Did Elune save Tyrande?

Well, just because we know the story doesn’t mean we can’t criticize the hell out of it :slight_smile:

So is fighting Sylvanas a death sentence that Elune had to save Tyrande?

Last expansion they copied lord of the rings. Are you saying Sylvanas will turn on her emperor like Vader did? Will she throw him down an energy shaft?

Didn’t say you couldn’t. Go for it, have fun doing so. Nobody likes the meta story anyways :wolf:

Hmm I actually wouldn’t mind if it played out that way.
She can even be sent to Revendreth .

Everything is copying something, you’re not being fair arguing like that. There’s nothing new under the sun after all.

How about she becomes the new Jailer? Damned for all eternity to punish others for their crimes? :wolf:

There is copying… then there is plagiarizing…

What, so we can have Shadowlands 2.0 in another thousand years?
I’d rather not give her another position of power.

But I am not blizz, and I don’t put it beyond them.


It was mostly sarcasm because of blizzard refusing to let certain characters go and sunset them forever. :wolf:

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You do. You want to feel like everything that happens in the story is some kind of personal attack against, if not you, then against the Night Elves. That everything that happens is for the worst possible reason. Frankly, I think you’re a little addicted to the misery and the drama.

You’re implying that Elune refused to help Tyrande kill Sylvanas, as if Elune is activity trying to deny Tyrande her power for some nefarious or callous reason.
Maybe Elune didn’t want Tyrande to share Theirnax’s fate.

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I love how you think you’re a better authority on what I’m thinking than I am.


Could that mean that the book release was moved to the time frame of the upcoming “blizzconline” or whatever the format will be, because it’s connected to the reveal of the next expansion?

#stolen from Bellular

gl hf

It’s certainly possible. I wouldn’t put it past blizz at this point :wolf:

It’s not about the Old God or Sylvanas, it’s Tyrande. The presumption is that Elune wasn’t willing to let Tyrande die just to kill Sylvanas.

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I mean, either outcome is just speculation, right?

You could say Elune didn’t want Tyrande to die, just as much as you could say Elune is working for the Jailer. As both are unknowns.

But, looking at other Night Warriors, Elune never held back. She gave [them] all the power they asked for, in order to succeed in their goals. (allegedly)

If the reason was, as Azshune pointed out;

It just seems like poor writing when compared to other Night Warriors.

Slyvanas, right now, is absolutely no different than an Old God. She seeks to destroy all things in the name of Death. (the Void)

Elune willing granted her powers to Theirnax to defeat a tyrant, Tyrande and Slyvanas should not have been any different, imo.


She had her shot at redemption… she refused it.

Nothing has shown that it’s fair to assume Tyrande is more important than say Theirnax.

Why is Tyrande more important to keep alive than Therinax was to his people?

“We’ll have to wait and find out…” again, just seems like bad story writing, with no forethought.

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Maybe Elune has the hots for Tyrande like Illidan and Malfurion did?

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This is why I said it’s a presumption. We don’t know that that this is what happened. However, Tyrande has been op since she was a novice and Elune made sure that she wasn’t tortured or went hungry during her time in Azshara’s prison during War of the Ancients. So there is definitely some bias towards Tyrande.

Also a possibility.


I feel like people are barking up the wrong tree. If you listen to the dialogue it can come across as Sylvanas is there not only to provide a diversion, but also to test the NW power. She had a moment of doubt, being strangled, but then reassurance as the NW power fades.

I can’t help thinking that the Jailor has some mechanism (this is an expansion focusing on the ascendancy of death), similar to that which knocked out the arbiter where he can block elune, and this was an occasion to test it.

Also I remember darkshore there was a prevailing sentiment that they had been abandoned by Elune which could also have been an instance of the jailor blocking her power.

Short story, I feel like the Jailor is responsible for the fading of elunes power, elune didn’t withdraw her power.

Alternately Tyrande is just bad at timing her cd’s.