Deathknights need a rework

Lmao what? I just posted 4 sites with direct data and statistics showing that both frost and unholy (especially unholy) are bottom of the barrel in DPS and that unholy is currently the WORST dps spec in the game. Please tell me you’re in denial without telling me and that copium is top of the line quality. It’s like your delusion has blinded you to the facts, the specs are boring to play, cooldown dependent, underplayed, LOW on dps charts, bad in pvp (frost in pvp is lmao).

I’ve posted you the links showing proof, you have people in this thread agreeing, what else do you want?

I agree completely or atleast bring back presences that change up our gameplay style. Deathknights are just too squishy in pvp, we were once walking tanks now we are walking glass plates. Mages have more durability than us and they should be the squishiest class in the game. They also said they would get rid of the cooldown dependency of the class but we have yet to see these changes, frost is still entirely too dependent on pillar and while unholy is better, it still is too dependent on pets and pet cds in order to do any sort of damage. That’s not the way DK’s were, they didn’t rely on cooldowns to do damage and that made the class much more fun and engaging.

How in the %&#@ can you take the name “Johngoodman” and NOT be a Kul Tiran?




Here is another thread from just THIS week that agrees on what I’m saying but also has more reasoning as to why it needs a rework. (Death Knights need to be redesigned!)

Lol I was actually going to make a Kul Tiran but I love the horde too much.

Death Knights are now the top class that need a complete rework.

Honorable mention past that would be Survival Hunter.

Where to even begin…

Breath and Chillstreak I would love to see go. The biggest issue around Frost for me is you lack the ability to feel like you are effective in single target. These talents are the main cuplrits that hinder Frost imo. Have also never been a fan of Pilar of Frost requiring ramp up time since this was changed back in BFA right? I would also prefer that Obliteration somehow be redesigned to function as an actual Obliterate spam for a few moments. At max 3 or 4 massive hits in a window. Not the biggest fan of the back and forth during this window that we currently have.

Too much GCD button bloat. I hate having to hit 4-5 abilities just to start dealing damage. Gone are the days of necrotic strike, desecrated ground and becoming a ghoul upon death. Many things that made the spec cool and flavorful. Not a fan of Festering Wounds either.

Also, Death and Decay feels bad.

Have not touched Blood in ages but I hear it is the best of the 3 specs.


Oh yeah I’d love tanking talents in the trees and if they baseline some stuff like death strike it would give us loads more options

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And you cant show any actual evidence other than your precious sites. Keep hiding behind that classic alt.

Im glad you found your favorite buzzword to abuse. “Copium” :joy:

Replace frost strike with dnd + oblit cleave. Yes.
Oblit has always been frosts main damage. As far back as at least cata. The only change was when they added breath runic dump build.

So like fury war, outlaw, bm, dh, afflic… i can go on.
There is usually always one big damage. Oblit just so happens to hit like a truck, especially when you can capitalize on dnd cleave.
Then the tier bonus of buffing dragon breath.
Using glacial to aoe debuff. Remorseless. Howling blast. Its more aoe moves then several classes.

Id argue otherwise. Especially if you run bursting spore/epidemic combo. Its an aoe super nuke. Unholy frenzy into festering aoe spread into defile into scourge/epidemic mashing. Youll see pretty high numbers. Then add ghoul empower and what not.

I think both specs are fine. Could they use some work? Yea, but the same could be said about most specs right now.

In Wrath DKs were originally designed for all three specs to be viable in both the Tank and DPS role, essentially meaning they really had six specs. This was too difficult for them to balance properly, so throughout Wrath they steadily moved each spec towards a more defined role, and then in Cata they firmly set Blood as Tank and Frost and Unholy as DPS.

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So presences with improved presences
While not in your presence you retain your base presence with 25% of your improved presence.

In addition you have a frost/unholy tank ability while in blood presence

Well you’re comparing retail where DKs are in line with other classes to their release expansion where they were busted beyond belief. Every spec was OP, they did way too much damage and had way too much survivability

So of course retail looks bad by comparison

shoulda seen mistweaver monks original incarnation

it was great, nothing since has come close to the fun of that class during MoP

come to think of it, a lot of stuff was just way more fun in MoP

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I honestly think every single class was better in MoP tbh. It was peak class design without question.


I’ve considered playing Classic just to feel what the old DK’s and Fury Warriors felt like. Those were good days, man.


MoP is king.

Gone are the days of Deep Freeze, Fel Flame, Dark Regeneration, Demon Warlocks and so much more.


Come on pressences are a thing of the past everyone ran the same for pvp and pve. Same with one skill per dot. Modern dks are amazing except frost dw that is being dragged down by breath lf syndragosa

see we need defensives blood pres helped but more was needed

gone are the days that a dps dk could pull a save the group so the healer can rez the tank

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The decision to NOT bring back presences with our new talent trees in Dragonflight was a missed opportunity.


as…asmongold ? no , that’s not true.

It was not a decision. I mean, no one ever asked for it.

No one that plays the game ever asked for it. Only trolls.

Frost has some good points to it right now but I wish Breath would just die off.

Blood is okay but feels slow and stagnant.

Unholy is my big issue. Pimple popping just feels bad. I’d rather us run on diseases and pets instead of stacking combo points on players/mobs.