Do you think we will get our Guild Bank items returned with this maintenance?

I wonder if blizz did it on purpose. To shake things up.


No company does things like this on purpose to “shake things up”.

Did you think they went to bed a few weeks ago and woke up and said, hey I know how to make everyone’s lives miserable in game including our customer service, GM’s, forum moderators, developers and customers – let’s nuke their guild banks.

Tinfoil hat off please.


Still waiting Bliz!
Not letting this go.
Give us an update.


It’s what the banks call a ‘bail in’. They are hurting for gold so they ‘usurped’ our Guild Bank investment/assets. This is a real thing at banks, btw.

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Oh you sweet sweet Summer child.


Except that the guild banks aren’t real items, they are just entries in a database, so nothing is gained by them being missing.

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At this point, I have little hope of this actually being resolved.

I’m sure when it’s “fixed”, people will still be missing things. I know I didn’t have a full inventory of what I had, so I’m sure it won’t all be restored.

This combined with all the ridiculous bugs and oversights present in TWW pretty much gives me 0 confidence in World of Warcraft. They’ve reached an all-time low in quality of everything.


Bless your little heart if you think if you think companies do these kinds of things on purpose. Now off you go and watch more TikTok and Reddit conspiracy theories.

Way to kiss corporate behind, but at least you won the Internet argument, right?


It’s pretty redonkulas to have so much stolen, and nothing said.


While I haven’t submitted to “they did it on purpose” theory… yet. I have thought about all those people they “laid-off” after Microsoft took over. It’s possible one of those disgruntled coders left a “present” for the new folks in the way of malicious code to be unveiled at a later date. A date, like, maybe, a week before launch of TWW. Said coder might have thought it would cause mass un-subbing and a great loss of revenue.

Unfortunately, since not all guild banks are experiencing the same amount of pixel poofs, it has not evoked mass exodus from the game. It hasn’t even caused enough of the player base to get upset so that Bliz stops and deals with this first.

However! I am open to all conspiracy theories atm because of the lack of communication and the length of time it has been to get our items back!

GROWL even!

Edit: Oh and @Radalpho, Bless your little heart, too! Thanks for the bump!
Don’t let this die folks!


While I agree with the general tone of your reply, there is one thing specifically that I’d push back against.

The idea of that when you put something in a bank slot, it stays there, forever, secure, its a basic rockhard tenant of WoW, something that should always be absolute.

To f’around with that in the psyche of the customer base is a dangerous thing to do, and instead of f’ing around on that, it should be fixed like an emergency fire in progress.

Especially so if people are loathed to put more items in said bank slots because of fear of loss of either the older item that has disppeared, or the new item being newly placed into the bank, and their personal bag slots are quickly filling up.


It was actually a joke. Couldn’t you read between the lines of sarcasm?

no didnt really seem like one.

It is quite possible that the loss of Gbank gear was the lesser evil of two and Blizzard went with it.

Remember, the TWW pre patch and launch was the worst in WOW history. Bugs, Exploits, non working content like Warbands…

Maybe the Guild Bank system had to be wiped to fix another issue. Keep in mind, the Warband system did not function for quite some time and after they fixed it, the guild banks were wiped.

There is a clear connection for everyone to see and I would not rule out that the Warband system since new and a TWW feature, got the go, while the guild bank system was sacrifed for it.

Mabye their thought process was, that many of these accounts were inactive or that it just would not be noticable. But we all know how collectors and gamers in general are. They know their game better than the Developers do and so the wipe was discovered and obviously more people were affected as first considered.

It is quite telling that the accounts affected are mostly those with old materials and items, while brand new players and guilds seem unaffected. So maybe they wiped accounts that were x years old?

We don´t have the answers to any of these questions, but when you as a company don´t react, ofc. people will start speculating and rumors spread.

In the end it is mindblowing that a company with over 30 years of gaming know how, is not able to come up with a solution to one of the most gamebreaking issues in WOW history and because of that, people are starting to second guess what is truly happening.

Never before did WOW suffer under such a huge problem that did cost thousands of players their entire WOW history of collecting rare items, of which many are no longer in the game, or just hard to get.

Yet there is zero response or fix coming within an entire month. We do have an item restore system in place, how hard can it be to get the gear back into the Gbanks?

It´s the push of a button in Blizz HQ´s, yet they are not doing anything.


This is a sad situation.

Do better Blizz.


Not at all.

If you’d actually care to review any responses in this particular thread, you’d see I was not happy about it.

The difference is, I’m not going to act like a toddler and think this was done on purpose. Does it suck? yup.
Do I want my stuff back? yup.
Do I think it was sloppy work? Yup.
But in no way shape or form do I think it was done on purpose.

Act like a child and you get treated like a child. Learn to use your adulting skills and reasonable thinking. It will take you much further in life.

Didn’t realize I was in an argument.


Yes, you did.

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Glad you think you know me, but you don’t.

It is obvious you are wanting to start an argument… it was obvious from your initial reply to me.

Grow up.


As I get older I tend to grow out more than I do up.

But keep insulting, shows off your maturity.