DF achieve

Against the elements. I did that whole thing. Wondered why no achieve. Thought maybe you quit giving them? But then I looked and my friend has an achieve called against the elements. So idk. I did the stuff and beat the bosses but have mainly water and stuff but I went all over and played and fought them all. Like what? Okay then. That will be all.

First off, if you were in a raid group and it was solo content up to 5 players, then it was working as intended. Secondly, are you talking about the pre-launch event? If you found a bug, then report it by using the in-game bug report tool, or by posting in the aptly named Bug Report Forum. Make sure you keep it short and simple with details such as which bosses, which achievement, and your location in-game when attempting them. Also, since this was only obtainable during the pre-launch event, how did you expect to obtain it now?


If you didn’t complete it during pre-launch, then you didn’t get the achieve. The elemental storms that exist now in the Dragon Isles don’t count towards it.


They ignore all bug reports and I did it solo.

Just because they don’t hop to and fix bug reports on your command does not mean that they’re ignored. Certain things take priority over others, but it’s rarely as easy as people would like to think it is to fix every little thing without it breaking fifty others. If it’s not fixed, it’s because they’ve not yet found a way to without more damage being done to other things.

It’s not an achievement anymore but a feat of strength. If it’s not showing up in your catalog, then you didn’t meet the metrics. The only issue I recall from people who weren’t getting it at the time was that there was one specific elemental that wasn’t spawning nearly as often as the others. Past that, there weren’t any widespread issues in completing it at the time.

[EDIT] It was the Storm boss that was not spawning as often as the others.


I went there and killed it at the crater. I have proof of it. I did it with one of my friends. It is a bug. I know it. My stuff gave no credit for two of the elementals no matter how many times I killed them. This game is full of bugs and glitches and thats a perfect example of another one. Im sure next prelaunch I will do the events and have the exact same thing happen.

I’m a prior post you said you did it solo, but then just now you said you did with a friend. Which one is it?

Though like was mentioned before, you’ll want to post this in the Bug Forums or using the in game bug report tool. I’m not sure if making a ticket would help but you could try. If it is a bug though the GMs likely won’t be able to credit you until released to do so from a dev when the potential bug gets fixed.

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the question is did you do all the bosses on one character or across a few different ones. If it was across different ones then you did not meet the requirements for the feat of strength.

A note that this Feat of Strength is not account wide, so make sure you kill the 4 with the same character.


My main toon did them all. And on my alts the did not do as much of it.

Okay, wow, that simple question got blown away out of proportion. Attacking me for a question I asked isn’t going to help your situation at all.

I just wanted clarification on whether or not you actually did it solo, as you posted conflicting things. If you had done it in a group that could have been causing your problems. That’s all I needed to know.

Also you don’t know anything about me or any alts I may or may not play, I’m not sure why that was relevant and needed to be attacked over.

The advice given is sound, there’s nothing the customer support form can offer you. You can file a bug report and potentially a ticket, though I’m not sure a ticket would help in this situation but worth a shot.


You’re posting on an alt right now. Bug reports are never read and the tickets say to post here.

Again, assumptions. This is my main. (I had a name change that caused my post count to reset. Was Jeys before, just swapped two characters names.)

Bug reports are read but not generally replied to.


This is not accurate. Bug reports are rarely responded to, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t read. The only time a response is given is if more information is needed. There’d be no point to having the Bug Report forum otherwise, and just stick to the in-game reporting tool.

This is probably not entirely accurate, either. It likely says to post on the forums in general, not specifically the Customer Support forum. Customer Support has no hand or influence in game design or direction, so posting in this forum is fruitless if it’s a game option.

They generally mean General Discussion for it to be seen by the people that fix bugs and make changes to the game, but sometimes we can further clarify and point you more accurately.


This has zero bearing on anything in this forum. We don’t play the “post on your main” game in here. (It really shouldn’t be done anywhere on Blizzard forums, but it’s especially not done here.)

Bug Reports are read. They are simply not responded to, unless the Quality Assurance team needs more information.

Unless the GM made a mistake, the ticket does not say to post here. It says for any feedback or suggestions, post your ideas on the forums. That means in the forum most appropriate for your issue.

Your issue is that you believe you have found a bug. So you report the bug on the Bug Report Forum.


Going to post this here, mainly to nip the seed in the bud.


Let’s be fair here, you were given correct answers and decided to get angry with someone asking a question.

If you have a bug report, then it goes in bug reports and not here. CS forum cannot help you with an old achievement.


It is 0% my fault and 100% Blizzards fault that this happened. Im not angry at any of you. Only them. It glitched. Even submitted in game bug report feature for it. No. Their fault. They can even check my logs for the entirety of the event.

And this still is a bug report or ticket issue that we can’t help with. Your attitude towards others was also unwarranted. We cannot help you with your achievement issue. Perhaps we need to quote again the blue post outlining things?

You can move this to bug reports, you can try submitting a ticket, but blaming Blizzard here and getting uppity at others is not going to get you the results you believe.


All you can do is submit the bug report and move on. No one here can fix it or grand you the achievment. GM’s can not help with this!

World of warcraft has bugs and glitches and you will never find a mmo or game of this size and complexity that does not have both. No way to keep that from happening.


For as much as you come here with nothing but bile and venom for the game, one has to wonder why you keep playing? I’m being absolutely sincere here. The majority of what you post on this forum and everywhere is nothing but loathing for how things are not handled to your standards and scathing responses to anyone else.

You’ve posted here well enough to know what CS is and isn’t for.

They do not. They never have. Tickets that direct players to make a post on the forums only say to make a Bug Report and then it provides a link to the main forum landing page. It does not now nor never has said to post in CS.

The game does have it’s glitches and bugs, but you are the only person who comes to mind when they’re in here to rant and rave about a particular one that is preventing them from a meta-achievement or such.

If you didn’t get it back in the pre-release, you didn’t get it. Your “records” of it are useless. Blizzard will only go on their logs - and those logs are not infinite. If you didn’t get the feat of strength then, you should have reported it then. This is a little late to just be going in on Blizzard. If it meant anything to you, it should have been reported on from the get go. If you had and they couldn’t verify that you met the metrics? That’s between you and them.

This forum is a PLAYER to PLAYER support forum. If the GMs couldn’t assist you with any tickets on it in the past, just like your other bugged achievements, then you know nothing can be done here about it.

You post in the Bug forums with clear and concise THIS is the issue. THIS is what I tried to do to get it to go. It doesn’t need the added vitriol and everything else. But again. I don’t know why you persist in playing something that you are so derisive and bitter about. I see you’ve been active in that other MMO thread. Perhaps you’ll find something more to your liking, and I do absolutely and sincerely wish you well with wherever your gaming takes you.