Dialogues missing in Shadowlands and BFA (text and spoken)

I have also just cancelled my sub. Only reason I resubbed was to play Shadowlands and with this issue you miss most, if not all, of the story. Pretty much, there is no more reason for me to keep paying for a subscription to this game


yeah I’ve noticed this too. sometimes you get half the conversation but not the other half.


Yeah sub cancelled here too. I can do more interesting stuff with my 20$ a month than getting frustrated at a game that the dev team don’t seem to have much of a sense of priority anymore. A shame cause I was really getting my WoW mojo back. I tried to fill in a ticket and all I received was a stupid auto reply with lame steps like disabling addons and reinstalling which many people have already tried - and failed. Waiting to talk to a real person will take more than 8 days according to the in-game ticket eta. 8… days…

Sigh… what happened to you Blizzard… I had you in such high esteem in the past… :pensive:


Same issue here. Figured I’d look before submitting my own bug, but obviously everyone else is encountering it.


Bump but at this point, what’s the point


This bug would be caused by a system file error nothing we can fix blizzard would have to patch both server side data cache and client side… when messing with wrath there is a possibility that routing of system scripts could have been corrupted and sometimes that will only effect select people


All npc and so forth is handled server side… your wow client is just the processor that transcribes the data received from the server and all quest dialogue is handled in C# script and some server side lua …. And all stuff that needs to be addressed on the blizzard team side…. There is ways people could find the bug then self but would break about 100 lol tos agreements

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Yeah I get all that, except it’s already fixed on the PTR. Been playing there instead of live to see the story and haven’t run into a single instance of that problem so to me, it says they did find the problem and fixed it already, and yet they are not releasing it on live which is frustrating

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To be honest I wonder if I should just run me debugger ( yes have one they can’t find ) and find the error and see if I can patch it lol…… or I can sit here and just wait and be a cool kid


Baffled how this has lasted multiple weeks without being addressed, or at least mentioned. This ruins the new player experience.

I just watched Cyrus in Boralus mime his lines and finally after a bit Genn Greymane spoke. Not worth playing for me if the story is broken.


This is still happening to me as well; I reinstalled twice, and between that repaired files about a dozen times.

I came back hoping the experience had improved in my absence, and yet here I am having to watch cutscenes on youtube to get up to date.


Confirmed it’s not fixed with today’s maintenance.

New character, through Exile’s Reach into Boralus → get to the introductory Cyrus speech and get to watch him stand in front of the fire for a while. I’m sure new peeps are very happy and unconfused.

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Thanks for the update. Hopefully Blizz at least let’s us know they aren’t planning to fix it anytime soon. Better than this, wouldn’t ya say?

I give up… I’m not renewing my sub. The story itself is already kinda weird and the pacing is all over the place if you start this late and on top of it all there this issue to make everything even worse. What a bad timing for blizz to give a copy of shadowlands to veteran players to try and get them back into the game ;/


I thought it was off choice also to give away SL with it not working properly. Let’s hope they fix it soon to give some of us the opportunity to experience SL before DF comes out

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Considering I noticed something sim in the Beta, potentially.

If the bug is currently persisting on Beta, it probably means it’s an unfixable break in the code caused by updates to the dialogue scenes system.

I suspect that this bug’s never getting fixed if that’s true.

I don’t know if it’s currently persisting on Beta, I just know there was some missed dialogue in a quest I believe when I last played.

Dunno about beta, but it’s zero happening on the PTR right now. I leveled a demon hunter all the way up to 50 only in BFA and haven’t encountered the bug once, where as in live, I can’t do any quest that has an NPC talking without encountering the problem. They did fix the problem. They’re just not releasing it to live for reasons unknown


Either they fixed the problem or the problem doesn’t exist on the Beta, which means they messed something up on Retail they didn’t on PTR. Also they haven’t listened to bug report it seems considering there has been several issues for several x-pacs with no response either.