Do you think Classic's success upset Blizzard?

And the guy who created the Big Mac died half a century ago… That doesn’t mean modern franchisees are secretly putting paint chips in their burgers because they’re jealous they didnt come up with the idea themselves… Thats literal crazy talk.
My personal opinion is the people who agree with this statement made the mistake of thinking Blizzard was going to maintain Classic the way they maintain Retail. I don’t understand this because it seemed clear to me the intention was to launch Classic and let it stand as is.

I see a lot of posts from players who think they’ve hit upon reasons why Blizzard should change this stance. Claims of much higher server pops, demanding balance passes on the different classes, a perceived increase in bots and gold sellers, thinking because some changes were made the door is open for any change to be made, the unfairness of premades in BG’s etc. Whether or not these complaints are justified I can find no evidence Blizzard ever said they would be monitoring Classic and making changes to address these issues.

Bottom line is I think many of the people who are unhappy did it to themselves. Instead of admitting it they come up with crazy conspiracy theories like “Blizzard wanted Classic to fail”.

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To add on this point blizzard owns the IP behind it not the creators.

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It probably terrifies the people who made all the “BIG Decisions” since WotLK, as the game went into decline.

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they seemed happy on the investor calls


Correct. And there will always be at least one classic server to combat pservers. It’s not about making money as much as it is not losing money to pservers.

LoL wUt

Where did I say intentionally lose money?
They literally put as little effort as it took to paste it onto the modern engine, and minimal patches since, just to get it running.

They LITERALLY said that it didn't matter if 10s of players were playing it.

It is simply here to protect their intellectual property.

Boy you really like dancing around with that goalpost.

Let’s get you a refresher of what I began posting:

Can be sued for the ashes.
It’s ok, your great!
I dont expect you to understand.

Well, your posts have not been all that coherent, and you clearly do not grasp what I have clearly written. I never claimed they were trying to “loose” money. Read my posts again… or not, I truly do not care at this point.

There there. It’s ok.
You are the best.

What ever blizzard said or intended before classic was released that all changed when the release doubled the number of wow subs.

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anyone with an iq above 70 can understand the simplicity involved with boss mob tuning. in the vanilla game c’thun was theoretically impossible to kill for a short time period. they changed it obviously but not including pre nerf cthun just shows the distance the developer team has against its playerbase. its like the dev team is locked in a soundproof bunker isolated from the internet and any form of outside communication and they are only fed instructions through a 2 way teleprompter and that their only means of communicating with the outside world is through a shark tank filled with business executives who have no clue what world of warcraft is

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I’m really curious if we’ll see a change in blizzard’s attitude toward classic TBC comparatively.

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I genuinely don’t know what you’re on about. I just don’t think Classics success upset blizzard in the slightest bit.

all successful american companies are undersiege.

Imo everything that happened is easily explained by an a priori assumption that blizzard wants to make money and a simple cost benefit analysis. Banning botters and gold buyers results in a loss of subs. The only reason to do it is if Blizzard estimates that the numbers of subs lost because of botting will exceed the number of subs lost by banning botters. Or that the growth in subs will be greater because of control of botting than the subs lost from banning botters.

In vanilla they estimated that growth would slow enough and people would quit in sufficient amounts to exceed the money made from botters. So they made the business decision that the money lost from banning botters would be made up by increased subs because they banned botters. So they made efforts to control botting

The calculation is different with classic, and I think likely BC too. Blizzard guesses there’s a limited market for the game. There will be little to no growth over it’s life time. Banning botters loses them money with likely no offset from increased subs. And few will quit over the issue. Perhaps the built in market for BC is greater than for classic. Even if true there still is little likelihood that there will be significant growth over the life of the game. The cost benefit analysis is the same for BC and I expect them to treat it mostly the same way

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just want to point out, none of what that quote said relieved blizzard of the accusation that these bots are making them money. blizzard just kind of shifted the spotlight onto the bots, saying they use compromised accounts or credit cards. just kind of find that funny… idk. like bruh obviously we dont like the bots.

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