DK Shadowlands Changes...2H Frost! :D

Because you’re 442 ilvl with no meaningful content completed.

You don’t know what you’re talking about. Quite simple really.


While i do agree with you on what you say. According to her this is an alt dk and she has a better dk but will not post on it to prove it…

Do not forget the one where she said "Like a fire spec for dk 2h Frost is not on anyone’s desk to be looked at or was it worked on. Anyway there is that example.

you know you can put her on ignore

Nice, leaving out the overall context because that was referring to the split spec. Not 2h ever coming back. And guess what, that plot spec can’t happen. If you would have scrolled up to not only see who I was responding to, but my post before that, it’s pretty obvious.

The split spec with MotFW in MoP and WoD cannot happen.

Out of context quote is out of context.

H look, the quote given was out of context, who would have thunk it.

And that was in reference to? Let’s take a look. On that’s right, people seeing 2h transmog swords and no 1h swords and running with it. Saying 2h was back thinking frost was entirely changing, and was bummed out when 1h weapons were data mined.

More out. Of context quotes. Funny how you guys hyjacked yet another thread to talk trash.

*People post exact quotes of Kelliste saying 2h frost wasn’t going to come back.
*Kelliste moves the goalposts for the 9000th time after people linking her evidence she claimed didn’t exist.


The same old boring, useless argument which none of the information given has ever needed a raid, m+ or high end arena play to notice. You can notice all of this by hitting a pink bear that just sits there farting sparkles every time you hit it. Funny how I don’t know what I’m talking about yet I was correct about 2h vs 1h.

You all are just sad that you have taken over yet another thread to talk trash. Let me guess, this one will be shut down too and you will blame it on me again.

They didn’t work on it. They literally lifted some restrictions on some abilities.

Yeah you’re right. Hitting a target dummy is the same thing as trying to do dps while worrying about M+ mechanics/affixes and having to fight actual players and not a “pink farting bear”.

Just like I said, you constantly put your foot in your mouth and continually show why it is people mock you.


It’s WoD with oblit and legendary ring all over again, and I love it.

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No, it’s called a strawman argument, maybe you should look it up. It’s a pretty common fallacy and it just continues. You didn’t even bother to check the sources did you. You all are so disenginuous that it’s hilarious and annoying at the same time.

Oh, and learn what moving the goalposts actually means. Disputing something is not moving the goalpost. Here is an example of moving the goalpost since you have no clue what it is, “x doesn’t exist” x is shown to exist “well y doesn’t exist” see, that’s a new goalpost.

No it isn’t you clown. You literally asked people for proof of you saying 2H frost wasn’t coming back and they did.

Yeah almost like you saying “I never said that 2H frost wasn’t coming back!” and then someone posted at least one instance of those being your exact words and then you said “ThAt WaS tAkEn OuT oF cOnTeXt!”

That is literally moving the goalposts.

Nice attempt at a Hail Mary there chief, but no dice.


Wow, you just showed how these quotes are strawman arguments. Can you notice that a new goalpost wasn’t created. It’s a dispute on the original claim and “evidence” presented. It’s not evidence showing that I said 2h should never come back.

I even clicked on the link, which none of you clearly did, and looked at what was being said. Yet you want to call me a clown. I did not say that 2h should never come back. Saying that it’s not on someone’s desk, which it clearly wasn’t, is not the same as saying it will never or shouldn’t come back. If it was on someone’s desk then they would have actually worked on it instead of having this useless illusion of choice.

Are you serious?! Lmao. You literally said “there wasn’t even a remote chance” that 2H was coming back. Those are your words, right there for you to see.

You can keep throwing up whatever ill-contrived defense mechanisms you want, but you asked for evidence and that’s as clear as day.

That isn’t a strawman. That’s YOU literally saying what you asked people to prove.

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Which was in reference to what in that thread?

Reading comprehension, learn it.

What does transmog and splitting spec have to do with literal phrasing of you saying it wasn’t coming back? Nothing. You’re moving the goalposts to try and cover your blunders. Now shoo.

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Um… what?

Here let me spell it out for you. 2h wasn’t coming back is not, 2h should never come back for one thing, but people seen the new 2h weapons of different colors, one being a fire theme a spec well, they thought this meant fire was coming, 2h was back at that point, and even to the extreme that DW was removed. Then 1h weapons, and no 2h being announced, showed that 2h wasn’t coming back at that point and it was pretty clear that the transmog items weren’t complete when all the hype started in the first place. They took limited information and ran with it.

So, you are wrong, eat it.

Your exact quote. And look at what they did 2h frost is back. And they are working on it. Now it seems that the timer i had for you being on ignode is out so thats where you are going. Tired of seeing trolls.

And i showed where you said it isnt coming back but as usal you moved the goal post even though i showed you literally saying it wont come back