Declining real life friends due to low R.IO?

You could help them build their score and their keys instead of being a bad friend.

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You don’t need to pay for carries and if you are interested in getting better I wouldn’t recommend that anyway (just don’t tell that to my buyers lol

Just start with a m0 and that will give you a keystone. You can then do small keys as you practice and get gear. We all start with 0 experience and score so of you want to you can work your way up too.


Why not just make an alt to play with friends? :male_detective:

Thank you very much Aveldruid. I really appreciate your help!

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I wouldn’t bring a green geared friend to a mythic dungeon unless we were explicitly running it to carry them.

Not at all, unless you are there to carry, you’re not going to bring a heroic dungeon geared player to a mythic dungeon or raid.

Causes a lot of problems, otherwise.


I have geared many friends. I carry them through 10s. That being said
 I am absolutely not going to bring them into a 17 or an 18 when they’re like 410, have no essences, and are only just relearning their class

@OP. Carry your friend through the highest content you can comfortably carry them through until they are geared/prepped enough to start pushing whatever it is you are pushing.

That being said
 why would you use RIO for your friend? You know if they’re good or not and you know that they are undergeared. It is unnecessary.


It’s a catch-22. Either you can hard carry them, or you can’t and you’re no better than they are.

It’s a double edged sword.

Run your friend - at the cost of others time and ratings.
Bail on your friend - at the cost of the friendship

Your friend should not want you to hurt others but on the flip side it’s ok for your friends to ask for your help.

I would say you would need to make sure everyone on that key knew what was happening and was ok with it before inviting your friend. But help your friends out for sure whenever you can.

(It’s safe now in PL, with ML a lot of people got hurt badly by gearing “other” people’s friends.)

Dear god we agree on something.

On the plus side I am sure you won’t have to worry about having RL friends for too long, so it is a self correcting issue.

So you would stop being friends with someone because they didn’t take you to keys that you are no where near prepared for and expect to be carried?

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There’s a bit more nuance to this subject then i think most people are willing to give it. I’ve had friends who wanted to run higher level keys 15+. But they don’t have the exp from doing the dungeons to justify taking them in and possibly breaking the key and taking hours to complete. It wouldn’t be fun for anyone.
Personally i’ve never been a fan of RIO, GS, or any other variety of 3rd party exclusionary addons. If someone already has the achievements or the IL to do the content. I’d be fine with inviting them for content appropriate for their exp and gear.
That being said it really comes down to how good at the game your friends are and what their gear is like. If they just want to have some fun and you’re fine with taking them with you. Just do some 5 or lower keys and gear them out. Work them up the ladder to 10’s and stuff so they understand what they should be doing and what skips need to be done.
And in the occurrence that they’re, well you know
 Really bad at the game. You just have to level with them and explain that they just aren’t up to the task of the higher level content. If they really are your friend, they’ll understand and not try to force you to carry them through difficult content.

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If you’re declining them solely on that basis, then yes, I think it’d be a jerk move. If they just came back and have low gearing, then help explain to them constructively what they can do to catch up for gear. Also, for things like normal Mythic, if you are comfortable as a group doing it, go for it.

R-IO is a tool, but not an excuse to act like one.

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I’d do regular mythic runs and then do one M+ that I know they could get through while carrying them. If they’re my RL friends I’d actually be doing as much as I can because they’re the ones I want to play with.


You really gonna call out profiles when you at +9. LOL

You’re in over your head kid. Find a corner, and stay in it.

I don’t know about you, but I LIKE helping my friends, it’s kind of what friends do. When your “friends” need help moving do you say, “sorry I’m not gonna carry you through your move. You need to get a few moves under your belt before I’ll help you.”

I don’t know the whole story but you seem like the kind of friend I wouldn’t want.

This is a great line!! I’m so stealing it!


It’s more like “hey dude can you move my furniture for me while I carry the kitchen utensils”

New players do not being in keys of any significant kind. The op is doing mostly 16-17s so I assume that is the key groups he is talking about.

Could/should he help his mates in m0-5 yea probably but that doesn’t look like what they are asking for.

Figured the OP was being satirical and pointing out the silliness of RIO obsession, no?