Dead Guilds: What to do?

I took guild master, kicked a bunch if inactives, and use it as my own personal guild now. Though the GM before me is my ex-bf and he only logs into WoW if I tell him to come tank for me, so not often.

What are you really worried about “cleaning out” from an ancient guild bank?

9 months does seem too soon to me. There’s no telling what would even be an appropriate time to determine inactivity has gone on long enough to warrant the ransacking of the guild vault.

I think it depends on how much is even in there and how valuable it is.

The guild bank is owned by the guild.

If the guild bank has been abandoned, its left to whoever is active. Its not theft.

The difference is no one is suggesting its ok for someone outside of your household to enter your house and take those items.

The issue is not the same.

The guild leader does not own the items in the guild bank. They are for the guild’s use.

This is categorically untrue. Unless one has the Guildmaster rank, they are just a member, even if they’re an officer.

Neither did I. I only said someone, which could just as easily be one of my kids.

Take what you contributed, don’t be “that guy” that emptied the vault.

If you want more control of a guild bank, make your own.

But you maintain the house yes?

This is like you left the house alone for decades. It is actually legal to take possession IRL after that much time for a reason.

There is even more reason in game, people that haven’t logged in for years are effectively “dead” as far as the game goes. It is more along the lines of your heirs taking and distributing your house and things after you’ve died.

Put in a ticket to get guild ownership and clear out the guild bank. Would be one thing if it was a month or two, but when its been years; with an s as in multiple years, its safe to say thats not a break; they aren’t coming back.

Sigh, yes. And if I did leave the entire thing alone for years and disappear, it would still be owned by someone. In this case a bank, or seized by the government. See? The same principle still exists.

And if the person in question is withdrawing the items within the limits placed on him by the guild leader, etc…

Then he is using the guild bank as designed. If the guild leader/officers didn’t want him to do that, they would have used their powers to ensure he cant.

But since they did not, its fair game.

The parent->kid dynamic is completely different than what is being referred to.

If you left the house completely, and your grown kids had not heard from you for years. No word, no response, never being in the picture.

Then yeah. I would be ok with that in that scenario as well.

Then fine, but I get the feeling that’s not what they meant as they wouldn’t even be asking about it here.

But it can only be what is meant.

Because you cant get around those limits otherwise.

If the limits say you can only withdraw X, you cant suddenly change it.

Exactly my point. They were asking about ownership, which could only mean there were tabs/items they did -not- have rights too. Now, with respect, I have other things to do than debate your opinion.

Well, then. There are rules in place for that. If the OP is within the rules, then I have no issue.

There is a system in place to take GM claim of a guild with inactive members but it only works if you were of an appropriate rank and had no one active above you.

If you don’t have access, you don’t have access, simple as that.

I would say exceptions to the rule should apply, especially if OP is being truthful and anyone would could actually use this has been gone as long as they claim. Once its been years that any sort of leadership (Guild Lead or Officer) has been gone; then it should go to whoever puts in a ticket

Xpac is coming up, folks might still come back.

I’d just leave it be and when 1st patch hits after release and nobody came back hit up a GM and ask if you can have the bank.

If that is the case you should have been given the choice to dethrone the original GM and take the guild. Unless they set the ranks up so that you are far enough down that it doesn’t give you that option.

I have actively been given the option to take control of guilds before. Even as the lowest a low ranking member. However they were guilds that didn’t have stretches of inactivity as long as yours.

In those cases I have:

  • Noted the original GM.
  • Set the Guild Message of the day to note that I have taken the guild.
  • Left my main’s contact info in my char info.

Because I have assumed that the GM “might” want it back. Which I would be happy to do.

Most, when returning, have thanked me. Especially after I have talked to them about how the Auto Dethrone works. Though one guy gkicked me right away after I handed his guild back. :slight_smile: His guild, his choice.

Blizzard links:

[1] - See the response/reply from @mirasol down thread.

Edit to : Make a correction to bring my explanation into line with the current system now.

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If the permissions are set up that you can take things, then you can take things. Unless there was some kind of understanding in the guild your conscience should be clear.

they basically just looking for people to agree with something that deep down they know is wrong.