Disconnecting every 15-20 minutes

even though some winmtr’s don’t show problems, it is very unlikely to be any server side issue. there’s more testing to do, it’s just hard in large “me too” threads like this.

Yet if you look thread after thread this week for the users that posted their WinMTR most have a ton of packet loss prior to Blizzard.

On top of that there’s barely anyone here talking about problems out of the millions of people on WoW.

again, i don’t think you understand how this is working at all, and i tried to explain that as best as I can previously. and this is backed up by you similarly not understanding how winmtr’s work.

if you have any questions about the winmtr i would be happy to try to explain more, but i’m not really gathering that you are interested. here’s an explanation of how they work i just found, i haven’t looked completely through it but it includes why one hop showing packet loss or latency is not an indication of a problem. https://www.nexcess.net/help/mtr-results/


No I feel you are over thinking it quite a bit.

You and me already agree its very unlikely to be a server issue based on numbers and the people here responding with much worse packet loss than what his small test shows.

95% of the other users in the last two weeks have way worse WinMTRs. Even the other guy in this thread is much worse packet loss on multiple nodes.

The likely hood of it being anything but packet loss is next to nil at this point.

And he doesn’t just have one hop showing packet loss he has 4.

i’m not overthinking anything. the winmtr looks great. the 4 hops are all 100% perfectly fine.

that doesn’t mean it’s a server side issue, it could still be a connection issue, but you’d need to test an alternate connection or try using a VPN to be sure, you can’t just make up that the winmtr is showing an issue when it isn’t.


Lol 4 bad hops and two others with 145-272 ms response time on their worst pings which might as well be packet loss as well… So 6 hops that you want to say are perfect.

118 attempting to be sent with 110 lost.

That is not perfect and no where close to it.

And yes as the URL you posted states. One bad hop with packet loss is fine. But once you have multiple and then add in awful worst ping times on other nodes then you can instantly lean to say its the ISP.

Also experiencing this issue since a couple weeks ago, like the others. WinMTR showing no issues.

|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
|                    -    1 |  845 |  844 |    0 |    1 |  106 |    0 |
|                  -    0 |  848 |  848 |    0 |    1 |   85 |    1 |
|162-229-184-1.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net -    0 |  848 |  848 |    1 |    4 |  118 |    2 |
|                 -    0 |  848 |  848 |    1 |    4 |  109 |    2 |
|                   No response from host -  100 |  171 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
|                  -    0 |  848 |  848 |    4 |   10 |  137 |   14 |
|                  -    0 |  848 |  848 |    4 |   10 |  131 |    9 |
|                   -    0 |  848 |  848 |    4 |    6 |  128 |    4 |
|                 -    0 |  848 |  848 |    5 |   12 |  142 |    6 |
|              ae1-br02-eqsv5.as57976.net -    0 |  848 |  848 |   16 |   21 |  127 |   19 |
|       xe-0-0-1-1-br02-eqla1.as57976.net -    0 |  848 |  848 |   16 |   26 |  191 |   17 |
|        et-0-0-29-br01-eqla1.as57976.net -    1 |  827 |  824 |    0 |  250 | 4403 |  134 |
|                   No response from host -  100 |  171 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
|        et-0-0-0-pe01-swlv10.as57976.net -    0 |  848 |  848 |   16 |   19 |  126 |   16 |
|                  -    0 |  848 |  848 |   16 |   19 |  157 |   18 |
   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

If your router is lagging to 100ms on top of dropping 1 packet when talking to itself then you probably have an issue. Even if its only once out of the 845 times it could easily be the cause for all your awful worst ping times throughout that WinMTR.

You guys sure that’s not an issue from the server side? It started happening since Diablo’s launch and some times there is queue for logging back in battle.net. There is a same thread for Overwatch, people getting soft dced, people getting lag in HotS, Starcraft2 and Diablo4.

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This issue has been happening to me since diablo 4 launch as well. Its definitely on blizzards end. Ignore Wiçked hes a massive troll that thinks he actually knows what hes talking about.

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Considering the sheer amount of traffic caused by people wanting to play D4, this wouldn’t surprise me at all. In fact, I expected as much. I haven’t had any real issues since yesterday morning, but I think even Wicked would be foolish not to entertain the very real possibility, if not likelihood, of Blizzard’s servers being under intense strain. It has happened before, and it is probably happening right now, and it will happen again.

Looking at WinMTRs from those reporting identical symptoms, the issues are occurring to both and, and do not seem isolated to any ISP (Spectrum, Comcast, and AT&T reporting) or geo (PST and EST timezones reporting). Could a battle.net issue be causing upstream effects within WoW?

Possibly related, possibly not - Frequently when pressing Log Out, the character select will show a black background with no characters shown before disconnecting within 20 seconds.

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Your test was pretty short, It also appears you play from halfway around the world so its going to make tests like these look uglier than the connection actually is.

I am not happy seeing 10-15% consistent data loss after you cross the ocean to get to us but it may not be actual data loss. My best recommendation would be, give a VPN a shot and see if the issue improves. (Be aware we do not support vpn’s but you are permitted to use them as long as there are no restrictions in your country on them)


Latency looks good, however there is significant data loss starting at hop three. This appears to be either within your local network or within the ISP’s network.

You send 1169 packets to our service but only 1590 even make it to us. Of that only 1569 make it back to you. That is definitely not going to make for a happy connection.


I don’t like the latency spikes starting between your PC and Router/Modem but no data loss and average latency is good. Those latency spikes are not doing you have favors but I don’t think its the source of disconnections for you. However You say you disconnect every 15-20 minutes, was this test running when a disconnection occurred? If not can you run the test again to capture a disconnection? We want to see what is happening with the connection during a game disconnection.

For everyone else, A reminder that we do not condone personal attacks on these forums. You can disagree, but keep it civil and on topic.

If you would like us to look at connection data to aid in investigating the issue, please post a WinMTR like the above have. The test should be about 10 minutes long, and run while replicating the issue.

You are also welcome to do the basics as described in the common technical issues post. And if VPNs are legal in your country it is a great way to try and rule out a routing/internet level issue.


I think you want 1669, not 1169.

Heya Kershew,

I can confirm that the WinMTR was running while the disconnection occurred.

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Wish I could even make it to the 15-20 minute mark, logging into my priest in valdrakken I get DC’d within 30 seconds over and over again I can’t even make it out of the city, the DC issue has been getting worse over the past 2 weeks there is no way this entirely ISP related for so many people =/


I’m having the issue and so is everyone I know. I hope they fix it, the game is unplayable at this point.


Almost the entire first page of this forum is about people disconnecting. I think we can rule out being a user issue or ISP at this point.

The problem is definitely on Blizzard’s end.


The disconnects don’t seem to be related to connection problems. At least it doesn’t feel like a normal connection disconnect. You get booted to the main screen instantly just like you would when you fly into a rock and get booted to the main screen. A connection DC you typically get lag for a bit and can still move around in the world.

Is there something else we can submit to help here? Is someone reviewing the activity on the accounts that are reporting this? Usually I just get booted within a minute of logging in but last night during raid I was booted to the main screen almost a dozen times. (Between 10 PM and 1 AM EST on Tuesday June 13th)


Observing that Moon Guard seems very overrepresented in issue reports and adding that I am also experiencing this issue when connected to Moon Guard.

Anecdotally from MG trade chat, issue is more widespread on this server than the tech support forums would imply as well.