Do you think Classic's success upset Blizzard?

I don’t agree with a lot of what Khlause says but… this. It shows you guys have never worked a real job before if you think that, even if a BILLION dollar company was foolish enough to afford individuals the ability to tank a project of this size… that people would even care enough to be so inclined.

You really think that the people who are working at Blizzard to pay their rent and buy groceries are gonna jeopardize their own financial well-being because "LOL Classic sux, retail rools.’ That shows an alarming lack of perspective… I mean really guys? REALLY? Seems like yall might need to take a step back…

Wasn’t meant to be. It’s a grossly oversimplification of a very complex issue. Trying to keep it as simple as I can, considering the intended audience.

Ah I see. So you’re being intentionally wrong. Got it.

Its not a complex issue at all. AT ALL. Its their IP. Its copyrighted for at least 50 years in the vast majority of countries and at least 70 in the US, If you use it without their permission, you’re in violation.

Full Stop
End of Story

Thats not a 50% increase just fyi like you claimed more than a few times about my doubling and got annoyed and called me uninformed about.

Nice try putting words in my mouth i never said when Warzone launched only that the stock doubled in a year which was incorrect it doubled off its low. What i did say was

No dates listed there on just to say that Warzone is far bigger than Classic and was the actual driving part of the stock increase over relatively smaller amount of players in classic. No matter how dedicated people play this game are… they are far less lucrative than even the retial players for better or worse. The good end is classic is so cheap that it pays out in the long run.

R.O.F.L. You’re reeeeeeeeachiiiiing.

So this is reaching… :thinking:

40% vs 50%


Doesn’t take a mathematician to figure out the difference in magnitude there. Even this argument is a transparent reach.

Lack of human, actively engaging, and english speaking forum moderators.

Those that created vanilla WoW are for the most part working for other companies at this point.

Blizzard is gone, this is Activision. Even the densest person can tell that with the garbage games they released, and how badly they botched WoW after the awful takeover.

Classic was good by the sheer quality of the early WoW design, but the apathy and disregard towards cheaters, and no intention to do anything other than the absolute bare minimum (No pre-nerf content, no proper client, no patch progression, etc) made it a lesser experience than it should have been.

Are you suggesting they’re currently employing non-human, non-english speaking moderators? Cause I dunno man… That seems like a stretch

I mean… I drive by their HQ daily so I’m pretty sure they still exist.

Umm totally wrong and its illegal for a public company to intentionally loose money.
Shareholders would sue for the ashes.


I can still say my claim was 100% correct though and my time frames were off. You … were just wrong on your claim which is fine. People can be wrong and thats why we can goo look at data.

Anyway was a fun discussion about what drove stock value.

Finally someone who lives and works in the real world.

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Lol right.

When adults walk in on kids talking about the world they “know”

Absolutely brilliant.
Also the true reason we have classic


Yes I’m well aware of that, but Blizz still owns the IP, I don’t think they’re creatively saddened by classics success, considering how successful shadowlands has been. I think they’re just happy they have 2 games doing decently well right now. When BC comes that’s another sub injection.

The idea that the people who make a living working for Blizz would put themselves in financial and legal peril by intentionally sabotaging their products because they don’t like some of the changes made IN A VIDEO GAME… is just so removed from reality its hard to even wrap my head around.


It’s the cancer they’re learning in the system.

I also call them job security lol.