulting me to my (virtual) face, is childish.

And I’ve asked him to stop more than once now, and have tried to disengage, but again, won’t back down from being insulted to my face, sorry.

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You all probably want to post in the main thread in Bug Reports on this, if you haven’t already. This was linked above but I’ll put it in again.

There have been a few blue responses on the EU forums that are linked in that thread.


Microblizzion? Is Activision still part of it these days? I lost track lol


Thank you for the reminder and link.

Also!!! We need to keep both threads going so we can have as many eyes and growls on this as possible until we get our stuff returned.

LOL it works!

Is Activision still part of it these days? I lost track lol
I have no idea. I have also lost track. lol
Seems like I remember something about Activision just selling Blizzard.
I could be totally wrong about that though.


Been reading this thread. I’d like my stuff back too but don’t see dude arguing. Seems like other dude is try’n to pick a fight.

Oh I should probably qualify that statement, I am not talking about the Pally but the level 13 priest seems to want to pick-a-fight


For the record, I wasn’t, I don’t get any joy from that, waste of time as a form of entertainment in my books (never could understand those who did that on purpose).

But I was pushing back against what he said, specifically, and called him out on his responses. Its what people do on Internet forums.