2H frost. and its gone

Plays Amazing Grace on the bagpipes

We were so close…

Yet, so far.


You were never close. You never had 2H frost back. It would take SO much extra work at this point to implement 2H frost back into the game. Don’t kid yourself. It was never going to happen.

These swords are likely just transmog items, or entry level swords that you get through the new starting area.


Yeah the weird thing is people thought this was happening, but this is all in 8.3/8.3.5. Ion already said no class revamps are gonna happen until 9.0

so its not like they are going to give frost 2h in bfa. if they did that would be in 9.0


I just want to see 6 runes on the two handed blades. And Three on the one handers. Otherwise it annoys me.


I never expected the DW option for Frost to go away. That doesn’t mean that 2H Frost can’t come back. Just add back in Might of the Frozen Wastes and remove the specific need for 1H weapons from abilities.


Not surprising at all. People hyped themselves up because they just seen 2h tooltips and 2 models but couldnt see there was a numbers difference where the amount of tooltips didnt match the models released.

There wasnt even a remote chance that 2h as coming back and really the only likely scenario where it would come back is with a glyph.


Gone or was never really there to begin with?


These speculation posts need to stop. Speculation is just cringe-worthy to begin with and gets people nothing but false hope, but the bigger problem is that the same four people keep infecting the DK threads with these same exact unsupported rebuttals as opposed to providing constructive feedback or substantiated information, and it is completely negating the productiveness of the forums. These threads always end up derailing from the original post and turn into a fencing match between those that want 2H and others that just want to piss on those people’s ideas and comments for no reason other than to just oppose them for the sake of opposing them and just flat-out trolling. Speculation threads are indicative of players using any information they find to satisfy their confirmation bias and then pointlessly get people’s hopes up by making these baseless assumptions which are extremely vulnerable to criticism and sarcastic remarks as seen in this comment section. This entire thread is just a commentary shootout and should be deleted.


If yo fully believe they’d put in a big change like that mid expansion you’re high.

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If they were to make one of the specs into a healer spec you would be right. The sheer amount of change needed would be too much to release during an expansion. However, 2H Frost has already been done and the mechanics are already there. There is very little that would need to be done to bring it back.


How do we make the 1H diffrents from the 2H,oh i know lets just reduce the sizes of the sword,yikesss…


if it isn’t a 2h at least sheath on the back instead of the hips.


Hahahahaha…wait, I’m laughing so hard I have to wipe my crying eyes!

Shocking. Let it go from 2hand frost its not comming back until new class revamps and thats a long long looooong way from here, if ever.


The devs needs to be purged with fire for messing with dk’s in this way…


Fkin ouch…I feel for ya’ll.


Blizzard has said for 3.5 years there will never again be 2H frost. You shouldn’t be able to gear all 3 specs with the same weapon. No other class can, not even Rogues anymore.

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warlock, mages, and priests can lol


Those are casters. Warlocks Mages and Priests don’t tank. And healing gear on a Priest is not the same used for dps, not even close. All 3 mage specs require different stats also.

Unholy, the REAL Deathknight spec, is still using a 2 hander. Feels good.

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