Defending key infrastructure Players (who pays a monthly subscription) are banned in WOTLK Classic AV

Yeah. I just got the news the ban got reduced to ending on the 14th of September. So at least I get to make it to the launch of WotLK.

But I will certainly take the advice of never doing a BG again. Just not worth the risk.

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Whats confusing about it? The GM clearly has no freaking idea what hes talking about and is better off keeping his mouth shut for the future.


Actually a very easy problem for blizz to solve with their algorithm.

Just give us the ability to click a name and force a randomly located ready check (like the fishing bobber) on anyone not in combat for a while. Give it a 2min cd or something so we cant spam harass someone. We can police ourselves. Dont think bots are great at clicking randomly located objects if blizz codes it right.

If they dont click it in the time allotted they get booted. If an account has this hapen X number of times in a week they get suspended for a day, then a week, then a month etc.

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These guys cant even figure out how to put the wotlk lfg system into wotlk but you think they can do something like that? EL OH EL

They chose not to put the system in there based on feedback from classic players. It wasnt they didnt know how.

Its true because they said so! Just like how bans arent automated despite how thousands of people all got banned in the same minute for playing defense in AV. It was just some guy with really quick fingers LOL

I’m glad someone gets it. Thanks. That guy was being a jerk to people all day yesterday giving people misinformation and then tried to pretend like people upset about it were the problem.

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I mean this is true.

The same client system that runs LFG is the exact same system that runs the battle grounds. Its already in the game. It just wont put 5 players in a dungeon because they want the PVE to stay server side and induce grouping and guilds.

 just ABANDON objectives after you capture them or get banned? Stay away from nodes UNTIL a stealth takes it
 then ABANDON IT again? That is the most nonsensical thing I’ve ever read.


It sounds like a bunch of devs who have never played bgs in this game took information from one disaffected player who had an axe to grind. Probably he spends his time fighting in the road and gets annoyed by the players who are solo defending bases.

I say this as a tank who has solo defended many bases in the past, and sometimes taken flack for being low on damage when no one attacked them.


it applies to both if its under the same license. (i.e WoW1 gets suspended on Classic; WoW1 on Retail also gets suspended. WoW2 license would not if you had one.)

If someone is defending that random graveyard in the middle of AV all game long without encountering anyone, that person isn’t doing anything all that useful.

But I certainly wouldn’t ban them entirely from the game for that. That’s ridiculous.

I read what you just linked and holy hell you def are correct about that GM.

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I actually cant believe he said that and I never seen it before

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This is a prime example of what happens when you ask someone who doesn’t PvP (at all) to make a statement that carries weight about PvP.

Defending or being at a node isn’t just viable, it’s a deterrent from someone being able to just solo cap a tower, for free.
If I were an undergeared rogue (any class really, stealth just makes getting to places uncontested easier) or someone that’s just not good, looking for a way to provide value to my team, I would intentionally look to try to ninja cap as many resources/nodes from the enemy team as possible, and would actively avoid any that were being defended (at all) to try to disrupt or inconvenience whatever team I’m fighting. Undefended nodes are basically a dessert to me in this situation.
This GM is almost unequivocally telling people to throw, and the worst part is that he doesn’t even seem aware of it, because there’s a very strong chance he doesn’t partake in PvP.
A good comparison is asking the tech admin at a large company about how to properly repair heavy machinery used to transport large vehicles or something similar.
There’s a good chance anything he tells you is going to be marginally worthless since it’s not really his wheelhouse, but he might make it sound polished, at least.


This cannot be real

I’ve been there. I tank 99% of the time and between taking the first node and tanking the end fight I do all the dirty work of objectives. I can’t count the number of times I see someone saying to report me afk because I’m on the other side of the map (with 500+ artifacts from gathering) or defending the artifact turn in guy or fighting off stealth at a node. There’s always that player who thinks their best contribution to the match is to hall-monitor. I think hall-monitoring is afk, it’s like texting and driving.

This is surreal. People joke sometimes that Blizzard doesn’t play its own games, but it turned out that’s actually true in this case.


how do i flag staff for trolling
this is outrageous


Defending with rogues so they can not get attacked stealth and sap rotation to call for backup.
Defend with pet classes so the pet can tap the flag caper as they are saped/CCed.

Solo defenders are specific, it’s not just someone or anyone, you need counters to ninja capers, and I just mentioned them. Slow the people attacking need CC, it’s a whole game/strats capping and defending nodes, it is THE GAME ACTUALLY.

I love the guy above me “This cannot be real
” I laughed so hard at that simple statement

^^^ this guys brain just got melted