Did Blizzard switch to AI support?

I put in a ticket 4 days ago because I noticed that I was being billed every month on 2 different credit cards, one of which isn’t even listed in this account. I listed the transaction ids for the other credit card and asked them if they knew what was going on. I was very specific and gave details that would be hard to misinterpret.

This was the response (my name is not “Richard”, for the record):

Greetings, Richard! Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment this is your Game Master Suvilimy, I will be more than happy to help you with your request!

Without further ado, what I could gather by reading what you wrote us about wanting to refund WoW 1 month sub. Rest assured that I have completely understood your issue, and I will be working on a resolution that meets your expectations.

Not even close to what I was asking for, I never mentioned the word “refund”, and now I can’t play WoW Classic.

Has anyone else run into support replies that seem off?

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So funny thing. What you ran into was human error. Not AI. It may have been something as simple as the ticket path you submitted it under.

Try going this route instead of Refunds (assuming that is the path you chose.)


The best advice I can offer is be to the point, without too much unnecessary information.

  • You’re being billed twice.
  • No clue how one card is being billed due to it not being saved of the account.
  • First ticket was misunderstood (list ticket # just so they can reference it).
  • You are currently locked out of your account because of the previous ticket.

As an aside - did you ever link your Paypal to your account? Unless you go in and manually kill off the permissions/recurring payments to Blizzard on Paypal’s side of things as well as Blizzard’s, that may be the culprit.


Do you have more than one account? If so, is it possible that the you have a different card on each account?

Do you have a family member or friend that might be using the card?

I’d research those first especially since they called you Richard. Maybe they looked at one of the accounts and that was the name on it.

If the answer to all of those are No, then put in a ticket using the link Leilleath provided above and be very specific about the issue, include your Bnet ID


Just out of curiosity, you know this how?

Yes, many years ago, but what I didn’t do is give them my Paypal credit card, which is what was charged. It’s absolutely not listed as a payment method in my account.

It is not the path I chose, and I am not sure why you’re suggesting I open a new ticket, which usually just adds delays. I chose Purchase Failure because I did not want a refund and I did not want them to freeze any cards and that was the next most sensible choice.

I may have bought a subscription for my former assistant, which is what I was asking them to check on. That’s why I didn’t report it as an unauthorized card use, I just wanted to know why it was happening.

Years and years of participating on the forums, and seeing Blizzard forum staff responses when anyone claims otherwise.


The technology to do this hasn’t been around for years, and things do change.

And EVERY recent response from Blizzard has said no. Human GM’s answer tickets.


What 2 accounts are you referring to? I can assure you that Leilleath, Nephe, and I are all different individuals and we’re the only 3 that have responded to your thread. We’ve all been on this particular forum for a very long time.


Just so you’re aware, since the tone of your questions are coming off a touch snide or abrasive - this forum is one for players to assist other players. So most of us who post around here have been around here for years, and we see these things day in and day out enough to speak with some decent level of knowledge and understanding {provided proof of that too, just to be ahead of the game.) We also post here knowing that if we’re spewing lies and conspiracy theories, we know our posts won’t be up for very long.

See above, but also I’ll even offer this:




But did you make sure to remove the recurring payment arrangement on Paypal’s side of things? I’ve seen it happen occasionally where somehow Paypal was set up to send the payments even though Blizzard themselves weren’t actively billing that form of payment. I don’t know the hows or whys or any of that, but it is something I’ve seen where they may have changed or removed all forms of payment on Blizzard’s side of things, but didn’t make sure to revoke the permissions from Paypal’s side.

But it wasn’t, since you didn’t authorize to be billed twice (or at least that is what your OP was giving off - not that you “may have bought a sub for your former assistant.”} Hence “Unauthorized Charge.” And I’m not perfect. I was working with the information you provided, which is why I made mention of me assuming it went under the “Refund” path. That was my mistake.

Now, that stuff clarified - there are no GMs on the forums and our SFAs do not monitor this forum 24/7. You can kick your ticket back into the queue, or you can wait until said SFAs get back into the office in the morning and hope they’ll pop in and perhaps be able to offer some insight. This isn’t always guaranteed, but they do try to help when and where they can.

No one here does that. Sock-puppeting is exposed and usually ridiculed around here. Not something tolerated very well, and again, regulars around here know better than that foolishness. We are all three very different people.


So, this seems to be the root of the problem. Note, a single license can’t be billed twice a month. That second billing has to be on a different license. You have your Paypal credit card set up as a subscription method on another account. It sounds like it is not YOUR own account so you can’t just login and remove it yourself.

This does need to go in as an Unauthorized charge and you need the card removed from the account that is not yours. If there is no recent play time on the account, they may also be able to refund you the recent un-used subscription on it.

There seem to be several ways this could be misunderstood:

  • It did not go in via the unauthorized payments ticket path
  • It may not have specified the license which was being incorrectly billed. GM may have gotten confused about that depending on how it was worded.
  • They won’t give information about an account that is not registered to you, even if your payment method is on it. The most they can do is process that as unauthorized payment, remove the payment method, and refund a recently billed and unused sub.
  • A note that in order to set up a reoccurring subscription with Paypal, you are required to have your credit card linked to it. So if you set one up using Paypal it did have a credit card linked.

Your best path forward here is to:

  • talk to the assistant and ask them about their WoW account. If they can still log in, they need to remove the payment method from the SUBSCRIPTION section, not just the overall Bnet payment methods. There really are two places that payment methods go and if you don’t remove the payment from the Subscription section, it keeps billing.
  • See if you have a second WoW license set up with the paypal still under the Subscription billing, or set up in Paypal. If so, you need to remove that from the Subscription section and Paypal. CS can refund any recent unused sub on that licence.

That is really the key here - figuring out which license is being paid for and getting the payments stopped. The path to do that is Unauthorized payments.


Like someone else mentioned do you have more then one account? If not then there is a possibility that the card not on this account might be compromised and being used by someone else on their wow account.

If that is the case you would want to contact the credit card company and report it stolen. They should then. close that card so it can no longer be used and send a new card with a new CC number.

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This looks to have been resolved.


Your opinion or my opinion doesn’t make it a fact. There is a ticket triage system that does work off keywords. There are templates they use, like every company ever so people don’t have to type over and over. Ensures the same information is provided consistently.

Have the turned the whole system into AI? No. Again opinions don’t make things fact.

Bumping a thread from a month ago is also considered a Necro, just so you know.


They did not and do not use ai for cs. They use templates to answer tickets, so it could seem like a ai.

They do use ai to find bots and other things people might do that breaks the rules. But that would flag an account for a gm review or two