Declining real life friends due to low R.IO?

Reread his post, his friends came back to playing, they want to group with him. Have had plenty who came back for classic come to retail and I have no issues helping them catch up. It’s not mooching, it’s appreciating your friends and wanting to spend time with them, at least for me. Seems you want yours to pay you by the hour… That’s not friendship… That’s…


Yup, exactly. One of my friends has been helping the guild to get into higher and higher keys, teaching them things and helping them gear up to it. But when he goes to run his +15, he just does it on his own and doesn’t ask to bring us. None of us would expect him to ask higher keys either. He does now push them to try +10, though.

Well… I’m not sure what you expected when you basically said, “my IO score is more important than my friends.” :woman_shrugging:t2:


Aw, another cute troll boi.

I’ve taken complete strangers on gear and score building runs just because they asked to join the guild. I’ve made more new friends this expansion than I h ave had in 14 years of gaming thanks to my guild.

I haven’t seen a Dozer rIO thread in a while.

I was getting worried.

I was going to send a search party.


Good for you

Friendship is magic?

Part of a friendship is having like interests and goals. If you don’t, you likely have little in common in the first place.

Right, because those who do not subscribe to an ideology of handouts and free things are trolls.

You’re just soft, can’t keep up, and scorn those who surpass you by any meaningful objective measure.

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Aw, it’s continuing to be cute!


Ah so this is a troll thread after all. What a surprise.

I thought the name looked familiar.

This thread is now almost more ironic than I can handle.

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if they were actually your friends you would have convinced them to save their $15 and spend it elsewhere


make guild, work out the gearing and such here, have fun times. you all wipe, laugh it off.

Unless op is trying for the next try outs for method or other famed guilds…the lower io is not a massive deal breaker imo.

But that’s me…I tend to have more fun with actual friends in a shared crew than being good and in an elitist crew with a bunch peeps I don’t really know. This based on eve time. Will save the e-stalk and I have no real raid time here. Besides my solo stuff in older stuff anyway.

In eve I had more fun in “scrub” corps with friends than in the “good” crews with strangers.

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And they do have like interest and goals, they are asking for help to get on that level. They aren’t asking him to solo the content, just to do a few runs with him. Had he posted they want me to carry them on a 16 I’d see the issue. You are beyond comprehension. Why do you play this game if the only person that matters is you?

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My druids guild leader would help me with keys while I was still gearing him. He would run my keys with me and run his keys occasionally with me.

Once I got to 400 ilvl and a decent IO he stopped helping me. I was at a point I could help myself and the only goal was to just help me build my IO, and in return I healed his keys every now and then when he didnt want to pug a healer; and I hate healing.

Moral of the story? Help your friendd and they will most likely return the favor

I’m reasonably sure he’s trolling you. Or he’s got no friends and we now know why. One of the two.


As someone who often plays with people who might not always be the best, you play with your friends because they are your friends. Their skill level and arbitrary score shouldn’t have anything to do with it.

If you are concerned about trying like a +16 or something then just do that on your own time. In the mean time deplete your key or use theirs and do something that isnt soul crushing to newly returned players.

I don’t really see it as a hand out ideology, though it seems your experience and what you define as a friend is different than most peoples.

I can see your perspective when it comes to a guild and raid team. Though when its my personal friends, I typically throw out the try hard mentality, as with friends its just for fun.

Honest to Bob, this is what turns so many people off. I hear these horror stories on the daily, and the best part is half the clowns that don’t want to help anyone are pushing for the removal of accessible content like LFR.


What’s funny is, up until a few months ago he posted at least twice a week how RIO sucked because no one would ever invite him to groups.


That does make my day so much brighter!

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Yep. The playerbase is ultimately what has led to me playing this game very sparingly. I don’t run any group content anymore. I get that fix over in FF14, which is the polar opposite of this game.