Dialogues missing in Shadowlands and BFA (text and spoken)

Just wanted to make sure that Blizzard is aware that this fault (bug) is STILL PRESENT.

To clarify, the bug is that random voice dialogues in the game will simply just not play. No text bubble - nothing. In addition, with some of these errors that involve an actual NPC conversation - only one side will function. The error is repeatable, it doesn’t come and go. If a voice conversation doesn’t play properly, there is no trick that will sort it out. It just WON’T play.


This. It’s indeed 100% of the time ; if a quest bugs once it always bugs. No settings fixes it. Trust me I tried


I can confirm I’m having the same problem on the Chains of Domination questline. Nothing new to add from people who have previously posted, just that I’m annoyed too.


Just started having this issue with the chains of Domination campaign quests. Couldn’t believe it when I saw this thread has existed for a month and nothing has been done. The issue is still very much present.


This sort of bug is affecting a lot of people and it is game breaking in the sense that it completely kills role playing in a ROLE PLAYING GAME. Came back to WoW after years away from the game and that bug completely killed my motivation to level up questing.

Blizzard needs to prioritize fixing this. The bug is already well documented and it doesn’t go away. There is no workaround to have the dialogues back.


I’m still testing this, but sometimes it seems as though I can get the first-speaking npc to show/speak their dialogue if I left-click on them.

Will give this a try next time I encounter the bug which should be in the next few minutes really and report if it worked for me. Can’t say I’m optimistic though

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Here’s a quick video I recorded tonight showing how absurd and game breaking this bug can be

As you can see. Nothing is happening.
Now take a look at the same cutscene from another video I saw on youtube from someone else.

As you can see, the difference is night and day. Blizz dev, you can no longer ignore this. This needs to be fixed… yesterday.


Preposterous!!! Usually, the npcs gesticulate without a sound. In all my years of gaming, I never see Devs that threat so poorly their product and audience. Bugs like these, a month now without fix, is like a product of an indie company formed for 10 people running an MMO, not a Multimillion dollar corporation product. ( meanwhile they put effort and time in fix or change things unimportant or that anyone asks in the game).


I just started getting through Shadowlands and BFA, and I’m seeing the same issue.


ok I take it this is reporting the bug that has been going on for over a month?


I’m having the same issue. I thought it was my addons at first but they have been disabled and I still get skipped dialogue or no dialogue at all. I hope they address this soon.


I wanted sooo much to play and do my questing but I refuse to do so while this game breaking bug is still around. I’m anxiously waiting until it gets fixed so I can level up my characters.


I am also having this issue. I’m currently trying to do the 9.1 and 9.2 story stuff for the first time and I’m missing a ton. No blue posts yet and it’s been over a month. Fix it Blizz… Please?


Same issue. Just re-upped the game after a few year hiatus, interested in checking out the Shadowlands expansion. Frustrating to see this bug has been open for weeks.


Same here.


This bug is still alive and kicking. Just experienced it now when selecting “stay a while and listen” between Bolvar and Taelia Fordragon in the Haven Camp. I am currently on the campaign quest “Arbiter in the Making”.


It is utterly unacceptable that this kind of game breaking bug runs free for one month and a half and is still not addressed.

Unfortunately, Blizzard WoW dev team is focused on classic while retail is left to rot. It is clear by now that Blizzard can barely take care of one version of WoW, let alone two.


Frustrating is right. It’s befuddling why you would want a major part of your game to be broken. I am guessing with them prioritizing WoTLK, ALL hands are on deck to make sure WoTLK runs as smoothly as smoothly as possible. I just wonder if they will just keep the story broken in retail from now on?


Having the same issue. The first expansion I decided to really immerse myself in by reading all the quests texts and paying attention to the dialogue and then this happens. Super annoying.