Dead Guilds: What to do?

I have inherited a dead Guild before without even realizing it, I logged onto a character I haven’t touched since TBC and they just happened to have become Guild Master by the fact that there were no other players left, mostly deleted characters or names that were freed up and forced to name change without ever being changed.

To take over ownership, there is a system in place which respects the right of succession based upon given ranks in the event of inactive leadership. Blizzard won’t just pass ownership via ticket because systems already exist.

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I really don’t think Blizzard is going to grant you access to a higher guild rank so that you can take everything from the Guild bank.

The policy in place exists strictly to PREVENT that. A guild leader can set up the guild so that only people they put in the proper ranks can dethrone. They may come back in 10 years, or maybe never. It is up to them to do what they want with their own guild.

Blizzard will not get involved in that, esp not to give someone control so they can loot the guild bank.


Do thery not do that thing where the next active officer is offered leadership? Or did that cause too much of an issue.

I hav 5 guids. and all of them where dead and the game just asked, hey, you want to be leader?

Depends on how the GM set the ranks up. Sounds like you were within the rank range to have the dethrone option shown to your char.

See the next post after this one. :slight_smile:

That was part of the initial attempt at an automated dethrone system. It was set up to start dethrone after 30 days inactivity, and it offered it to everyone in the guild, all the way down.

LOTS of people were upset about that and lost guilds and items because of it. Esp smaller family and friends guilds or social guilds.

The current system starts dethrone after 90 days inactivity and only goes down to rank 4. Anyone the GM puts below that rank will never get the option.

You might be remembering that middle system that they no longer have.


Yes. Thank you. I was not clear in my original message and haven’t bothered to fix it.

that may be it. I was a raid leader in 4 of them. One I just logged in and everyone was gone. :stuck_out_tongue:

On the flip side to this coin, during WOTLK my guid transferred from one server to another smaller pop server and one of our officers started a new guild for all of us to join. we transferred all of our mats and gold to the new guild and raided tier 7. This officer had stopped playing about a week into the expansion. He came back right before Ulduar and I guess some drama happened, probably about a raid spot. He ended up kicking every single one of us out of the guild and stealing everything the guild owned.

We had to start a fresh guild from 0 after that.

Examples like my story is probably why they wanted to implement a dethrone feature.

GUIDs you say? There is a program for that:

I have done installer development and have generated lots of GUIDs…

Sorry. Couldn’t resist.

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And what makes you think you have the right to those items? You have clearly stated your rank 5 or below which I am guessing you didn’t play a part in getting said items or in a officer position. Thats like saying oh bob’s account been inactive for 10 years but I once grouped with em so I should be able to clean out their account.

I’m glad you asked that. This isn’t a situation where I’m stomping in saying “I should have that, it’s my right.” Not at all. It’s more that the contents have been abandoned, and if no one wants it, I’d like to take it. So the question must be asked: how do I know no one wants it? Well, I don’t. They’re not around to ask, no idea if they’ll ever BE around to ask. So that’s the whole point of the discussion: at what point is it reasonable to determine that it’s no longer worth waiting to see if anyone else wants, and then pass on to whatever member is asking to claim it?

I’ll tell you what not to do,

Don’t leave them out in the sun, especially in the barrens.
Don’t put any money into the GB it’s bugged.
No matter what you do, do not! feed it after midnight.

Nope. Go be a vulture somewhere else.

If it is about the contents of the guild bank, it remains in posession of the guild. Those with the rights to take them can do as they wish. If no one is around to take them, they remain in posession of the guild, either to depreciate in value eternally or until someone with the rights to take them arrives.

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The guild bank is owned by whoever has access.

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Yeah, that’s the current situation. I’d like to see that changed, but was curious what other community members would say about it. So far others have either agreed, disagreed, completely misunderstood the post, or resorted to name-calling. Curious to see more replies.

I had an alt parked in my first ever guild in warcraft. Noone had logged on to the guild except me for 5 or so years. The guild bank was full - but mostly junk though there were some rare battle pets that might have sold. I just thought it’s not mine and I didn’t need the gold.

A month or so ago two people logged on from that guild - they had heard dragonflight was ok and thought they’d try tww. Wonders never cease.

My attitude is if you were a major contributor to the guild and a lot of stuff in the bank is due to you, then you should have access to some of it. On the other hand, if it is just there and it is a fluke you are in the guild and didn’t contribute much then just gquit and move on.

Good reply, understandable. Thanks!

Ppbbttt :grin:

My fingers move to fast and this keyboard is old


Been a minute Miss C, really just wanted to say hey, it’s always great to see you, passionate as ever, keeping us scrubs in line. It is appreciated dear.

Hoping you are well and that you’re enjoying S5 over yonder, I am so far.


@OP, sorry for hijacking.

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