WOTLK - PvP flag still interfering with party-wide buffs and heal

Adding my hat into the ring.

Our guild had the same issues as others last night. Started the second we entered the raid, and persisted through the night.

Blizzard, figure it out. This has been an ongoing problem since freaking Vanilla Classic!


Happened to us all night in ICC. Really made the raid hard. Even the healer stacks on Dreamwalker weren’t being shared between stacked healers popping orbs.

Thanks for letting us know, everyone! We’re looking into it.

this has been a thing on dungeons too for a while… I thought it was a “feature” :man_shrugging:

We encountered this issue in raid last night on Festergut. Our range dps and healers were stacking correctly under the Spore affected target to get application of the Blighted Spore>Inoculated debuff - but the debuff missed like 5 people in one stack.

It’s inexplicable - the only explanation I can come up with is the PvP flag bug.

Our holy pally marked as the stacking point died because he missed two stacks of innoculated, which seems impossible.

Looking at the logs I could see debuff applications weren’t going out and assumed people weren’t moving etc but the replay tells a different story.

I have seen this exact behaviour with debuffs and the PvP Flag in UP/UK gammas.

Where e.g. you have someone that’s PvP flagged in UK/UP and they are unable to be afflicted by the icy debuff someone that is not PvP flagged drops on the ground - which prevents them from dropping the Fire debuff to get the 50% crit buff.

It’s lucky Festergut was the last boss we had time to prog last night because the PvP flag issue (if that’s the cause) was 100% responsible for us wiping on both attempts.

TLDR - The PvP Flag issue is game breaking for raids and interfering with both party wide buffs and the application of necessary and crucial debuffs for ICC.

Hey all, I have an update.

The intended behavior is for there to be no PVP flags inside of instances since that can and has caused issues with dungeon groups. For now, though, we’re implementing a bandaid fix so that everyone on PVP servers is again flagged for PVP inside of instances. This will restore the original behavior in Icecrown Citadel so that if you’re on a PVP server, you don’t have half your raid flagged and half not flagged. We’re going to work on the real fix in the coming days.

From this point forward, any new Icecrown Citadel instances started up on PVP servers will have everyone inside them PVP flagged. If you’re currently inside ICC, have everyone in your raid group leave the instance and then have the raid leader right-click their portrait and select “Reset all instances”.

If that doesn’t resolve the issue for your group, have everyone leave Icecrown Citadel for at least 30 minutes to shut down your instance. Then, when you zone back in, you’ll have picked up the fix.


Thanks for the swift update on this, caused a lot of issues in our raid yesterday similar to what people mentioned above.


That’s great news for raiding… now would you do the same on dungeons? either force everyone to be pvp on as soon as they get into any dungeon… there’s alot of issues with buffs on dungeons with beacon of light for example prime example on this… if a beacon target isnt pvp flagged and I heal someone pvp flagged the beacon doesnt work at all on the non pvp flagged.

There’s other spells I’m sure they have the same issues…

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It sounds like this week’s bug was an attempted fix for all instances, including dungeons, but had some unintended side effects.

It’s been a recurring issue in dungeons since 2019 Classic launched, so hopefully these last few kinks can be ironed out! Two days of extra bugs is totally worth it if it ends up fixing the bigger problem.

How hard is it really to just check if people are in an instance spells ignore the pvp flag?

Pvp flag has absolutely no meaning in instances outside of battlegrounds and surely battlegrounds can be determined with some sort of constant.

It’s never as easy as you think it is. Be polite and be patient.

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It’s been 4 years.


RDF was added like 2 months ago. PVP flags have been working as intended so far in any situation that isn’t RDF.

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Is there an estimated timeline for the “real” fix? TIA.

If that is intended then that is how it should work, but with RDF, people from PVP realms queue up, and they’re still flagged inside. We been telling you since RDF was put in that PVP flags needs to drop when people enter the dungeon.

I think my post was pretty clear. Not sure what the purpose of yours was however.

That’s… that’s exactly what they said? They tried fixing it but it didn’t work they said? They said a fix is coming soon?

I don’t know if you just didn’t bother reading the whole thing, but I’m not sure what you were trying to say or call out here.

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It’s been an underlying issue since 2019 cause group buffs check for a pvp flag.

It just got worse with RDF cause suddenly cross realm enters the fray and for some reason instances seem to tie pvp flag to the server type.

Just get rid of the check on helpful spells for pvp flag and let people learn from buffing someone pvp flagged like we did in the past. There’s no reason for that check to be there in the first place.

They actually didn’t. People on PVP server were just always flagged because they queued from outside cities, or they always had /pvp on. I’ve seen people from PVP servers have no flag or have it fall off.

Which is intentional.

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That simply isn’t a thing, you just get flagged in contested zones.

As soon as you move into a friendly zone the pvp flag wears up unless you’re /pvp flagged.

It falls off cause we aren’t all /pvp flagged. It’s based on the zone type you’re in unless you intentionally flag yourself.

But stupid and pointless.

It does serve a point. Prevents accidentally assisting people who are pvp flagged.