Do NOT buy boosts if you currently have any professions

I boosted to stop the level grind and instead get the profession grind done before the launch. Well, that was a great idea ten days ago and here we are, 18 days from this bug’s creation (it happened when the pre-patch launched) and no solution, no blue post, not on the known bugs list, nothing but three sentences on a page that has not changed since it was put up over two weeks ago (despite the page saying it was updated this week - it was NOT.)

Of course, this way they can still sell boost after boost, because no one trolls the forums to see if boosting will break their character until, well, their character is broken. Players then find out Blizzard has no posts about it, no fix, and apparently no plan. But: they do have our money.

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It took them like 2 years to finally give in and add RDF, and ya’ll out here thinking they are going to actually fix this in a reasonable time frame.

Yeah take care all.

My Shaman still bugged. All professions are 0/0

Can we get a refund blizzard since you don’t seem to wanna fix this?

There are multiple posts on this. Ive had an active ticket on this issue for almost 3 weeks and i just keep getting “canned” responses “we know…were working on it” Ive gotten 4 responses to my reports, im keeping my ticket active until fixed. I even gave them my profession levels b4 boost and they dont fix it. :rage:

same issue boosted an old 70 tbc toon max minning engi a week ago still bricked any know if i unlearn them if i can relearn new ones?

Part of the bug is that you can’t even unlearn them. At least your profs will be ready for cata advancement whenever (IF ever) this is fixed - so many were planning to max out their profs before launch and are now totally stuck and will have to backtrack once (again, IF) this is ever fixed.

No. If you want a refund you need to dispute the charge with your CC company (see the larger thread here: [CATA] Professions showing 0/0 after boost for more explanation (it’s buried in there somewhere)).

You take a few risks going that route, but I for one was successful with a charge back and as of right now have not incurred any sort of blowback from Blizzard (and why should I?).

Now its more than the gms is the holdup.

It’s now the sql dudes. This is gonna be a massive replay off logs party for them.

It be safe assume people have used the chars, so now it’s a very specific replay or “tape” restore on a massive scale. On an event weeks old.

And they can’t even say user error. They are stuck.

So says my IT fin foiled anyway, it also says they need to fix soon. Unless they have a very liberal length of transact log backup, those have to be going out the “tape” window soon.


ya GM are just plan ignoring us now it’s been 3 weeks I’m bout ready to just charge back Im not getting what we paid for and it seems like they have no plan to FIX IT

Enjoy your Perma vacation

Doesnt affect the USD critically enough to be fixed immediately. Servers will go on.

Customer Support will not assist with any mistakes using a boost

AKA we don’t care we broke your character give us more money

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Apparently its fixed.

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But i dont like kicking rocks, can i pound sand instead? Rocks are to OP and need to be nerfed!

it is, but you will have to wait until tomorrow’s reset to reap those benefits.

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