Do you think we will get our Guild Bank items returned with this maintenance?

Sitting here eagerly anticipating the realms coming up.
Feeling dread at probably seeing the items still missing and all those empty slots

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Not trying to argue at all here but I haven’t seen anything official even confirming that. So I would call it an assumption at this point. I saw the ‘phased’ comment in regards to warband bank but nothing like that about guild banks.

If there is an official source saying that it would make me breathe in relief knowing its not lost and just a matter of time.

No, only more maintenance

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It’s in the CS forum, posted by Vrakthris.


i lost alot like others but still continue to use the spots in the guild bank and nothing more has gone missing since it happened

You’re stating something based off of one post from a non-dev. Three weeks ago I put items into slots I knew were previously populated in all seven of my affected guild banks. The replacement items are still there and crucially I can take out the replacement items, log and put them back. So, I do not believe the items are “phased” or that it’s a UI bug.


I’m still wondering when they’ll fix the exalted reps that got reset.

I also had a ton of pet charms in the shared bank that disappeared…


I have over 100 exalted reps.
Now I have to go check that too when realms come up.


I find if you set the bar low enough, people and companies don’t disappoint you. Sadly, just when I think I’ve set it low enough, someone or something manages to make me have to move it even lower. :confused:



My Zandalari Empire and Honorbound from BFA both got reset.

“We are aware there are problems with reputations…”

At least I have the achievements to prove I had them.


Interestingly, now when I try to find the guild bank problem on the “known issues” page, the link now says “page cannot be found” :thinking:

known issues

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/10 char

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Blizzard, please for the love of the light, tell us something, anything.
The silence is very bad, a decade of mats gone, and we can’t get a blue response?
Who are you? AT&T?


I think we’re well within the memeage territory of “the bar was so low that it was a tripping hazard in Hell…”


Vrak doesn’t make stuff up. That’s not how it works. SFAs are in touch with those who can give information before they do give information.


Servers back up. Everything still gone :frowning:

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I think you are both correct.
We shouldn’t argue about Symmetrics.
The post Vrak made was, irc, about the Warband banks and not the guild banks. He clarified it later.

I tried to do that when this first started and there were items I couldn’t even remove. I haven’t touched it since, but I’ll try again today once it comes back online.

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/10 char
:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

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I give up.

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