Disconnecting every 15-20 minutes

These disconnects are obviously widespread, and caused by something on the game side, not the player side. Instead of trying to make it seem like a sudden fault on dozens or hundreds of player systems, it would be more helpful if Blizz would simply acknowledge the problem and fix it.

Yeah cause hundreds of players make a Blizzard issue out of the 2 million + players…

Yes there could easily be a Moongaurd issue. But 95% of the WinMTRs actually posted over the last 3 weeks have been 110% ISP issues. Even looking at the Aussie threads.

Everyone say “hi” to Wicked’s alt.

This is Blizzard-side. Get it fixed.

Yeah thank you for noticing.

You will also notice the two WinMTRs posted here have massive packet loss in their neighborhood. “Rafengears” and “Vyrdormu”

Countless other threads continue to disprove you as well.

there’s four

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I’m not tech savvy so its probably me, but one thing I did notice is last week it got so much worse, dc’s increased and happened in old zones where the server wouldn’t even be congested. Also, my boyfriend plays and he’s fine, so possibly it could be my system, but I can’t find any obvious smoking gun that says WoW can’t run on my system. So rewind to last week, out of nowhere the server dc’s just started going crazy back to back, game freezing, team mates running in place and gotta hard reset because I’m stuck in game glitch purgatory which is super weird. Usually I server disconnect to main menu, but these dc’s are getting weirder and I’m getting frozen in game more often now and back to back which is never fun.

Currently cannot log in and will DC on Bnet and in game

Just wanna say my hubs got a queue to get into the bnet launcher last night (6-22-23) and I was shocked…I have NEVER seen a BNET queue in 15 years of playing…never seen a queue unless it is a server queue (Mmmmm Draaeeeennnoooorrrrr)–This issue is absolutely STILL persistent. Yes, we are both on MG, but he hadnt booted up WoW in 10 days and had only been playing OG Starcraft >.> It also started for us around the time D4 began launching-we even went through our PCs and all of our connections bc it was happening to both of us in the same house, but then guildies started asking about it.

A bluepost disproves yours.

Moon Guard was facing an issue and the majority of us were from Moon Guard. An issue that is now fixed and we’re happy with.

Please leave the modding to the moderators, you helped no one here in any of these threads and did nothing but bully, post incorrect information, be condescending, and gaslight them for weeks.

Please do better.

Been getting dcs for the last few days. driving me crazy. I know its in game as I am on discord and never lose connection when it happens.

Lol yeah cause you can’t read an WinMTR let alone their posts… This isn’t the Moonguard thread… And based on the massive pings / packet loss way before a blizzard server you can certainly say they are not on moonguard themselves… and even if they were this isn’t the same issue.

Don’t lump all the moonguard people in with randoms that have packet loss / high ping times.

There are still issues with disconnects as of today. Regardless of the realm you play on, might I add. I hope this gets fixed soon.

Can’t do much if you don’t post a WinMTR. Unless its another DDoS attack of course.

It’s happening to me too, getting random disconnects constantly, between 10-30 mins.

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