Delve loot = far too rewarding for it's difficulty

I highly doubt this. For a player who wants to run M+, M+ is still going to be better in basically every way, especially at levels where heroic gear drops and mythic gear comes from vault.

Outside of fixing a bug, has Blizzard even really changed Delves for solo players? They made like a dozen changes over this past week for grouping, but I don’t remember seeing too much change for solo.

So a very small minority then. Since most people either aren’t good enough, or not time invested, or don’t care enough to deal with that. It’s why I never push high M+, as a person who pugs M+ I can’t be bothered to deal with the frustration of pugging high keys.

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People crying about what other people do in-game because it’s not what they envision/prefer is pure simp energy. Let it drip.


Well delves aren’t really ment to be done with a group. Comparing the 2 is kinda disingenuous.


The vault has always been badly skewed in it’s rewards, you can miss the timer by hours and fail a M+ but still get credited for the rewards in the vault. As far as I’m concerned the vault shouldn’t give rewards at a higher ilevel than the content cleared to reward it, and personally I think the vault existing was a bad idea from the beginning.

Eh, I don’t know how small that group is going be. I have only had a consistent push group in M+ during one season, yet I’ve PUGed to KSH basically every non-fated/non-awakened season since Shadowlands as a feral druid. I haven’t had anywhere near the level of toxicity that gets discussed on the forums from PUGing M+, certainly up to the point where heroic gear is dropping from M+. If you can complete a +7, the rewards are strictly better from M+ than the gear cap from delves.

If you don’t want or have bad experiences up to that level, then by all means I am not suggesting you run M+ instead. But it seems highly unlikely that players who want to run M+ will be so turned off by the structure of delves that they demand the mode become a second M+ at the expense of anyone who might run delves solo.

Thats once per week hoping RNG goods are on your side. Seems fair to me. Its not like that every delve drops 616 at the end.

I heard lots of complains on forums how delves are hard, and you can’t solo them at after certain level. But you’re the first one saying that they are to easy for the rewards they offer


The vault containing higher item level than the content you cleared actually makes a lot of sense as a natural way to encourage progression. It ensures groups will become gradually stronger week over week to foster natural progression. The fact that raid doesn’t have a higher upgrade track in vault is a bigger problem than M+ giving that increased track.

Yeah 3 cloaks and a ring every day is a lootfest for sure.


What took you so long to figure this out?

Raiding has been in the game since the beginning and Mythic + has been in it for a long time.

Not even every day. You get like 8 or 9 coffer keys in a good week.

M0 being far hard than a Tier 8. lol Quit lying.

I guess it’s easier to be carried in M0.

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I think the sweats just want to gatekeep ilvl. Its weird.

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I’d argue Delves are probably easier than M7s, yes, but you also have to consider that Delve keys are a finite resource atm, and require either pumping some serious kills in world soul stuff or doing your weeklies to get your hands on them, every week you’ll get 4 which is nice, but that’s enough for… 4 loot rolls, M+ you can farm over and over again throughout the week, and while the vault rewards are ofc only 3 choices per week for both, the tertiary loot will be far more plentiful

Even solo they are WAY too rewarding, I’ve solo’d them easily on monk, mage, and hunter. My friend solo’d on rogue, another on lock, and another on druid. None of us are further than 5/8 in H Raid, and while we obviously cleared all M0 it took a ton more effort. Giving gear that outclasses H Raid drops in the vault when it took 15+ pulls to kill Princess but we 1st tried our delves every time with little effort doesn’t make any sense.

The gear is part of the reward for doing difficult content. I don’t cry when I can’t have Mythic gear from the last boss. I’m not a Cutting Edge raider, I shouldn’t get what they get. If you can’t do +8 M+ then you aren’t good enough for the gear.

It’s great way to gear alts you don’t want to put through the M+/raiding rigamarole. On that front alone, Delves get a thumbs up from me.

Other people getting gear doesn’t bother me. It doesn’t diminish my own meaningless in-game accomplishments. The only thing that makes me jealous are players who have the talent to come up with original TMogs.

M+ is honestly too rewarding it needs a huge nerf can endlessly meanwhile delvers are limited on keys and raiders on lockouts.

Please blizz add item lock outs to m+ it’s too easy to gear with it.

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While delve gear has a high item level it isn’t exactly BIS gear, every second drop has a pointless stat for your class or a terrible trinket that is in no way worth using… Yes it’s high item level but M0 and M+ is still 100% worth doing if you’re chasing good gear.