Shadowlands' NPCs no dialogue

This indeed works and i’ve been able to use this trick left and right. I’d say it works 1 out of 3 times. Still not reliable enough for a solution but it helps


Another day of hotfixes fixing everything but this…


Any updates on this Blizzard???


Howdy Everyone,

Just wanted to drop in and let ya’ll know we are still working on this issue. We currently have no requests for more information or any information to update ya’ll with at this time.

If you see any changes please let us know.


Thanks for the update. Hope you guys can fix it soon!


Thx for the update, but no offense, this is still unacceptable. This bug has been around since the middle of summer, and is NOT present on the PTR in any form which means you fixed it there. How can this be that we are still affected by this after so long? Reports are pilling up between this post and this one Dialogues missing in Shadowlands and BFA (text and spoken) - #147 by Mansynn-alterac-mountains
Yet still no fix…


Really hope Blizzard puts this bug higher on their priority of fix. It is immersion breaking and I personally won’t be leveling or questing until it gets fixed. Theres quite a few missing dialogues on BfA, Shadowlands and I heard reports of it happening in older expansions too.


Yup. Just yesterday, I was questing through Outland, and although there is no voice acting, there are a few quest chains that end in a small cutscene playing out. Most of these scenes were presenting the same issues. Seems like it affects the whole game it’s just harder to notice on older expansions cause there is a lot less cutscenes.


Another patch, full of stuff way less important than those issues yet no fix for this game breaking bug…


Yea this bug is game breaking, it is literally dampening Questing and PvE experience. Blizzard, please prioritize to fix this.


This is getting frustrating. I believe it started August 16th. Please Blizzard, fix this soon!


And quite a few quests, especially from BfA and Shadowlands are having dialogues and cutscenes missing. Also happening on some older content cutscenes.


I know the last Blizzard response said they aren’t requesting any new information, but I feel I need to contribute it anyway. Several lines get crowded or skipped in the dialogue of A Moment’s Respite. That quest where they introduce the antagonist of the whole expansion. It’s kind of important.


On the contrary, we need as many people to add to these discussions as possible. Please if you are reading this forum post and having the same issue, don’t just read, please add your voice to the chorus. A Blizzard rep replied to my ticket saying this was only affecting a small minority of players which is FAR from the case.


How can it be a minority of players when it literally affects ALL players?


Yeah, that person from Blizzard was clueless. If we have a quick glance at the Technical Support section of the forums and peek at the replies and visualization numbers of each thread in there, one could easily see that this one have MUCH BIGGER visualization count and responses from players compared to others.

So no, this issue is affecting A LOT of people that want to have some immersion while questing and leveling. The irony of all is that last hotfix patch on the 20th of september had fixes for stuff that literally NO ONE cares about, unlike this issue we are discussing here.

Ladies and gentlemen working at Blizzard, I will repeat: please, put this bug higher on your priority list, it is game breaking for many players. I assure you.


I can confirm I’m having the same problem on the Chains of Domination questline. Nothing new to add from people who have previously posted, just that I’m annoyed too.


Literally my first time posting on the forums cause of this issue. I left the game a year ago cause I felt it was in a bad state and came back this month only to be hit with this bug that has completely ruined my motivation to continue with the story.


Same here. Was years away from the game and came back recently just to get hit by this bug too. Created account in this forum just to voice my concern with this bug as it completely killed my motivation to level as well. I just abandoned the leveling and questing until Blizzard decides to fix it.

Shame to come back after years and find this kind of game breaking bug. I expected the game to be more polished but I was wrong.


It’s sad but it shows the lack of consideration that developers have for the game today. A major bug would never have lasted so long in the past or there would have been much better communication about it.

It’s almost as if the story doesn’t matter to the developers anymore when I see it’s been going on for so long without a patch or major update on the subject.

Fortunately we have wow classic because otherwise it is certain that my subscription would be cancelled.