Dead Guilds: What to do?

Alright, so with Warbands benefits now a thing, you log into an old toon, find that it’s still in a guild. Check guild roster… no one has been online in 9 months…10 months… in most cases it’s been years. The longest inactive are all officers or guild leader, and the vault full of lovely things (that will otherwise go to waste) is inaccessible. What can you do? What SHOULD you do? What is morally acceptable here?
I’ll be direct: yeah, I want to clean out the vault of a dead guild I’m in. None of the members have been active as described above. There’s no guild chat, no logs, no activity of any kind. Doesn’t seem immoral to me.
What do ya’ll think? Should Blizzard adjust the circumstances under which a player can take control of a guild?
The current circumstances are that the player desiring control must hold rank 2, 3, or 4, and that the guild leader and higher ranks all been inactive for over 3 months, which means anyone rank 5 or below are seemingly SOL. I think it’s reasonable for this to change.


As a Catholic I say don’t touch it. Unless Blizzard changes the rules and you get control of the guild, someone else still own it. Doing what you’re thinking of doing is still theft, even if it’s virtual property. Just my two cents.


I would agree with you if the guild was either active, or at least recently active. In this scenario, personally I consider this abandoned.

they should imho if they have not been on in a year you should have the power to take over

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I understand the delimna. But I have things in my house I haven’t touched in decades, mostly for sentimental reasons. But, they’re still mine. You may wish to ask in the support forum?


If you’re in a dead guild, join an active one



Fair. Real life is a bit different. Let’s say you decide to totally leave the country you live in, and you don’t pack up before going. There comes a point where I feel it’d be reasonable to suggest your home and its contents should become claimable if the home has remained unoccupied and unvisited for a period of time.

The issue is the same. In the scenario you cited, you’d have to appeal to a higher authority to gain access. That’s my point. Here, Blizzard would be that authority. Honestly, nobody in this forum, including me, can offer you much help.

Certainly. It wasn’t that I’m seeking help here, but opening discussion (hence the forum General Discussion). With Warbands, this is undoubtedly going to become more and more of a topic to put consideration into. Yes, Blizzard are that higher authority, but as Blizzard’s customers we can provide important feedback to them on how we would like things such as this to be handled. It’s not out of the ordinary for these discussions to catch Blizzard’s eye and in some cases lead to change.

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Sorry, what impact do warbands have on the transfer of leadership in a dead guild?


Good luck!

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another type of personal storage

Because with the Warband bank, players can more easily transfer materials from lesser-used characters to those used more frequently.

so, create a new guild?


and have to get 10 signatures
what op is asking for is the ownership of this dead guild

I think you’re completely missing the point of the post. I’ll copy/paste the highlight:

I’ll be direct: yeah, I want to clean out the vault of a dead guild I’m in. None of the members have been active as described above. There’s no guild chat, no logs, no activity of any kind. Doesn’t seem immoral to me.

It’s not about the guild, it’s about the contents of the guild vault that have been abandoned.

Takes three minutes to get ten signatures, no? Surely that’s much easier than trying to uproot leadership in an abandoned guild

I don’t think it’s about taking leadership and keeping the guild. It’s just about looting the coffers before gquitting.

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What contents in an abandoned guild are worth anything?

Wouldn’t it all just be now-outdated professional reagents and other random miscellaneous items?

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One person’s trash is another’s treasure