Deserter buff from being kicked from a group?

I could show far more, but they don’t care man. These people do not care about the facts. It’s almost a cult-like devotion to the false narrative they’re displaying:

Speaking in absolutes when we all know this statement is false.

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That makes zero sense.

Why add the deserter debuff to random kicks rather than a queue CD to specific dungeons?

Why would someone queue for a specific dungeon if they didn’t want to run it? Also: OH NO THEY CAN QUEUE AGAIN! THEY AREN’T PUNISHED! Speaking of which…

There was a time when GM’s dealt with players like this very quickly. GM’s could see every action and every conversation that happened. Some years ago, there was an exploit in AB where players could glitch through the gate before the match started and cap bases. This happened in one of my matches and several of us reported the exploiter. A GM didn’t contact me but another player let us know he had been contacted. A few minutes into the game and “poof” that player was off the map.

I can honestly say that I never experienced these “trolls” that some of you talk about. If I had, I would have reported them. And I don’t think it was prevalent because that’s back when Blizzard had GM’s and actually did their job. The deserter debuff was never a thing in Wrath. If these trolls were actually a thing, they became a thing when Blizzard stopped doing their job.

Please show the blue post that backs up your assertion.

Why have all these toxic Retail GS fetishists infested Classic? They have Dragonflight they can go play. Jeez.

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It wasn’t fine as people have recently been unable to flag themselves in an instance. It’s not fine because it’s a BUG:

Here you go.


kek. Congrats Blooms, you’ve put a nail in this coffin.

It is pretty amusing when they think I wont have the citation lol.

The more amusing thing is seeing the various ways they’ll move the goalposts after citing something that proves their assertions categorically false.

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That Blue post makes zero sense. If you can’t vote kick until 15 minutes into the dungeon…you can’t hold a group hostage. Also, even if you could kick someone immediately there’s still the 15 minute dungeon cooldown.

Blizz doesn’t even know how the game worked.

By the way, that thread is about Retail, not Wrath. But Blizz can’t differentiate between the two.

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You mean Zaalg?

Like clockwork, kek.

That’s my stalker, and that’s what he does. He also has zero ability to understand logic.

Look at that Blue post. They removed the ability to instantly kick for SOME people because so few people were being kicked. It literally demonstrates that vote kicking wasn’t an issue. So they gave the power to players who weren’t kicking anyone anyway.

And that’s a link I myself have put on these forums. I’m the one who dug it up.

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Pot, meet kettle.

That post clearly states that you can always instantly kick as long as you aren’t overdoing it. Therefore, when you put all this together, yes, you should get dungeon deserter for being kicked, otherwise you could encourage people to vote to kick you to avoid getting it, which was a thing that happened before and was known to be an issue by Blizzard.

And before you say that “It didn’t work like that in Wrath”… Why would they implement a system in the same abusable fashion as before? If they made changes later (regardless of when it was), then it only makes sense to have those changes in immediately to prevent the same abuse as before.

See how he lies and moves the goalposts so effortlessly? It’s second nature to him.

It did not happen in Wrath. You couldn’t even vote kick from the start (though some people got the ability later on), so you couldn’t hold a group hostage. And if you did get kicked you still got the 15 minute dungeon cooldown! There’s literally zero point to try and hold a group hostage. You can’t requeue.

By the way…

Keep thinking I don’t know how the system worked. I remembered a damn blue post from 14 years earlier.

You linked a post proving you didn’t get the deserter buff when you got vote kicked? Well done…?

By the way:

I knew that already.

You said people didn’t hold groups hostage during Wrath. Spoiler alert: they did.

And that’s why you now get a debuff for being kicked


It couldn’t happen UNTIL they removed the vote kick cooldown. Proving, once again, that removing that cooldown leads to that toxic behavior. They should have left it like it was when the system went in. Which as been my point the entire time.

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