Declining real life friends due to low R.IO?

your key your rule. I would think it’s a dick move. But hey you do you

If you can get your weekly chest done with someone else’s key. then it shouldn’t matter if you burn your own key. or work the other way, and help them scale up their own key.

but if you are planning on carrying or burning the key, you should put it in the list that you are not planning on doing the run in time. :thinking:

And this peeps, is why you NEVER asked general chat for advice. They always blow stuff out of proportion. A BASIC SIMPLE question gets lost in the rabble… :angry:

never had friends, never had problems. Easy.

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I would decline them, because a bad run might put you in a bad mood and could potentially harm your friendships.

Remember writing that? Now how do you think it feels for your “friends” to get that treatment from you? Or are you just too above caring?


damn…got’em ^


Iits not nothing, that question shows a lot of you as player, person and friend.
If you want our opinion, well… mine is that the only thing that matters here is to have fun. You can do it with friends? even better, do it. F*ck io, play with your friends, help them to get better gear, etc.

Also, an advice. Read those answers, check your question, think about what is “freaking” out people, so maybe you can understand why.

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Oh I remember alright. This is why i’m now the person that I am today. :angry: You can thank the mythic+ community btw.

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ehhh I feel the same way as OP. Sure I’ll hard carry… on an alt :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh beans looks like the essence grind killed my alts. Tough break kids :face_with_thermometer:

This thread seems like a special case of the more general “my playstyle interests don’t match my friend’s interests” problem.

Even guildmates don’t care about your RIO score (unless you’re in a trade chat guild), much less IRL friends.

It’s a stupid question ., carries happen all the time. Within guilds, friends etc .

I mean, if my IRL friend did this to me, I know where he lives and I have access to his account…


It’s not going to ruin your score to show them the ropes. It could end up giving you a good M+ team if you do.

Why would you ever not do content with friends?

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Dont take them on runs they cant handle. But that doesnt mean dont group with them. Take them on stuff that is their level, gear them up, teach them the mechanics, and the IO score will build up. Dont go all elitist on your friends man…

I would hard carry them just because I know they could make a fantastic mythic running team, but at the same time I wouldn’t allow them to be lazy on me at least make sure they put some effort into playing by themselves on the solo stuff at least.