Did Elune save Tyrande?


It’s backstory that no player had to actively experience - such matters when we are discussing how events impact the playable experience.


I don’t think Elune saved Tyrande or Sylvanas. I don’t think Elune took away or denied Tyrande any power.

I think the Night Warrior power is just starting to burn out Tyrande’s body and that makes it unstable and unreliable. It’s still potent, so potent it will threaten her life like it has every Night Warrior before her, but as Sylvanas mentioned we’re in the ‘dying embers’ stages of her powers. That power is already killing her.


1st of all, Elune would’ve taken the power away if that would’ve been a concern.

2nd, when Tyrande said “my life for hers”, she just gets the power up for the anime-jump.

3rd, the story lacks consistency and goes from “wrath of Elune” to “my own” to “I was a witness” as if Tyrande did not have control over herself. The narrative goes in 3 directions at once, making things just confusing.

If life-trade would’ve been a problem, Elune would not give the power right after the request IMO.

But there could be other things. “Light have stuck the bargain” could be about Elune. Or, maybe Elune and Zovaal are closely related. To what extent? Who knowns. The collector’s edition book that was sold with the Shadowlands box, had this like (was all caps in the original)

The Maw is like a malevolent lantern: a realm not devoid of light, but one in which light is held captive like the damned the Maw was built to imprison. The Jailer’s dwelling is a maze of torment chambers and endless despair from which there is no escape.

So, what is this “light” and where is it? Who knows. I expect some nonsense like “the Jailer is An’she” or something.

gl hf

Well…the burning of Teldrassil was last expansion…according to your logic, that is now part of Night Elves backstory for those new to Shadowlands…

Guess its not as bad now that we are in a new expansion…smh

If you first joined the game in Shadowlands, that’s accurate.

However, the population of new players who just joined the franchise in Shadowlands (to the extent that we can say it exists given MUA trends) is not the entirety or the majority of the playable population.

So this is looking like a dodge on your part.

Either way, BfA was 2 yrs ago now, so technically speaking it’s in the past and ancient history for a lot of people :wolf:

Tyrande’s body in Ardenweald did look like it was about to come apart at the seams. Maybe she’s the one who’s supposed to hatch like an egg instead of Anduin.

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I think it would be more accurate to say that some people think that they can ignore the damage that it caused on the basis that Blizzard has stonewalled us for that long.

To which - I’m still replying to the damage caused by Cataclysm.


I wouldn’t say coming apart at the seams per se, but giving the celestial markings? It was definitely consuming her rather rapidly :wolf:

The alliance has a few quests to interact with Elune. One of them has a direct chat, but not voiced one (just like originally naaru did not have voices):

If the story would not be such a mess as what we have, there could’ve been some explanation for the Sanctum of the Moon in Ghostlands. But as is - “wait and see our amazing lore reveal!!1”

Anything. Depending on the quality of execution.

Justice becomes not an empty word.

It could still be restored after, either with the final tear of Tyrande, or without external forces like the other covenants do.

New opportunities can rise. Depends on the execution. There are characters that could use some development and attention in general.

There are always options. Sylvanas is a know merchandize seller, but there are quite a few recognizable villains we could meet in the afterlives. Inability of the devs to develop new interesting villains does not mean that there is no conceptual possibility.

Define “vengeance”.

gl hf

That’s fair. Teldrassil, gilneas, etc still hasn’t been given their proper resolution. Which, like you, I’m still hella angry about, for my own obvious reasons :wolf:

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No…I am not dodging. I am simply saying that Draenei got screwed hard by the legion following the light. They thought the light would protect and save them. They were wrong.

Night Elves literally thought Elune would protect and save them. They were wrong.

Both suffered greatly by their ignorance.

Yet you think you suffered more b/c its more recent? lol Okay sure. Time heals all wounds…even though Legion was literally a few expansions ago…yelp. :man_facepalming:

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Some wounds fester and become toxic if not treated. Just saying :wolf:

I think Night Elf players suffered more than Draenei players, again, because they actually had to go through what happened. Which is relevant given that you were replying to this statement:

The player is who matters at the end of the day.




Personally, after maining draenei character here and there since TBC, I’d say, Ghostcrawler said all there is needed to say about the race:

Post TBC there are no people who gets what the race is. It’s squished into 1-note thing, and this spring we got the “revelation” that Velen was blindly devoted to the Light before the Xe’ra story (the characters who talks about possibility nature of the visions, who was occasionally very goal-oriented and ready to make tough decisions).

So, there is nothing to complain, because there is nothing left. Maybe once there will be people in the narrative team that care about the race, some digging could be arranged. But so far it’s whatever. Some complaining is possible for parallels with other narrative problems, but that’s about it IMO.

gl hf


Because it implies Elune is denying/abandoning Tyrande when the isn’t supported by what we know.

We are left with MANY options, with the two you listed being FAR on the bottom of that list.

I mean, the Draenei need a narrative direction - and I think that has to include breaking down the idea that they’re just removed from Azeroth’s conflicts. If the legion is gone, then they need something more now.

I think the point is that it sort of feels that way. You might claim that we’re due for some wonderful resolution down the road - and I would reply to you that the answer could be absolute hot garbage, which would be well within the realm of my experience, and expectations for Night Elf content.

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Cata into says

Empowered by the Holy Light and the undying strength of their convictions, the draenei led the charge against the demonic Burning Legion in Outland. Now, with the Legion’s defeat, they have completed the desperate mission that first brought them to Azeroth. Though some draenei were sent back to Outland to revitalize their former civilization, the majority have vowed to stay and uphold their sacred commitment to the Alliance. Driven by a powerful vision, the immortal prophet Velen believes that a great war between the Darkness and the Light is fast approaching and that Azeroth will be its principal battleground. As one of Velen’s chosen, you must stand bravely against the Shadow to ensure that your people are ready for the war to come.

Now, it’s not really reflected in the game, but here are the leftovers.

And to be honest, while we have the devs like what we have now, I’d rather prefer draenei not to be in focus of anything. At most they’ll villain bat alt-Draenor ones, because that would be in-line with the victim blaming approach of the writers.

If the narrative team will undergo serious changes, then maybe we might get something cool. But not yet.

gl hf

And I’ll point out that that’s what you want to feel.

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