Demoralizing shout is bugged and it is why we have this AoE meta

You too! Have we met somewhere?

Like lighting a pack of black cats.

It did, I don’t remember when it started working that way, I think it was around BWL patch but it’s been that way for a long time. When I leveled my UD warrior back in vanilla it worked that way in 1.10. I had omen installed so the threat generation was pretty evident to me even tho, I think it suffered from diminishing returns. It’s just an initial burst of aggro to help you hold them for just long enough to put some sunders on your targets.

To me, it makes perfect sense or else warriors wouldn’t have a challenging shout to begin with.

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Some people AOE spamming dungeons doesn’t make it “everyone” or probably even the majority.

Typically and maybe this is wrong but I’m spending all my rage on cleave and tab targeting different mobs to cleave. Saving taunt for any that try to escape.

I won’t say that’s a perfect strat but cleave seems to glue mobs to you.

The bad thing about this meta, if it catches on, is that it worsens the tank shortage. If all warriors started doing this, nobody else would be able to find a tank to run anything.

It does but for some reason it misses and gets parried a lot for me at least. If no mobs are CC’d in the group and having tactical mastery you can charge, TC, switch stances, demo shout, then cleaving should be more than enough to never lose aggro.

It’s really just another tool in our toolkit man. I throw it in there for the armor debuff, but it really shines when you get hit with multiple new mobs at once and need quick aggro on all of them (rogue face pulls or patrolls). Its not like you can stop tab-sundering and cleaving all together like this OP wants to make it sound.

That’s, attempting to hold the mobs with damage threat. And it works, as long as your damage is close enough to the aoe damage being dished out

The benefits are you are hitting two for one instead of tab targeting single. I don’t know what kind of threat each strike gives base line.

All things equal, Taunt>Revenge>Sunder>Heroic>Cleave>Rend ?

Sunder is your bread and butter single target. It does high threat to a single target for low rage.

Revenge is also very high threat, but is conditional and has a cooldown. It should be used whenever possible really.

Demo shout does a static low amount of threat to every target hit by it. If there are enough enemies, this is worthwhile because you can’t tab sunder enough with the gcd to outperform demo shout hitting them all.

Heroic strike adds some threat, but costs you your rage generating auto attack.

Cleave adds some threat in the sense that you hit a second target that you otherwise wouldn’t have, but has no other bonus to threat beyond that. Like heroic strike, it eats your rage generating auto attack.

Hs and Cleave should be used only really when you have excess rage.

Taunt is purely dor when someone else is being targeted by the mob and you need to take it back. Taunt does a few things. First it sets your threat to whatever the threat was of the person it was targeting. Then, it forces the mob to attack you for the duration. As long as you still have enough threat when it wear off, you’ll keep the mob.


Ding ding ding, we have a winner! AoE was always a thing and when one of our core raiders needed to class swap it was how we powered them through it!

We all just know now how effective it is to stack classes, and this feeds into the gogogo meta that started in Wrath and persists through today.

You just need to find a guild that consists of people who are not interested in playing WoW like it’s an e-sport.

Interesting. Battle shout buff produces threat. Rank 7 produces 70 base line threat , if in defensive stance that’s bumped up to 91.

In this video it suggest that demo shout only produces a fixed 55.9 threat per mob.

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Yeah letting people that ruined this game before is not a problem loool.

So what, you want Blizzard to step in every time a meta develops? Do you really wanna be babysat?

The players will always find a most optimal build.

This, and honestly that’s one of the slippery slopes that got us to retail.

People need to stop dwelling on metas, it obviously ruins the game, retail case and point.

The threat bug wasnt fixed until 2.1 I think

Except you don’t even need a tank for aoe dungeon leveling. I was pulling all of cathedral with 3 mages, 1 resto druid, and 1 holy priest (holy nova). That’s probably the hardest pull you’ll encounter and no tank needed

Something is wrong because I remember it differently are my favorite threads.