Do you think we will get our Guild Bank items returned with this maintenance?

I hope you are wrong.
I’m going to stay optimistic for now that they will, indeed, replace our lost items.
They need to hurry up about it already!


Speaking for myself as a hoarder of mats since before guild banks existed, this is a player base that obviously doesn’t let go of things easily. Considering the bug forum post is still commented on regularly and there’s only been official communication on EU forums, I don’t think Blizzard understands that we’re not going to just “let it go” as an issue. So disappointing. Really takes the shine off the new expansion every time I go look at the 7 completely empty guild bank tabs that had been almost full to the brim prior to everying disappearing into the ether. I keep seeing notifications about the 20th anniversary preparations for WoW and just can’t feel any kind of excitement for them with this issue just floating about with the poorest of acknowledgements I’ve ever witnessed.


Same, and to the point where I’m actually sick of seeing the anniversary notifications and articles.

My sub runs out in about three weeks and at this point I have no intention of resubbing. However… there’s those damn little doomguard pets… Honest question, though: would buying a token with self-farmed gold just to get those pets dilute the intended “Hey this is horrible CS” message? Asking, you know, for a friend… >.>


With the transparent opportunity for lying, I imagine Blizz is going to have to look up a snapshot.


Agreed, this isn’t something I would ever just ‘forget’ about. Way too much time involved in gathering everything in there over almost two decades to just let it go.

And I get they probably have different people working on new content then fixing bugs but this is not a little issue like an achievement cannot be completed or a side quest is broken or someone’s dmg is a little too low or high. This is massive and threatens the very foundation of trust into the game.

If they lost my character, I would never re-invest the time to come back into the game. My stuff/accomplishments ARE the game!


So still no progress? I have 3 guild banks, all were empty. Then one day last week, one’s items reappeared and the other two are still empty.



Keír, Dalaran server, Atmospheres (guild name)
BE/Horde Paladin.

  • Every panel (7 panels) has been completely wiped of items. Everything is missing.

This is the first I’ve heard of items reappearing, this is promising


Still: Nope

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Another week, another time spent waiting for our items to return.
At this point, I’m wondering if there is any legal action that we can take.
I know, people will say, “You signed it!”
But, there are always loopholes around that stuff.
Need a lawyer versed in this kind of thing.



Probably not, they have said they are working on it. I think what is driving us crazy the most is the lack of communication. Even if the update is “no update, still working on it” most of us would be fine with that!


should have been a priority…
but wasn’t!
their apparent disregard gets old.


LOL – Legal Action…
No lawyer worth anything would take that case other than to just take your money.

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I mean if a lady can get mega dough from McDonald’s for hot coffee she spilled on herself or a lady can get millions because she sat down on a running lawnmower, we should be able to do something legal about it!

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Even after maintenance, still empty :frowning:

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21st Century Payola reasons, most likely.

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Those involve personal injury and though they seem silly, I was not privy to any evidence so I can’t say one way or the other if they were frivolous or not.

In this case, I am going to go out on a limb and say, I doubt any judge or court would agree that some pixel lost on some pretend gold, pretend outfits, pretend potions, pretend [insert whatever here] will warrant the courts time or attention.

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I won’t use it until… is this what Blizz wants? This to me is a pretty big deal! Yet, they have not even addressed it.


They have, but only on the EU forums. It’s fine to use the guild bank and it won’t impact restoration.

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I was so excited to be back playing WoW after a few years away. Building up my stuff, seeing all the old goodies in the bank. Then one day 1/2 of it was gone. Figured I’d see about it the next day… and it was all gone. So now I’m just playing Helldivers 2, and checking in about 1 time a week. This broke my spirit. Years of collecting, all that loot. Oh I heard, “It’s there, I just can’t see it.” And yeah, it’s “fixed” so that you can use the bank again. You just don’t have your stuff.

Sorry Blizz, but nothing more goes in, till I know where all that stuff went, and it comes back out.