Dialogues missing in Shadowlands and BFA (text and spoken)

This is a very weird bug. I tried several things in Cyrus monologue and the exposition with jaina e Thrall in the cave in the Maw. What I found: keeping “error speak” off and disable/enable Dialogue not work always. Sometimes work, but if the conversation is a long one only the first and last lines of the speech is delivered in most cases. If you take some distance the Npc that have the bug deliver everything, but sometimes the Npc that don’t have the bug don’t deliver their lines ( Genn/Thrall ). Ex: speak with Cyrus and take some distance and he will deliver their lines but no Genn, if you close the distance Genn deliver but not Cyrus. Is very weird because some Npcs will deliver or not based in your proximity.


Also, if you abandon the quest right before Cyrus starts talking, he will deliver his entire lines without a problem.

Someone on another post suggested to try to walk away from a speaking npc and sometimes it fixes the problem and I can confirm it worked for me but only once out of three times. It’s still the best solution so far, but sadly not reliable enough. BLIZZ DEVS. UPDATE ON THIS PLEASE


Blizzard we need an update on this!!!


Just adding that I am having the same issues. Came back after cataclysm. Honestly loved the story so far, but having the NPC’s cut out makes me not want to play until fixed. Hope it gets fixed soon.


Blizz just responded on the tech forums. At least they are working on it!

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Got a response here. Not the one i was hoping though…


Why is this taking so long to fix. The worst part is it seems to happen to the most important dialogues in the conclusions of each questline. Really kills the moment. I think i’m going to cancel my sub, dragonflight is going to be a disaster if this is the team working on it and it takes them this long to fix something so critical.


Really hope Blizzard puts this bug higher on their priority. It is immersion breaking and I personally won’t be leveling or questing until it gets fixed. Theres quite a few missing dialogues on BfA, Shadowlands and I heard reports of it happening in older expansions too.


I’ve been guessing that this issue simply can’t be fixed outside a major patch release. They probably don’t think it’s worth the resources and effort to roll out a new patch just to fix broken dialogue.

Guess we’ll have to just wait and see if 10.0.1 fixes the bug like PTR suggests. If the issue STILL persists even with 10.0.1 on Retail servers, then who knows what’ll happen then.

Broken here, too. The whole reason I came back.

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Another patch and no fix…


I would like to, as I said in another post on another thread, point out this is happening to me as well. It has happened to me through out both Faction’s zone campaigns on Zuldazar and Kul Tiras, the war campaign, and the Shadowlands campaign. Its not even justq uest dialogue, its even post quest cutscenes. On multiple characters even involving the same quests.

And, in fact, even a cinematic did not have the quest dialogue for every character; the quest Dead Reckoning from the Alliance side.

This is abominably bad. I have had to watch youtube videos to get context for entire quests, and on top of that most of these videos are just how to guides; so many just run form the voices before its done or cut off the cutscenes entirely.

And that is still somehow better than the experience I get in game.

I hope Dragonflight isn’t broken like this.


Not sure it’s related to this bug, but I’ve also noticed that the music in Dun Morogh has been having unusually long gaps between music tracks when the loop music setting is off. Don’t know if it can be replicated.

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Still no fix. Please if you came on this forum post and you have the same problem, please take 5 minutes to add your input, because Blizz dev seems to be u der the impression that it’s only affecting a small number of people which is simply not true.


Also take another 2 minutes and submit a ticket


I’m also having this issue. Oftentimes it’s the first person speaking whose dialogue is missing. Sometimes the second person to speak plays/shows their dialogue, but not always.


I just decided to come back to WoW after a 5 year break, bought shadowlands and was really excited for all the new content (Bfa, etc) and i find that a huge chunk of the dialog is missing. Characters respond to things that were never said, stand idle for 30 seconds or more moving their arms but there is no voice or text etc etc. I then check online and see this is a several years old problem lots of people are having. Super disappointing return to a broken game.


While there have been other dialogue problems with WoW, This exact problem seems to have started in August with season 4. I understand your frustration, we are all frustrated. Let’s hope Blizzard fixes it soon!


The problem started with the launch of Patch 9.2.7, but last I checked the problem doesn’t seem to exist on PTR.

The dialogue bug is probably going to be fixed for the launch of Patch 10.0.1, which will likely be sometime in October. It looks like the dialogue bug isn’t fixable by hotfix and can only be addressed with a full patch release.