Did Elune save Tyrande?


I’m not sure where this argument comes from exactly - that I somehow want to feel this way about the story. If I did, I wouldn’t be asking for these changes. You can also see with things like the Cinematic conversation in general that I’m more than willing to acknowledge elements that I feel are fine.

But I’m not going to ignore elements that I think aren’t fine just because of this bad faith approach.


Correction. The quote was “my life for hers”. In thinking Elune had no intention of letting Tyrande die and ending up in the Maw.

I thought it says “my life is hers” as in Tyrande was willingly giving herself to Elune, which I guess is the same but the impact is different.

Could you elaborate for me?

Why would she be in the Maw? The entire thing is odd with the other night warriors is that Dreamweaver talks about Ysera’s soul pod:

Within this wildseed rests a powerful agent of nature. When they died, their spirit was brought directly to Ardenweald.

So, if Elune can redirect souls wherever… but that assumes coherent lore.

gl hf




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If that were true, they never would have left Argus.

Actually, Elune took the power away, because her and Sylvanas are actually homegirls. On Saturday night, they get together and get hammered and they read to each other and laugh about all the incorrect speculations and arguments about them on the forums.

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Im really dreading another “your gods hate you” storyline, it would definitely destroy night elven culture if Elune turns out to be evil. I didnt like it when they screwed the protoss over with the khala being amon’s design. I will hate it if it happens to the night elves too.


Sadly, that would be in line with the direction seemingly chosen for naaru-draenei story line. So, I would not be surprised if the final destination of the story supposed to be

Which is ironic. The devs / narrator push the “age of mortals” so much, yet this is arguably the worst part of the game. With worst stories and most questionable gameplay and technical solutions.

[perhaps one day we’ll get a different team bringing the age of darkness / twilight]

gl hf

I don’t think it’s going in that direction. (Didn’t Amon just take over the khala? I didn’t think it was his design. I always figured the next generation of Protoss would just grow their chords back and be able to re-do the Khala. I thought it was just like a “psychic internet”)

IIRC he designed the Khala, heck he drove the protoss evolution, they were created to be his thralls. Taking all of the history of the most traditional and cultural of the races and throwing it away for cheap “believe in each other, the power of friendship” poop.

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… Not a good sign. I feel like the Alliance has been on a bullet train in this direction for… a while now.

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That’s actually what I’ve been assuming. The way they set it up seems a lot more like Elune, inscrutable goddess that she is, needs one or both of them alive to fulfill a purpose. Particularly Sylvanas in what could well end up like a Gollum situation, she has a critical role in coming events like the god in LotR made Gollum slip and fall with the one ring. “Do not be too eager to deal out death and judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ends. My heart tells me Gollum has some part to play yet, for good or ill.”

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Blizz did admit a recent interview that there’s more to Sylvanas’ future and we’ll learn about it down the road. Take that as you will. :wolf:

You guys do realize that that’s just a Sylvanas redemption arc right?


You’d have to be blinder than a bat to not have seen it coming though. Sucks, nothing much to be done about it though. :wolf:

It might be fan bias or whatever, but I got the impression that Sylvanas somehow knows more about the night warrior power than Tyrande does- or she has some insider info. It seemed to me like Sylvanas knew what was happening awful quickly- like, before Tyrande even knew. Before her tattoos started fading away. I can’t really put together how she would know, but it just seems that way.

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Yeah, well, I was pointing out that whatever you or Galenar? were justifying was you justifying a Sylvanas redemption arc.

Make of that what you will.

I wasn’t justifying anything. I merely pointed out what BLIZZARD said in a recent interview. Perhaps you should read the post before jumping to inaccurate conclusions bub :wolf:

There’s a lot more ways Sylvanas playing a role in killing the Jailer or what have you can play out than her becoming an altruistic good guy all of a sudden. Like maybe she turns her powers on him at a critical moment over the whole Nathanos thing and dies in the process but it gives everyone else the window to stop him.