Delve loot = far too rewarding for it's difficulty

let them eat cake.

the other thing you gotta remember is that you can’t target loot in delves. The first 4 keys I used in mine all gave me trinkets …and they were (with the exception of one that I burned a bounty for) garbage.

So this is why this particular gearing path would NEVER replace m+ for me.


I know I heard that at one point but since it didn’t happen in the prepatch I figured it was scrapped. Yeah if that’s true then delves are absolutely a required weekly chore for the next 2 months.

Kek imagine wasting time on mythic plus with all the gate keeping boosters

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I think you misread my post. I said M+ is spammable and that delves ARE NOT. So, you came at me when I was agreeing with you. I just corrected how many bountiful you can do per week.



Season 1 dungeon lineup is the worst pug-friendly list in warcraft history.

Going to be toxic af outside or playing with full friend group.


I wouldn’t know because healing an m0 on my resto Druid was one of the worst healing experiences I’ve had in years. I won’t be going back until they make healing actually fun balanced and fair


T8 delves give better loot in the vault than heroic raid. That’s just bananas :joy:

Delves for players with no skillz

His imagination, is not true.

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It wasn’t a claim, it was part of what I’d like to see happen if we separated the pillars.

The problem is they weren’t tuned at all. Earthen Waterworks is a great example. And the candle stuff. As a mage I can either kite or nuke. They added too much hp for me to nuke and I can’t kite those candle and totem dungeons.

I need two cycles of burst and I can kill the bosses. But living that long is difficult.

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I think M0 should just reward better loot.

ah that makes more sense

They’re already trying to take our loot! Us poor gamers just want to have our own fun man wow. And I just saw I already responded to this and couldn’t remember, but I still agree with myself!

Weird. Almost like they should just have kept it as solo content.

Are you able to solo lvl 8 delves on your druid???

Really doubt it. I haven’t tried. But I don’t have a kick (I wont take feral talents) so I highly don’t think so.

Who’s gonna tell him?