Disconnecting every 15-20 minutes

I am attempting to replicate the issue on Wyrmrest Accord and not able to.

edit: Attempted to replicate on both Crushridge and Aggramar unsuccessfully.

Would it be possible for folks in this thread to chime in with which realm they’re having connection issues to?

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I’m on moon guard and have also had this. I’ve updated drivers, bios, everything; I’ve reset routers and modems; I’ve even logged on in a different state for a work trip and have had an issue with this. It’s also just been a problem in the last two to three weeks for me. Wonder if that one (EDIT: super helpful person) who keeps posting is going to tell me to talk to my ISP about this since apparently they followed me 300 miles from my house in MN to my work trip near Chicago.


I am also on Moon Guard and getting randomly DC’d. Several people in my guild and friends on MG have been experiencing this issue since Diablo IV launched.


Yep — Moon Guard here too. Lots of my friends have been reporting this issue as well.

Disconnects are sporadic. Sometimes I can play for several hours without a single issue, sometimes I get randomly disconnected with 0 interruption to my other internet usage while sitting around a city or coasting around during a queue several times in a row. Every time I queue up for an LFR, at least one person in the raid gets disconnected but usually two or three people end up getting disconnected. I see it less in Solo Shuffle than I did a few weeks ago, but I’m still seeing at least one person disconnect for a round or two every couple of lobbies.

My issues started with the release of 10.1, but have gotten far more frequent since the Greedy Emissary event began.


Have you tried rebooting your computer? :wink: I laugh so I don’t cry.

This issue I’ve had on the character select screen for over a week with disconnects and the character select screen showing up black after logging out of a character. Now I’m getting booted every 30 seconds or something but not on all characters.

I logged into one character in Stormwind and used the auction house, other things for 5 minutes without a single problem. Another character (in Stormwind) I got disconnected just looking at her on the character select screen and turning her a little. On that same character I was getting disconnected every 30 seconds when logged in. I couldn’t even get to Valdrakken via the portal because it would DC me before it finished loading and send me back.

I finally disabled all addons on that character in a desperate attempt and I was able to log in and get to Valdrakken plus get to the last goblin spawn.

However it cannot be explained away by addons as it was occurring and continues to on the character select screen where no addons are loaded.

I do not think this is a network issue on the customer end. It is something either to do with a client bug or a server or Blizzard network issue. It could be some client code was changed and now the client is booting people it thinks meets certain conditions. It could be it’s doing something on the network end that kicks in rate limiting or other protection mechanisms on Blizzard’s end.

The fact that disabling addons had an effect is strange but I use all the same addons on all my characters so it isn’t a matter of a faulty addon on its own causing this. However lots of addons does tend to weigh down the client, slow things down, issue more network requests (for communication), many other things. But that may be a false lead as, addons have zero impact on the character screen where these problems started to manifest.

I’ve had the issue on Moon Guard but I do not think this has anything to do with network problems unless those are compounded by some other mechanism recently changed in the server or client code.

I have a fiber ISP, I have a wired connection from my computer. I have hosted services that constantly check for connectivity and are constantly communicating and I would notice if my service was experiencing issues via logs and graphs which would show dips.

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Funny that us people on the forums are coming to clues such as Moon Guard being affected more than others or the specific issue is isolated to Moon Guard but Blizzard with all their monitoring could not. Seems like nobody is even trying to look into this.

If you keep asking us to post MTRs but the only responses are saying they are fine seems pretty likely it doesn’t have anything to do with our network conditions and you could get us to try something else to help you out.

Its the same DC/boot as flying into rocks. The problem is probably being overlooked and assumed that people are getting the flying bug.


On Moon Guard as well; experiencing disconnect issues typically within the first 5 minutes of logging into the server.

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I posted my MTR and was told it was fine by a blue post. I’m going to take their word over anyone else’s.

However that still doesn’t fix the issue, but it’s very interesting that a lot of us here are from Moon Guard, as those I’ve shared this experience with are also from the same realm.

I hope they can take a look at our realm to see what’s up, because this has become a daily occurrence that happens at any time, hi-pop or not.

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My issues are also all on moon Guard.

Edit: Its never a full disconnect either. It never brings me back very far. It just pops up with a RECONNECT button and I can immediately log back in.

Lately it’s been happening on my character select screen.

This problem has only persisted on moon Guard. While you’re at it, stormwind is still phased. I wonder if you unphased it, if the disconnects would stop? :slight_smile:

My Moonguard Priest is also the one experiencing the DCs.

I dont think my Frostmourne one has of yet… but something to keep in mind for sure!

Good observation!

Disconnecting on moonguard for the past 2 weeks same issue.

Well I think we found the pattern. Happened with the Diablo stuff, which is also when the phasing happened. That’s wack.

Same thing happening to me.

MoonGuard as well. Seems cities and the deathknight starting areas are both problems.

Its a Blizz problem and dont let these bootlickers tell you otherwise, it started exactly when Diablo 4 launched and its continued ever since.

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For those on Moon Guard who are still experiencing the issue, please help out by providing data here: Moon Guard disconnection issues compendium - #25 by Fropessor-proudmoore

Hei, is VPN legal ? iam just using VPN and all problem SOLVED

It’s your server buddy. It’s 98% happening to people on Moon Guard. It doesn’t happen to me if I play on the other servers: Which means it’s not us. It’s you.

Start looking at your own servers instead of basically asking us if we have phones.


This is constanly happening to EVERYONE in my guild, mostly during peak play times. This has been happening since 10.1 launch and got significantly worse since D4 launch. This is not a user internet or ISP issue. This is a server issue.