Declining real life friends due to low R.IO?

My guild carries me and other players all the time. I was 400 last week.

Your friends should be able to get up to at least 350 before they expect a carry. You may want to say, “get to 405 with emissaries and weeklys and then I’ll carry a few.”

If he truly has multiple RL friends and they want to play with him and he turns them down because their gear and experience is too low? Instead why does he not help his RL friends gear up and learn the dungeons?


hook, line, and sinker. props OP, you trolled em good.

all the rest of you got baited.

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Did you mean RIO? Because that score doesn’t go down. It just won’t increase unless he times a higher key.

Real friends don’t let friends have low raider io scores. Sometimes you have to be mean and explain to them why exactly you won’t run with them. That or you can continue to ignore the problem, and passively watch as someone you supposedly care about struggles. Thats a real friend right there, watching someone drown and not wanting to throw a lifeline to them because it’d hurt their feelings.

You’d think that but read his responses throughout the thread.

It’s not bait, it’s a person being socially inept. He has been posting a lot if you look at his history about being declined for groups based on RiO. Here’s one of the threads he started.

Real friends don’t care about things like Raider IO scores.

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Nope, it’s clearly bait and everyone scolding him are being socially inept :sunglasses: Dozer 2020!

I suppose I should clarify a bit. A real friend isn’t going to see a supposed friend struggle with something, and ignore the obvious reason why. They’ll be blunt with them because they love them enough to actually want to see them improve and do their best to help their friend achieve that. You aren’t being a friend when you watch someone get crushed over and over in something you’re experienced at and tell them they’re doing fine. Its one thing to do some random m+ with your friends and not expect much to come from it but, if you’re telling them everythings peachy keen when you hit a wall because of them, you aren’t being a real friend. You’re being a coward.

Doesn’t sound like you are a real friend.

well i owe OP an apology. but dang if that first post didn’t read exactly like bait

OPs friendship IO score seems to be insanely low


You made me choke on my coffee on that one wish I could give you more than one heart!

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Saying you can run a dungeon with a friend because they have a low IO score is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.

I mean, you can easily carry them in 5-6 or something until they get some experience. I dare hope they’re not thinking you gonna carry into a +12 or something…

Could just do the normal thing. Take them on some lower keys, help them get some gear and progressively get better with them as a group. Doing keys as a group is more fun than pugging and hoping the IO is accurate.

Devil’s advocate… should he waste his free time gearing flaky people?

The vitriol in the responses in this thread is pretty awful. Good Lord.

I have been on both sides of this. I once had RL friends who were significantly more geared and experienced than me, and I now have several RL friends who play the game at a significantly lower level than me.

The fact is you simply can’t bring them to your level of runs. No one will do the runs. The amount of carry someone will tolerate for another player’s friend on a progression run for them is a couple hundred io points at most.

You are entitled to continue to progress, and until your friends get to your level, yes, you’ll need to do it without them. This isn’t a big deal, I doubt you spend all day in progression keys. When they start reaching the point that they’re qualified for the key, I do believe you have a friendship obligation to bring them. By extension though, they should have worthwhile keys of their own at that point, and they’re obligated to return the favor.

Outside of your own progression runs, you should help them catch up. Push their keys, w
pimp out your io score, carry them to quick 1k scores and decent gear. Don’t burn yourself out doing it, but just enjoy hanging out with your friends doing something you’re good at and help them progress.

And if they have bad attitudes about it, don’t play with them. I had one buddy I just had to quit helping because I realized my paying customers for carry sales were nicer about it.

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They might become assets later on to push even better keys than he previously could?

A returning player is flaky? I don’t get your logic here.