Deserter buff from being kicked from a group?

Talk about adding insult to injury. Wiped after our “tank” let me (the healer) tank for a considerable amount of time, and they kicked me. Now I’m stuck being unable to queue for half an hour.

Why in the hell does getting kicked from a group trigger the deserter debuff? This is pretty basic stuff that Blizzard clearly can’t figure out. Why am I paying for this junk?


It didn’t in original Wrath.

But the Classic devs are clueless and decided to empower toxic, elitist trolls.


The kick function is pretty bad because people just say yes to every kick and the player who may have been randomly kicked gets a 30 minute timeout for no reason, you aren’t the first thread on this, its happening to everyone

We had a mage who was drinking in our group and someone called a kick on him and even though i voted no it kicked him anyway, so i guess you also only need 3 votes, the crime of drinking when oom


The debuff says, verbatim:

You abandoned a dungeon and must wait before using the Dungeon Finder again.

Getting forcibly removed, by definition, is not the same thing as abandoning (or desertion). Blizzard has an explicit description, in addition to a name, that tells them exactly the cases in which they are supposed to cause the debuff to be triggered, and they still can’t get it right. And you can bet it won’t be fixed.

Just read the damn instructions, Blizzard. It’s literally spelled out for you. This game is such broken garbage it’s insufferable. Can’t wait to finish this raid tier and leave.

To be clear, I don’t blame the individual developers. I blame Activision-Blizzard, the corporation, for allocating a mere skeleton crew for Classic, and botching their leadership priorities.


Additionally, if you leave or are kicked from a group before one of the bosses is killed, you will receive the Dungeon Deserter debuff, which will prevent you from using the Dungeon or Raid Finder for 30 minutes.

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You know that wiki gets updated every time the game is changed right? What you’re reading is the modern version. How about reference the original Wrath system:

“Players who are removed from a dungeon group through the Vote Kick system, are uninvited by a group leader from a premade group of five, or leave willingly from a premade group of five, however, will not receive the Dungeon Deserter debuff.”

Some important notes about this system:

  • Group members may not be immediately nominated for a vote kick after joining a dungeon group. If you attempt to vote kick a group member before the imposed grace period expires, you will receive the message: “That player may not be kicked yet.”

  • Players who are removed from a group through the Vote Kick system will not receive the Dungeon Deserter debuff.

The Classic team being too lazy to put it back to how it was in Wrath is a failing on their part.


The classic dev team is fond of polluting the game with retail bs.


I suspect there is more to this story than we’re being told (if is actually true).

If you think the game is junk and questioning why you are paying for it, it sounds like you should just stop playing and find something else to play.

What a silly response. People complain about this on a near-daily basis. If you think groups don’t kick players for idiot reasons, I’m not sure what game you’re playing. Because it’s certainly not Wrath Classic. On my well-geared toons, I have to vote “No” on unwarranted kicks for other players all the time, even when everything is going perfectly.

If your approach to problems with things you otherwise like is to give up and run away, suit yourself.

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People? You mean the same 10 people rotating in alts about a fictious issue that is not going on? I have run plenty. Sometimes with mostly guild and sometimes alone (as I’m greedy I want more stones) and not once I have seen a vote come up.

My approach to problems? I don’t have any problems with being kicked; however, if I did, my approach would be to make sure I was not the one creating the problem and if I was, correct it.

After reading most of these “I got kicked” nonsense threads the ones complaining are the ones who are the issue.

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The ones defending it are the ones doing it. Just like premades on Era and Gold Buying everywhere.

And they do it because they think its funny. This is what happens when you give a playerbase thats proven its eagerness to weaponize automated systems against others an automated system that can negatively impact others purely by numbers.

That system should not punish these players, wouldn’t you agree? There shouldn’t be a deserter debuff for being kicked.

Road to hell is paved with good intentions. Removing Deserter removes the punishment for griefing/infinite afk/intentionally halfassed play. Leaving it as is incentivizes weaponising the kick vote against random people with zero justification for the amusement of others.

As i said previously, if a system has “bad X way” and “bad Y way” as its only two options, it is a fundamentally flawed system.

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No it doesn’t. Everyone gets a 15 minute CD on queuing for another dungeon anyway. Why would anyone troll a dungeon so they could sit there for 15 minutes and twiddle their thumbs? You’d have to be an idiot. But even so, kick the idiot, get another player and go on about the dungeon.

This “YOU MUST BE PUNISHED” attitude is nuts.


People in hardcore have intentionally wiped their guilds in Naxx for twitch views and clout. We are past wondering why people do things. Its time to just accept that they do them and plan for it.

  • This isn’t hardcore, you don’t have to create another character if you die.

  • You have a 15 minute CD anyway.

  • There are hardly legions of players who want to waste their time trolling a 5 man. It’s pointless.

  • Original Wrath did not have a deserter debuff for being kicked.


who cares about how it was in wotlk? We want the best version…

It’s hard to take someone seriously who says the PvP flag worked “fine” for 5 weeks of ICC.

you just flagged yourself and didn’t turn it off… was fine

Of course it wasn’t fine. Especially if you get non English speaking players who have no idea what you’re saying in chat. I’ve had that happen on several occasions.

Players should automatically be unflagged for PvP when they enter a dungeon or raid, just like they are when they get on a griffin (until yesterday, that is.) This is just another example of complete incompetence.

Giving players a deserter debuff for being kicked is stupid.

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