Defending key infrastructure Players (who pays a monthly subscription) are banned in WOTLK Classic AV

Gonna open this topic back up.


"For non-participation players may report you if they feel you may be /afk or not participating. When enough reports are received in a match you will usually receive a temporary debuff that encourages you to get into combat. If you do not, you are usually removed from the match.

Those reports may also trigger an investigation, but none of that is automated. A member or members of a specific team are tasked for these kinds of things and will look into the reports and your in-game behavior to determine if there is evidence of participation in the Battleground or not.
Some may report if you are not participating in the manner they feel you should, but that doesn’t necessarily do anything. As I said, the application of those penalties are not automated. They are based on your actions, and the data your actions provide.

With that said, it is important to keep in mind that a Battleground is a team event. You aren’t there solo, so to a degree, it is often necessary to work with your team. If you are going off by yourself to defend a lone tower, without the support of your team, and you never really encounter anyone else to defend against, well, that really isn’t participating."

There seems to be an apparent misunderstanding regarding offensive/defensive strategies related to AV. Banning those who are actually AFK is one thing; however, banning someone for playing the game is entirely different. Would Blizzard be justified in banning players for sitting on “AFK HILL” just outside the AV boss buildings?

Should players be allowed to back cap or act as deterrents in the Bunkers/ Towers if the need arises, or are they condemned to waste 10-45 min AV games with little gain in honor?

Sometimes it takes that Solo Player to win an AV match by back capping if the rest of the team is at AFK HILL. Maybe they’re mid-field harassing the enemy who is trying to back cap.

“Cap towers and graveyards.
This means staying there to defend until they are capped, which takes 4 minutes. For every tower under your faction’s control, the boss will have 1 Marshall or Warmaster in the room with him, a very tough elite. A tower or graveyard that is recapped (it belonged to the enemy faction and they turn the flag back) will not only have to be recaptured, but will also reset the 4-minute timer.” ~ Blizzard affiliated AV Guide

“Once these objectives have been completed, you can choose either to help defend captured resources, or move forward with the group on offense. It’s up to you. Try everything!” ~ Blizzard affiliated AV Guide

WoW Classic: Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley Now Live! (


question, if you get banned in classic, does this also apply to your retail account and visa versa?

IF an AFK ban is justified? No, the punishment should fit the misbehavior or misunderstanding.

Let us examine some source material from the Blizzard AV guide at WoW Classic: Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley Now Live! (

I can confirm ALL of WoW is banned.

Yes, it seems that much of our actions are Bannable in this new age of Blizzard.

I agree. If say a player is standing in the spawn cave, yes, that is certainly a reportable and if done enough bannable offense. 30 days? No. At least not for a first offense.

Holding the tower shouldn’t be and using damage and healing numbers to confirm people in these locations is a really really poor metric. I understand it is an easy one for some auto-bot to look into a ban people. But… its not a good one that actually determines value or participation.

The next big question… WHY IN THE HELL IS NA 30 days… and EU 7 days???

Completely agree.

The harsh punishments for NA may be due to marketing.

Out of curiosity… what marketing does this meet/satisify?

Blizzard most likely wants to keep those in the EU active as much as possible. Banning them for a long period of time may deter those players from returning. Do we know the length of bans for oceanic servers?

Wait… marketing is what decides NA getting 30 days but EU getting 7 days???

It’s speculation.

So I do get this is speculation. But I mean… I don’t understand now that exactly sells a product. If anything it tells a huge chunk of your customers (that you happen to be on that side of the pond on) to go find something better to spend your money on.

Also I asked on CS and was tactfully dodged.

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The possibility of NA customers returning is high; the creation and success of Classic only solidified this. Blizzard would throw 30-day bans at Oceanic/ EU servers for fear of losing those profits. So the 7-day bans are more market-friendly.

Good chance the employee didn’t have the answers nor the ambition to question the status quo.

Blizzard sounds like they know nothing of strategy and tactics of a game battleground they created lol.
What’s next? “Defending solar sphere BY YOURSELF is not participating”?


^^^ what is this??? they have stealthy’s in the game, who wrote this?


This is a quote from a Blue Post on a topic regarding AFK bans.
Here is the original post URL.
7 day suspension - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums (

But yes, it’s very confusing.

That is an absolute DISASTER…

Its really hard to believe this is a biggest deal then the 200 rogues in BRD pickpocketing raw gold. But apparently… it is…

Its all automated now. No real person reviews these things. You will get banned, maybe even get your account locked forever.

Don’t play RBGs anymore. Its not worth the risk.