Dead Guilds: What to do?

Deferring to a colloquial phrase doesn’t actually constitute a point. I mean if you find those skinning mats from two expansions earlier to be a “treasure”, that’s you, but I don’t think this is by any means going to become some widespread problem across the playerbase.

Think the most simple and effective solution here is to find a new guild

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Doesn’t it automatically roll over guild leader (and thus bank owner) after a certain, very long, period of inactivity?

OK enjoy your weekend

Stick around because you like the name.

Right now the way it works, according to Blizzard, is that if the Guild Leader is away for 3 months or more, then they can be dethroned by someone rank 2. If rank 2 members are also away 3 months, then rank 3, and so on until rank 4. Seems any members who are not rank 4 or greater have no say, which is the part I think should change.

“You can claim the leadership of your guild if your Guild Master has been offline for 90 consecutive days, and you are ranked second, third, or fourth in your guild roster.”

No, I don’t think this needs to change. People take long breaks at times from Wow, and should be allowed to without fear of losing their guild.

I have no horse in this race and I have my own personal guilds just for my alts.


I happened to read that deleted post.

Man, yikes.

I certainly agree, to a point. I don’t run a full guild but if I did and wanted to take a long break, I’d communicate to my officers about it and would certainly want my leadership rank to remain in place.
However… if I fell victim to an unfortunate accident and passed away, or lost use of my limbs… something horrific… or just stopped playing altogether… There’s a point where the guild should eventually be able to move on without me. That “moving on” should go all the way down the ranks and not be limited to the top 4, as seen in this case the top 4 are also MIA.

It’s not an AITA thread it’s a PIATA thread.

Awwww. No fair.

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Actually they re-posted it. I guess they’re intent on unnecessarily going down this rabbit hole :joy:

I’m fairly confident this person has created this exact same thread multiple times at this point.

No this is the first time. I deleted and reposted because the first time I mistakenly didn’t make it as a reply to someone else.
If you find this unnecessary you’re certainly welcome to move on and not bother replying anymore. But if you have something useful to add to the discussion that would be welcome.

I already have :smiley:


Your topic’s already been addressed to the extent it can be.

Players are looking at their old characters, that’s all.

You quit the guild and move on with your life. 2 second problem solved. amazing i know.


King Tut’s dead guild had plenty of loot.

I think there should be some way to let any active person take over an old guild after a long amount of time.

I have a good example of why lol. I think I do anyways.

I have one character that through some patience and effort was eventually able to get an invite to a very old guild that has been rather inactive for a while.

This guild was very special to me and I dunno what set me out to get invited, maybe I was just feeling sentimental lol BUT I actually helped make that guild. It was back in wrath and me and two friends who met in a guild ran by a crazy lady and her husband. The was a ton of drama so we left together and we decided to make a new one.

Anyways, I got invited back into my old guild and it was exactly how I remember it. The same tabard, same tabs. Basically all my old friends characters were still in there but inactive for years. I was so happy to see it still there for whatever reason.

The person who invited me logged on and off for a couple days and eventually didn’t come back. It was dead. Six months went by and I couldn’t do anything, not even invite people into it or see what was in the guild bank.

I feel like if nobody came back on for a whole year then it would be a long enough time to really pass the gm to somebody who was. Obviously if you’re staying in a guild so long without any officers or guild master or even a couple ranks down from that, then it means something to you.

I think that is a fair amount of time.

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As someone who owned a guild back in MoP through WoD and took a 3 year hiatus from the game, I think it’s a jerk move considering my own experience. When I came back there were still a few guildmates (About 8 or 12 out of 136) active in the guild, including 1 of them I had made leader when I left the game. The rest hadn’t been seen for months or years.

I was surprised to find all of our things still in the vault and a bunch of new stuff as well. When I asked in the guild chat they told me that while they didn’t really say anything to one anther or spoke in the chat anymore they had still been just using the vault and sharing between each other.

When a couple of them remembered that I was the original guild leader, they gave back the role but after much discussion and clarification I chose it wasn’t worth reviving and gave it back. I took very few things from the vault that more or less kind of belonged to me with respect to them still using it, and that was pretty much it.

Now if absolutely none of them had been active for a very long time I’d probably take my chances but I’d still be choosey and leave some stuff behind.

That’s totally fair and understandable. In that scenario, some were still active and using it. In my situation, zero members are active, and besides myself the most recent activity was the GM 9 months ago, another officer 10 months, and all the rest have been multiple years inactive. I’d venture to guess you feel 9 months is too soon to justify losing leadership?


Leave if you want an active guild.

I don’t understand. If everything is inaccessible then there is no moral or immoral options.
