This boss has a type of DnD that has hands, a different color and would be a great addition with a glyph to the current DnD…
…or that talent that adds 90% slowness (decaying over time) in DnD…changing the color to yellow with these hands would be fantastic.
The old DnD model for me was also more iconic - the change shouldn’t have been for the current version but just, at most, a greater clarity in this model.
And of course… a yellowish version would be much more interesting.
back when wrath was current and DKs were released, they were the 1st hero class, over time, they were slowly nerfed. Frost was originally the tank (or the preferred primary spec, since we could add points to all 3 specs) and all 3 specs had army of the dead.
not a rework or a remake; they just need the nerfs removed. They are supposed to be a hero class - DH are still a hero class - not so much on DKs
its not just DKs that have this problem. 99% perhaps even 100% of the specs in the game have this problem, that being that none of their abilities feel impactful. the sound design, animation reworks, and overemphasis on juggling damage increasing passives and buffs you don’t really FEEL has lead to the gameplay of modern wow feeling floaty and completely lacking the MEAT that WoW gameplay used to have. it’s a real shame, but the current developers simply don’t know how make the game feel as satisfying as it used to so it’s a lost cause. at least we have classic!
Functionally Blizzard HAS ALWAYS made the expansion that a new class is introduced…they make the new class OP to attract players to it so that folks will play it long term. Then over time they bring the class more in line, it’s the same playbook they use in OW and OW2 etc. etc. etc… There has to be a period of time where new classes will get picked up to be played long term and there has to be a carrot to get folks off of classes they (in some/most cases) have played for years to play a new/untested class. So DK’s were OP and of course they still are in LK.
Classes grow and change over time as does the game. DK’s could not stay on top forever or there would be no room for Monks or DH’s etc… And now they fit where they fit.
As far as balance, folks think when Blizzard talks about Balance that they mean equality…they don’t. They mean the class fits in where it fits and it is either where they feel it first whether it’s S tier or A tier or whatever but the classes are not now nor have they ever been equal and if you really think about it they can’t be. Now if the character is a B tier (probably needs a little love) or a C tier (DEFINITELY needs some love) then it’s a problem. Largely though the problems rely on the players ability to min/max and their willingness to improve and not necessarily with the class itself although that does happen, this can largely be seen with what classes populate high end PvE and PvP where the top players do actually provide feedback on the capability of the classes and not the average player saying “DK’s SUCK” etc…
I kinda just want the old Rune system back and have more synergies with diseases.
Also delete Festering Wounds from Unholy because I think this mechanic is kinda dumb and I don’t like trying to play into it, so much so I made a castsequence macro of “Festering Strike, Scourge Strike, Scourge Strike” so I could stop thinking about it.
Deathknights were actually more powerful than monks in MoP so that kind of defeats your argument. People keep saying “Well Deathknights were OP in wrath ofcourse they were more fun” but forget DKs had just about had the same class design in Caty and Mist and were just about the same levels of fun, I would say they were even more fun in Mist due to necrotic strike. 100x more fun than retail DKs that’s for sure.
I must admit I have lost some faith in Blizzard’s ability to design classes and specs. They also really seem to lack the ability to put their ideas on the back burner when players want something else and have often times better suggestions.
I’m worried Death Knight will not see a rework in Dragonflight because they happen to perform well.
But who cares. Death Knights are a very unique case because they perform well but no one actually wants to play them. Their design is unfun and have become hollow compared to how they once were.
I play many classes and specs.
Shadow Priest is possibly better? Still feels a bit clunky at times but perhaps the talent tree is better post rework.
I main Ret and have been absolutely vocal about the rework. Is it better? Sure. But what on Earth happened? I saw problems coming from a mile away.
I actually do not play Rogue but I am hearing they doubled down on button bloat which is exactly what did not need to happen.
Demon Hunter’s only win as far as I am concerned is finally losing Fodder. But what else is really exciting? Not looking forward to much. Kill Momentum for the love of God.
Death Knights need their main talent tree seriously polished.
Then kill Breath for Frost and kill Wounds for Unholy.
Agreed. I’m like you in a way regarding alts, I’m an altoholic because I think compare and contrast between specs and classes is something I find important and something I’ve always done ever since first playing FFXI back in 04.
As of now out of all the classes I have to 70 (the only ones I’m missing are mage and evoker they are both 60) DK is by FAR the most unfun to play especially in comparison to how they used to play.
Like I said before UH went from diseases doing multiple different things with unique effects to a pimple popper with diseases that do nothing more than tickle the opponent. Summoning a variety of undead ( I thought summoning the abomination was actually a unique fun ability) is fun, but when your entire spec evolves around them and you do 0 damage without them being out while being made with armor out of glass it defeats the entire purpose. And frost… frost is just a joke currently.
I’ve been playing a DK since Cataclysm and I tend to agree. It’s getting harder to play. I used to love Frost back in the day, but now I either have the choice between Breath, which is almost universally hated (which is crazy for a “BiS” talent) and Obliteration, which has as many CD’s as regular rotation buttons. Doesn’t feel good.
I have no problem with each spec having its own spells. As Frost I don’t really want to have to use death/decay/blood themed spells that often, but at least give me some better options.