Delve loot = far too rewarding for it's difficulty

Why you do think something you cant do is easier than something you can do…?

Right they need to not allow groups in delves they got m+. Thats all they need to do. Not nerf solo content so you can feel good about MUH ILVL BLIZZ


I agree, shouldnt be able to make 5 man groups for delves, they already have mythics.
But i think the gear in delves need to be a little higher and more drops too. Emmm Yummy tears… emm…

Delves are great, besides all the bugs., this is what troghast should have been for solo players, who dont like to join groups and listen peeps like the poster.

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You will always have the whiners like the OP trying to lock out gear tiers for anyone who doesn’t enjoy spamming m+ or doing a raid. Ever since wow started they whine.


It’s funny when elitists get butthurt about solo people getting decent gear. It’s been this way from day one.


The way delves are set up feel like a better version of M+. No timer, no key, affixes (but they’re not awful, at least from what I’ve tried), and you get to choose your tier from a menu BEFORE entering the place.

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True elitists laugh at your crappy 616 vault gear lol.

Good enough for me.

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I look at it like this, its a replacement for people who hate mythic+ so now there is a choice, you can run mythic+'s until your eyes bleed or you can do delves. one or the other. its still both group content at the end of the day, very few people will be ‘soloing’ the delves to be honest.

Most soloers literally do content do feel strong in open world and to collect mogs. The ilvl delves rewards allows people to get every difficulty tier of mogs. The weekly starts with heroic tier apperance and by the final upgrade mythic. (The crests for this can be arely found in delvers bounty chests)

No one cares about your ilvl or your dps parses.

then you are not an elistist, because a true elitist is a mid range player who mistakenly believes themselves to be elite. they definitely will be salty over people they believe to be lesser than getting 616 gear. there is a difference between an elite player and an elitist player, one can prove they are just that good, the other only believes they are just that good.

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Doubt X.

Grats, you are getting 1 616 piece a week. So cool, itll only take you… 15 weeks to get a full 616 slot with excellent vault RNG. Mythic plus elites will have that in 2 weeks.

Heroic raiders are getting that right now and end of dungeon 10s will get you right there.

Again, we really dont care that in 4 months delvers will have even worse loot than us in just two weeks LOL

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Dear OP, just what the heck are you smoking…or injecting?

Delves were fine a week ago. Not for everyone, certainly not for the rushing OP gearing groupies, but now? Garbage.

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Delves were ‘fixed’. “Enjoy.”

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Yeah I tend to think T8 bountiful delves should have been the equiv of an M0 at most, definitely not 10 ilvl higher.


good, maybe we;ll finally kill M+

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Completely agree…well said!

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How did it ruin other content? Do you have to complete delves to do raid and m0 now?

What’s sad is it’s not about the rewards even as much as those folks want to control how others play. They don’t want you to have fun and be rewarded, because it makes their accomplishments seem less to their own ego.


So delves will be taken over by the mythic crowd and then be adjusted to their liking.

Again forcing solo players to keep adjusting to content that isnt satisfying and then forcing them to leave.

I figured the delves where a possible attempt at retention for blizzard but im guessing maybe not and nostalgia just isnt gonna be enough regardless of updates and future expansion promises.